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Shawn said;" Never stop believing in hope,because miracles happen every day."                                                                       The miracle that happened was my using the tools learned on EX and the good friends I have made  here to help me through addiction.                                                                                                                                               Where have I been for a year without a blog?                                                                                                                I have been down the rabbit hole of child neglect ,divorce, and alcoholism..                                                          NOT MINE, but my youngest son and grandson. This year we have had a car wreck,several hospitaliations,life flight,drunk driving,court,rehab ,AA ,Al-Anon. I have learned you're never too old to learn. It has been one year ago.                                                                                                                                                                 Today my son is clean, driving again, and has a job. My grandson is safe,growing, talking a mile a minute, and had his third birthday last week.  ( Potty training is just another mountain to climb!) My only words of advice are: NEVER give up. Reach out for help.  One drink or one cigarette can start the cycle of addiction.  I have never left the EX site. I have just been quiet. PEACE EVERYONE


Awesome blog.  Thank you for speaking.  It is great to hear about your commitment not to smoke no matter what is going on in your life. Your strength is an example of what it takes to stay smoke free. Congratualtions on your quit. 


Wow! when it rains, it pours. Story of my life ALL the time! But, we do get through it and it does make us stronger in the end. During those troubling times, we don't always realise it but it is the truth. I am sorry that you had to go through so much! I am sure it broke your heart at that time. Good did come from it and your son is clean again. Your grandson is safe and getting big already!!! Thank you for updating us ,BeeJay!!! N.O.P.E!!


Great blog my friend. You are a perfect example that we are capable of getting through very tough challenges life throws at us---without the need to smoke.

No EXcuses.

Love you!


Wow you got a lot going on over there but you got through it all. I’m glad to see you are still around this place. I hope you have a nice evening. 


I am so happyn to hear you have surivived all that life has thrown at you. that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel - and aren't adding to the illumination with a cigarette!

Good for you!!!!



Nice to meet you Bee Jay! I am glad you came through all your trials with out smoking. I am sure it has made you stronger today!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


There are so many stories out there. I agree. One cigarette can lead to addiction. After nearly eight days, I had one and am again hooked. I have very little support, so that makes it harder. Starting at nine tonight, I will try to make that promise to never give up.


(((((((((((Bee Jay))))))))))

I'm glad the tools you've gathered have gotten you through and the words of support and strength offered have kept you in smoke-free waters.  One puff will bring us back to another lifetime of smoking, every time.  I'm so glad you've never left, quiet though you be.  When you're here, you're loud and clear!  Be less of a stranger.  You have wisdom to share Bee Jay.




Happy you are free.


So glad to see you.....even "gladder" that things are better.

May you continue to be blessed and the pottly training goes well.



Welcome Home


So wonderful to hear from you and thank you for showing that people can get through things without smoking or drinking or whatever your drug of choice is.  I really admire you for standing up and holding your own through all that has happened.  Congratulations on keeping your quit and growing even stronger in the meantime. Glad your son is clean and your grandson is thriving!  Congratulations!


Oh Bee Jay - it is always wonderful to see you! I am so sorry to hear about the year gone by.....but, hopefully it is that - gone! I hope that things continue to look up! We have missed you! 


I'm so happy to see you. So sorry that life has thrown you these curves.....but, so glad you have survived and learned through them. As we all know it is not what happens to us in life but how we react to what happens to us that is important.

I missed you....don't stay away so long.

Stay Strong.