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Share your quitting journey

Maybe Today

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~~This is a wonderful day.  I've never seen this one before.~~ Maya Angelou

So how about just being in the moment today?  Maybe you can stop wishing for 'better days'.  Maybe you can stop wishing for your quit to be easier or your job to be more challenging or your family to recognize your worth.  Maybe you can stop wishing to be perfect or older or prettier or wittier. 

Maybe you can just be here.  In this day.  Feeling the sun on your face or feeling the cold on your nose or the warmth of your fireplace.  Maybe you can look in the mirror and just like what you see.  Maybe you can honor your commitment not to smoke and just not be overwhelmed today. 

And maybe if you're stressed, you can focus on your breathing for a while and find yourself relaxing.  Maybe you can believe that things are how they are and that's ok, just for today.  Maybe you can find some adventure or give a little of yourself or even just melt into your couch and settle in for the day.

Maybe you can make a memory.  Maybe you can feel the magic.  Maybe you can catch a glimpse of 'this is ok'. 

Today will never come again.  This day....Sunday, 1/12/2020....only happens once in a lifetime.  Be here.  Enjoy it.  Feel it.  Without wishing for something different or remembering how it used to be.  And if you're in a bad place in your life....if things are hard or your heart is broken or you can't seem to forgive.....come back to you.  Be gentle with yourself.  Treat yourself kindly.  Know your own worth.  Find yourself in today. 

Maybe, in your loneliness, you will be your own best friend for today.  Maybe in your depression, you will nurture your being for today.  Maybe in your anxiety, you will create peace around you for today.  Maybe today will be the day that you learn to love yourself. 

Maybe you will make today count.


Thank you so much for these heartwarming words.  All is not lost, I have today.


That was beautifully put. Thank you!


Maya Angelou certainly had a wy with words as do you. How lovely....'I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS ONE BEFORE.....",

...........which brings much opportunity with the choices we make.

Thank you for this


SimplySheri Hi true...this day will never come husband and I went to the nursing home where my parents live.  Mom lives in one area and we took her out to Italian restaurant and did some shopping on a beautiful day...then we went to visit my dad who has Alzheimer’s and lives on their unit...he is my love...I am blessed to have a wonderful dad.... today he has a bad cough and was frail and sick...we were sad to leave him...but alas every time I hug him and tell him I love him...I know it may be my last...there are no parades and jumping out of planes when I am with my is that being with my now I have some tears for today, some sad tears and some happy tears....but I know in my heart today was all we had because we may not have another....God bless you Sheri...nice blog...I wish everyone would realize today is the only day we should live in...Love and Hugs Colleen 


Wow Sheri beautiful and so true!


Huge caring hug coming your way Colleen you are a wonderful daughter. ♥


I'm sorry, Colleen, that your heart is hurting   How fortunate you are to have parents to love so fiercely!!  Yet with great love comes great grief when we lose those we love...even through Alzheimer's. Let me share with you if you don't mind.  The last time I saw my dad, he had been in the hospital for a while and looked weak, ill, and so confused that he didn't even recognize me.  But it was my dad and the love I felt then even with the pain of having him not recognize me was something I still feel to this day....17 years later.  Love never dies and never waivers and will keep you up when you feel at your worst.  Love them, enjoy your time with them, and there with them in the moment.

Much, much love to you, Colleen!!  You and your family are in my prayers. 




Only by God's grace TODAY was shared in HIS love with ALL those that  came into MY DAY I was blessed by MY God to see MY daughter loving living and enjoying  her OWN Christ life TODAY - God's AMAZING grace