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Share your quitting journey

Miss Piggy

0 14 30

Oh my god, I wanted to cig today and all I wanted to do was eat! I ate so many carbs I feel like the state puff marshmellow man. (sigh) How do I cleanse this? Nothing but water and fruit or something like that?

I just feel frusterated with myself. I gained ten pounds the first month then lost five. I'm worried cause I'm right near the max of my BMI and I don't want to mindlessly replace cigs with food. Anyone else this problem too?


Yes we all gained weight, so we will live long enough to lose weight! We  have ways to help one another lose weight once we get past the hard part of staying quit. W e also support one another to lose the extra weight. 


As of this morning, I am up 24 pounds over my quit weight. That is down about 3 pounds from my max weight. I will slowly get it back off till I'm at a good weight for my body. I am more concerned with keeping fluids from building in my tissues.


Oh pic is of me 15 pounds ago. That's my goal lose 15 pounds. 10 more to go!


I just cut my carbs doing fruits veg and meat trying not to eat too much bread and junk food it sucks I don't know what else to try I gained to much too your not alone 

I having trouble to so trying healthy stuff but too much of that too can cause weight gain. BUT, Moody and others have supported me and made me feel better.:-))) Xoxo

I will offer this advice:  It is better to gain a little weight that you CAN do something about, than have to carry the weight of an oxygen tank around that you CAN'T do anything about.

Your #1 priority right now is your quit!  If you can, substitute an activity (walking up and down the steps a couple of times, or marching in place for three minutes, or doing a few jumping jacks) when you feel the urge to snack.  I also found frozen grapes to be a great sub for richer stuff.

We ALL gained weight, I think, but over time, I think most of us will get it back off.  And, if not, at least we have saved money from not buying cigarettes to buy a new wardrobe!!!



Maybe I won't be so quick to eat when the weather is nicer and I can get outside...without having to put on six layers just to take my dog out LOL


I can understand your frustration and your right you don't want to just eat when you get a an uneasy feeling. Set up a schedule and plan out what you can eat. I ate what I knew I was suppost too (3 meals, 2 snackes) and that kept the weight off. Drink lots of water (at least eight glasses of water). I never snacked on anything that was high carb or surgar; only protein (broth, etc). If I had a craving for something to eat and it wasn't time to eat--I got busy (walked or exercised). If you want to get rid of what you have eaten today just keep it to protein and salade for a couple of days. You are probably just putting on water weight.



We all gained weight and felt a little bloated in the beginning. Your whole system is going through a is a HUGE change so don't minimize it. However, when things even out after a few weeks it is easy to lose the weight. I weigh the same as I did before quitting and I am much healthier and feel great. But its a process. If you are early in your quit....pamper yourself a little. Try to eat low cal or no cal things like celery, carrots. etc. If you try to walk every day for about 30 minutes you will keep off the weight you may be putting on with some extra eating.

Quitting is worth it


Stay Strong.


I gained weight too and still trying to lose but I prefer some extra pounds and be healthy than being skiny and sick. Just try to snack healthy. 


Yup, I gained, too, and I hoped that what I'd heard was true, that the weight comes off pretty easily after about a year. I'm a few days from the 18 month mark, and I didn't find that to be the case. However, I am working hard now on it, and seeing results. It's frustrating, but not surprising, and really, so worth it.


I too have gained.. around 20 lbs. Two weeks ago i figured.. I only live 4 miles from where i work, so why not ride a bike to work. The first day, i jumped on the bike and made the trip.. it was hard.. Right now you are thinking this is a great success story. Unfortunatly, that same day as i pulled up to my office, the tire came out from under my fat ass and i dropped hard (LOL), sprained my foot and I am still recovering. I am now at the point where I am getting much better, and walking again, i will be purchasing a better bike so i can start all over.


im on day 88 and still walk in the kitchen feeling out of sorts and wonder why i walked in there, so i grab a snack. Im trying to replace that with a glass of cold water now, but its a challeng every day.


cspelliott: I'm glad you're feeling better. That was a great (funny) story. Too bad you got hurt though. I'm sorry about that. But I still laughed, sorry LOL

Wait, you can RIDE a bike to work? I can't walk outside right now without having to put on tons of layers. Where the heck do you live where you can ride a bike!? LOL just wonderin : D


I live in Arizona.. I think todays high is 78 and our low.. 59.. which is freezing.. 😉