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Share your quitting journey

Me & My Big Ideas

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  I’m writing this with No Man’s Land travelers in mind, but it’s here for anyone who is currently receiving love letters from Nicodemon. And it’s my way of recording and sharing my experience in the venerable NML. (Believe it or not, I edited it down to make it shorter. Ha!)
  Early in my quit, Nicodemon’s demands to smoke came in brutish grunts: “Smoke! Yes!” So, my responses only needed to be as equally blunt: “No! We not do that.”
  Then, somewhere between Day 30 and Day 42, Nic started to get…sophisticated.
  The first attempt at bargaining was asking for “just one cigarette” to “get over the hump“. The other 19 could be crushed up and tossed. Easy! And it sounded like a really good deal…until I reminded myself that, in nearly 28 years of smoking, “just one” was   never enough. It was   always 20 at a time. A whole pack. It’s foolish to think it could ever be “just one” now.
   Our past smoking habits, I believe, tell us how our relapses will play out. 
  Then, as Day 60 approached, Nic tapped me on the shoulder and said, “You know, if you just bum a cigarette, you would avoid having a whole pack of temptation in your hand. Bumming a smoke is a surefire way to only have ‘just one‘”.  Well, that made sense…until I reminded myself that smoking “just one” today would spark a hot desire to bum one again the next day. And the next. Until I bought a whole pack for myself in order to stop begging for a smoke on the street.
   The Law of Addiction says any nicotine will create hunger for more nicotine.
  Just before Day 100, Nicodemon tested out another twisted tactic: Smoking to celebrate milestones. “100 days! The Triple Digit Club! Phenomenal! You should march right through the doors, take the seat of honor in the club’s lounge, raise a glass of bubbly champagne, and chain smoke a pack of menthols!” And, yeah, 100 days really is an occasion to celebrate…until that quit clock screams louder than a train whistle as it resets to ZERO, and the golden doors of The TDC open to vomit me back out onto the sidewalk while everyone here who helped me and supported me watches me hit the dirt. No, thank you!
   Celebrating quitting by using the drug we are so eager to quit is…illogical. On an emotional level, support groups work - this support group works! - if you participate and open yourself to it.
  On Day 130, that incredible day when I stood at the gate at the end of No Man’s Land, Nicodemon was there with yet another convoluted concoction. He said, “You can become an ‘NML smoker’! Here’s how it’ll work: You quit smoking for 130 days, just to show the world how gutsy you are. Then, at the end of the trail through No Man’s Land, you reward yourself with a pack of menthol smokes. Then, as penance, and to atone, reset your quit clock, go without cigarettes for another 130 days, and then smoke again. Come on now…3 packs of cigarettes a year is nothing!”  Okay…whoa, whoa, whoa! This has got to stop! There’s no way this sort of madness would be tolerated at EX. I would have to leave, and drop all my new friends. No way! And am I supposed to live a lonely life of cyclical addiction, for the rest of my days?! Am I supposed to relapse, quit, and relapse again, 3 times a year? How is that any way to live?! My entire life would be reduced to yearning for Day 130 and Day 260 and Day 390, with all the other days in between being empty and hollow and tortured.
   There is either a free life without this addiction, or there is an unsettled life consumed with bargaining for loopholes and exceptions and special conditions. Or full-on, all-out smoking.
  I’m posting this today as a way to tell our newcomers and NML-ers that the time may come when you’ll be faced with a need to reason your way backwards out of a scheme that sounds like the perfect loophole. “N.O.P.E.” is incredibly powerful to be so simple, and it works, especially in the early days. But, there may come a time when you’ll have to get philosophical and say, “I will not take one puff again, ever, and here’s   why I believe I will   live happily with this choice.”
   STORM: 145
   NOTE: I wasn’t hit with any big  whammies in No Man’s Land, but that doesn’t mean I had a cakewalk, either. My journey, as it turned out, was a soul-searching “vision quest” that I needed in order to figure out my fundamentals. I wanted to share this today because I didn’t do so back then, when it was playing out in my head. I apologize for that, but offer it, wholeheartedly, now.

"the golden doors of The TDC open to vomit me back out onto the sidewalk while everyone here who helped me and supported me watches me hit the dirt," made me literally laugh out loud. You are such an awesome writer!


Being in NML myself that was very helpful, you should be very proud of your accomplishment to date, still battles to fight but you my friend have a plan...

Thanks for writing!!


Very nice storm.....thanks for sharing this info, it will help many, myself included....

Congrats on 145 days.....I remember when you first started, like it was yesterday....great job protecting your quit!!

Is that you climbing that wall of stone?


Your wisdom, and the power of your writing skills, have amazed me from the beginning! That amazement and appreciation has only grown as I've watched you grow. You bring so much to the group. I thank you for sharing your wise and enjoyable blogs with us.
Oh, this editing down thing you spoke of, can you teach me how to do it? My blogs always turn into books 😉


Thank you for sharing caring and your love for all suffering from nicotine addiction♥ May God bless you with many many more nicotine free days in jesus name blood and his faith amen and amen♥ thank you for helping me with your experience to STAY QUIT NO MATTER WHAT AMEN AND AMEN♥


"Bargaining for loopholes"   Very beautifully stated.


Once again, bravo Storm on your words of wisdom.  Congrats on 145 days smoke free!


Thank you - I am presently in NML and found your blog very helpful.  Thanks for the time and effort that you put into it to help others like myself who are still fighting the fight.

Jennifer 83 DOF




Thank you, Storm, for another wonderful, insightful blog.  You are a true help to so many!  Congratulations on 145 days.  You are awesome!


Love your blogs, so eloquent. This one is a keeper for the Re-Post File.

Congrats on 145.



I agree Phyllis, this one should be posted and re-posted!  Thank you Storm, for lighting the path ahead and empowering us to continue! Congrats on 145 and many more to come!




Great blog! Congratulations on 145 days!


Needed to hear this today.  Been having small memories of wanting a smoke.   Day 51 of Freedom.  NOPE and NEF.


This is just a fabulous FABULOUS blog!!!!  It took me a prologue, four acts and an epilogue to say what you said so magnificently here.  The tricks old Nico goes through to win us back are truly amazing.  Bravo on the quit and the blog.


You ARE eloquent!    You are also educated on this addiction, vulnerable in sharing your experiences, honest, supportive, no nonsense.......I could go on but you get the idea.     I love reading your blogs.

Guess what?   The more you share of yourself with us the more pressure there is to NOT cave to the 'ol nic!    And that is a good thing and another argument for "him".

Thanks Storm......for this and for all the kind words you've given me.

Congrats on 145!

Sharon 352 DOF


Yes you have touched everyone here`Thanks Storm!!




nothing left too say you said it all, your blog was amazing i clung too every word i will save this and read it when ever i need too be reassured that i can become smoke free for life. thank you.............sharon 74 days of freedom.


My new favorite thought: 

There is either a free life without this addiction, or there is an unsettled life consumed with bargaining for loopholes and exceptions and special conditions. Or full-on, all-out smoking.

I choose freedom! 


You are a gifted writer! I can't tell you how many of your blogs have helped me. I could relate to all of these  "loopholes" and have concluded that to entertain any of them is to sentence myself to the vicious cycle of addiction. You have captured that deadly game exactly. 

Thanks, Storm.


Great job, Storm.  Worth waiting for, thanks for sharing this.


Why-Will I feel good about blowing my quit? Will smoking that cigarette make the bad day I'm having any better?Will it be just one or just one pack... one hundred packs...? Do I really want to start paying dearly again to ruin my health? Do I want another day 1? Is smoking good for anything ? ect. ect.  Great blog and congrats on your quit! 


Thanks for sharing such an amazing blog. and congratulations on 145 days of glorious freedom


keep calm and carry on




You certainly know how to write 'em! 

Congrats on 145 days!

You are very talented our Storm! Congrats on getting published in the featured blogs!!! Yeahhhh!!!

How true this all rings.  Reading so many of your posts reveals my own thinking in the past.  I thought I was alone but now know that I am common.  It feels better to know that most quitters have the same problems as I.