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Share your quitting journey

Monitor Your Inner Dialogue

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   We need to recognize that what we think about, expands.  If you keep looking for something hard enough, you will surely find it.  If you persist in thinking that not smoking is very difficult, you will find quiting more uncomfortable than it can be.  Your mind will talk you into seeing the worse side of this process.  So be sure to monitor your inner dialogue.  Understand that your thoughts can lie to you, particularly when you try to change a habit that you have become so comfortable with.  You get to choose whether to acknowledge those lies and find excuses...or not.  So, try to match your thoughts to what you want and what you intend to create -- which is a healthier, smoke free you. 

I like what you say about not making it harder than it is.  It's very hard only at certain vulnerable moments.  Thanks.


Galaxian...Yes, staying smoke free can be challenging at times...or as you stated "only at certain vulnerable moments."  I think that when those moments happen that we have to recognize them for what they are...just moments and those moments will change and pass to be replaced with not so vulnerable moments.


well said

we control it

It does not control us


For some, it appears, quitting is more difficult than for others. Each quit is different. Regardless, focusing on the positive vs. "seeing the worse side of the process" definitely helps. No matter what is happening, this, too, shall pass!


You are so right! I trained my mind to think about quitting for months ahead, especially after realizing the amount of money I am saving. I kept telling myself to quit, and think about ways to quit, until one day, I got the courage and motivation to stop smoking and never to by a pack of cigarettes again. There's a lot of will power in those heads! lol.


Leeza - You are so right!!


Leeza, good blog and thanks for the reminder!