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Mind Games

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It rained today. A rainy day is a great day for sitting under the carport drinking  coffee and smoking.  Well, that's what my mind remembered as soon as I heard the rain.  I was so excited! You see, my housework was complete, I knew what I was going to cook for supper when my husband got home, and it was RAINING!  Ya-hoo, my mind said. I can go sit with coffee and cigarettes, hurry, go make coffee!  Of course this all happened in a sheer instant.  And just as quickly as I was so excited, I was completely deflated, lost, sad and but once again damn mad! I'm not doing so well in this battle with nicotene!  Blah, blech, crap!  I'm so disgusted with everything.  Short tempered with my wonderful, patient and kind husband.  Frustrated with the world and sick if my " cry baby tit tit" attitude.(As my nephew calls it)!  Nine days until my life altering surgery, and eight weeks more after that, and then I can smoke!  This is the sickness that runs thru my mind daily.  I can certainly justify smoking.  You see, I know someone who died of throat cancer and never smoked a cigarette in her life!  I also know two other women who had to have both breasts removed due to cancer and they never smoked!  I know someone who is fixing to lose the battle with cancer and he was a fitness guru, having never smoked. So there now, doesn't that give me justification, I could die of cancer even if I never smoked at all!  I know, I know, sick thinking, right?  Well, I'm sick alright, because that's all I can think of!  Today, yesterday and the day before, I just want to smoke!  I'm weak, I'm sick and I'm scared!  I'm scared more than anything that as soon as I'm released from the Dr.  that I'm going to go right back to it.  I'm scared, because the wheezing that had begun at night scared me!  I'm scared, because the money that I had racked up on my credit card for cigarettes will soon be paid off!  I'm scared, because I don't want to die of suffocation!  I'm scared....... because I AM WEAK! 


Okay Mary, let me start off by letting you know that this beating yourself up, and saying you are weak....well that simply ain't going to fly with me....STOP with the negativity!  You are a special human being with wonderful aspirations to be healthy and survive without being a victim of cancer....that is reason enough to celebrate your decision and be "proud  of who you ARE!"

As for the being angry that you aren't under the carport smoking in the rain....well another viewpoint would be to be in awe of how much extra time you are now going to have inside, or out....doing things that you enjoy doing.  Being productive.  Cooking inside and simply being a healthier individual as a direct result of the decision to NOT smoke anymore.  We need to learn that we are NOT sacrificing anything of value by not smoking...Instead, we are gaining so much more of a better and healthier lifestyle.  Concentrate on the positive side of this ledger....and stay away from thinking about how it used to be know as well as any of NEVER was that good.  That is the nicotine addict in you that is telling you that "lie."  Don't buy into it.  You are doing great, just hold on, the urges will soon dissipate to nothing more than a distant memory.

I invite you to read a little something that I put together last month that seems to help others....try taking a short read of  I hope that you can feel free to express emotions and call out for HELP anytime you feel the need.  Feel free to shoot me a direct message across the bow, I will respond as soon as I read it...(I'm usually monitoring this site quite often.

xoxoxo Pops with 400 DOF!


Here are a couple of pins that I like to keep close by for those not so strong moments....

Pops w/400 DOF!


Pops‌ I am so proud of absolutely are helping and saying EXACTLY what needs to be said.  PLEASE listen Maryangela .  I had some life altering surgery in November of 2015 when they removed both of my upper lobes of my lungs.  Yes, we could ALL die of cancer or something else, we just improve our chances of living a healthy life by not smoking.  It isn't worth it...the best they could offer me is improved quality of life for 3-5 years and THEN...I would be a candidate for a lung transplant, isn't THAT something to look forward to?  You CAN do will get easier.  Read the blog Pops referred you to and remember that your addiction is going to keep talking as long as you keep listening.  It's called "Stinkin' thinkin."  


I am not sure I can add much to what has already been said, except to offer you one of my favorite Bob Newhart skits that tells you how not to keep that stinkin' thinkin' going 'round and 'round in your head:


Pops, this is an AWESOME reply....nothing I could add to this. It's perfection!


Love it!


Gotta say I love that one, Nancy!

Although I'm afraid that if you show that to my family, they're gonna say that it's me.


About the Author
I am a 46 y/o self employed hairdresser. I am a mother to one beautiful 15 y/o daughter, and I have the BEST husband in the world, we were married in 2016. I have two chihuahuas who are a very important part of our family. In my free time I love to cut out and paint wooden yard decor, and as a family we love to camp in our fifth wheel camper trailer. In 2015 I relapsed after 11 years of not smoking, I'm really hoping to put this to rest for life. Not smoking is proving to be quite the challenge for me! I'm most thankful for this community of caring, encouraging and helpful people. I hope I can one day be a help to others.