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Share your quitting journey

More "stuff" - still smiling :)

0 19 77

OK can we get a break here?  My Uncle passed away yesterday... long story... but I am the one who will be "taking care of biz" for him. It's so sad. Also, we had one of our cats put down today. This kitty was my brother's and we adopted her when he passed away in 2009. I won't get into the long depressing details... 

SMOKING WILL NOT HELP. I have absolutely no desire to smoke because of all the trials we've been through lately. I stand on the threshold of my one-year anniversary and offer to all of you who have just begun your journey......

PLEASE KEEP GOING FORWARD!! It's so worth it. No EXcuses... sorry but that's what they ultimately are. If you stay the course.. you will see this and repeat it to others!!!  

ORLANDO here I come!

19 Comentarios

I am sorry for your loss... Your doing so good and I love the positive attitude. Your right Smoking will NOT help... been there before and all it did was start it all back over.



You have a major celebration coming next week and you deserve to make that trip to Orlando and celebrate in style with other EX family!

I'm sorry to here about your uncle as well as your kitty. But, you're right smoking will not change anything.

Take care!! I know you're looking forward to some warmer temperatures!


hi michwoman!  sorry about the sad news.  happy that you are still going ahead smoke free.  bless you and congratulations when hitting your one-year anniversary..


I am sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle and cat. Losing people and pets we care about is never easy. Smoking definitely will not help. I love your positivity!! I've been struggling all day and your post is just what I needed to hear. I started down the old excuse path today and your words hit home at what I was doing. You are an inspiration to me.

Congratulations on your keeping your quit! You have a lot to be proud of!


What a great attitude....I admire your courage as it has been a difficult time for you.......

From one Michwoman to the next so sorry for what you are going through. Stay strong and smoke free. You are wonderful and I appreciate you being on this site and giving me encouragement.

I am sorry for you loss! Hang in there and thank you for being a amazing inspiration!!


Sorry Laura.   Losses are hard.   You, though, are focused!    Plan to celebrate with you!


Sorry about the loss of your uncle and your cat, and you have a great attitude, i am taking care of my mom's estate now and it is soooo stressful worst thing i have ever done, and i too will not smoke what will it do but make it more stressful. great that you can go to Orlando


Oh, Laura, I'm so sorry you are going through all this!   I'm sure things will get better for you soon.  My goodness, what else could possibly happen?  No, don't even go there, girl!

You are such a special lady with an amazing spirit.  I can't believe it's almost been a year for you!  Congratulations!  I feel like I just "met" you!  

We really DO need to meet for real in Frankenmuth SOON.  Who else is here in Michigan?  I know Louise is here, but I don't know what city.  And I also know there are a couple of others whose names I can't recall right now.  

Heck, we should have our own mini-get-together in Frankenmuth for the famous chicken dinner.  My mouth waters when I just think about Zehnders!!  Do you have any days off before Orlando?

xxxooo,  Sky


I'm so sorry - this last 12 months has been very unkind to you.  My thoughts are with your family.


Oh no Laura - I'm so sorry. I remember when you were talking about caring for your uncle. I am also sorry about your cat. 

Your bottom line statement - that smoking will not help - is so, so true! 

Please take care during this difficult time! 

See you soon! 


I will save a place for you at the table of the next meeting of the 6% Club and will be just SO happy to welcome you!



Laura I'm so sorry.  

Your attitude is amazing.  I hope you are taking very good care of "you".

God bless you.


So sorry Laura,  ((((((((Huggs to you and your family)))))))))))



I knew there  was a reason that I felt the urge to log back in tonight.  The past few weeks have dealt you one hurt and stress after another. I'm so sorry you had to have the kitty put down. It probably felt your were hit with a double loss with the kitty ontop of the loss of your uncle. I'm so glad you are going to Orlando. If anyone needs a break right now, it's you 


Sorry for your loss!  Thoughts and prayers sent your way.  Glad to hear that you are so positive as this will prevail!  Remember you're doing awesome!  Congrats on such a good job this year!  Glad to hear you are going to Orlando, enjoy yourself, you deserve it!    


My prayers are with you, so, so many losses. Thank you for sharing them. You are truly an inspiration.


When it rains, it pours. So sorry to hear of your losses again. I hope that you can enjoy your time away soon maybe on 2 occasions. You deserve it!