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Share your quitting journey

Marijuana + Cigarettes

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Are there any other marijuana smokers out there who are finding hard to quit smoking cigarettes because of their marijuana habit. I know every time I'm done with a joint or bowl I just immediately go smoke a cigarette. When I've tried quitting in the past it's been these situations where I've messed up. Any advice besides not smoking pot?
8 Comentarios
Well, ummm you can always give up weed to. lol

I can't help you sorry. What I can remind you though that you can still get copd/emphysema and lung cancer from weed. It also gets into your lungs and does its share of damge. Actually according to my pulmonologist marijuana can actually cause more damage because it is intentionally held in the lungs.
Josh...I believe you need to quit smoking...period, especially if pot is a trigger for you. Would you rather be dead? Cigarettes will kill you eventually, but that's the good part. The misery that you'll have to live with by not being able to breathe for years before you finally die is a terrible thing! I imagine you're quite young, so you haven't experienced any of the symptoms of emphysema as I have, but I know for a fact that pot makes you extremely forgetful. If you smoke it very much, you almost become senile. I have a son who is very hooked on it, but he did quit cigarettes 8 or 9 years ago. Still, I hate to see what pot does to people as well as cigarettes.
Over the years I have known many who quit smoking marijuana and it is not that big a deal. The thing is you have to decide that you ARE going to change and when doing that lots of other changes are going to come along with the effort to protect your QUIT.
WAnting TO QUIT tobacco is a first step. Maybe you will learn how to weed out one weed and then weed out the other later, and you MAY find there are people who did that as well. The wish not to smoke has to follow with taking all the steps to plan and to respond to life as you go moment by moment. Plenty people have to stop drinking alcohol and going places that are triggers to establish the foundation of the QUIT. It is a very difficult emotional haul that first three days and one week for some people. It takes a serious commitment to remember what you are intending to do with each second and all your time to come. I hope you find the answers that you need to QUITSMOKING. It is the right desition if you want to , one day, enjoy life as you. Going through the withdrawal is not the first step. It is the final step. After that it is all about maintenance of the solid, intentional QUIT and later the ex life, NOT ONE PUFF.
Quit the marijuana and the cigarettes! You are 20 years old and a college student. Back in the day, smoking on campus was socially accepted. Not anymore. There are bars now that are smoke-free. So what does that tell you? The majority of college students actually hate the smell of cigarettes and hate how people look smoking them. Join the crowd that does not smoke!
Smoking is smoking whether it's pot, cigarettes, heroin, cocaine, or banana peels.

I wish that quitting cigarettes were as easy as quitting marijuana. I stopped smoking pot years ago. Just ran out, didn't buy any more, never noticed any big deal at all. Quitting smoking sure isn't like that. It took me 38 years and, oh yeah, there's a physical withdrawal from a nicotine drug addiciton.

I think you will have to do what most successful quitters have done -- learn the true nature of your drug addiction to cigarettes. It's not a habit. It's doesn't take willpower to quit. It is living your life as a nicontine junkie,once that dictates you daily routine to ensure that it gets its fix and insidiously associates everything in your life -- from eating to drinking a beer to smoking a joint -- with an immediate need for a nicotine fix. That association, of course, isn't real. It's a junkie association designed by your own mind to strengthen the trap.

Once you understand the trap, then you will probably have a strong moment of revelation where you realize, "Wow, I don't want to live my live trapped by a drug addiction". That revelation will give you the motivation to get through the relative short period of "this sucks" as you go throught he physical withdrawal (just like a herion addict), and re-program all those trigger associations. I've got many links at my page (click the lobster) to help understand the process.

Now, I don't care whether you quit smoking pot or not. I care about nicotine addiciton and how it ruins lives and kills. I'll let some other site worry about pot. To the best of my knowledge, marijuana isn't even in the ballpark of junkie drug addictions like living as a nicotine addict. Nicotine is a world class junkie addiiciton.

If you plan to continue smoking marijuana while kicking nicotine drug addiciton, then you face essentially the same challenge as someone who goes out drinking. Their is a strong learned trigger that makes you associate smoking cigarettes with smoking pot. And, you guard is lowered, making you more suscpeptible to smoking a cigarette. What I tell people is to either figure out that giving up a couple weekend of partying is a small price to pay for a lifetime free of nicotine junkie drug addcition. Quitting smoking is no joke; it requires an all-in bet. Or, find yourself some friends who don't smoke and who would be happy to help you out by taking you out for a weekend of activities that are not around cigarette smokers. We are really only talking a couple of weeks where a new quit is very, very fragile. Once you get to the two week mark, the nicotine is out of your system, most of the physical withdrawal has subsided, the craves are becoming fewer, and you will have developed a toolbox of ways to get through a trigger. Plus, you'll be on cloud nine that you are walking away from a lifetime of being a nicotine junkie.
so yeah Id probably lay off the pot! Im 27 and when I was in my early 20's I smoked pot and for awhile all the time. I got to the point my chest hurt all the time, my grocery bill went up..big , I was forgetting allkinds of shit and I smoked more cigarettes because there is nothing better than taking a bong hit and smoking a cigarette. I just decided one day I was spending too much money on pot and it got boring. Dont do what I did. I got bored with pot and moved on to worse. cocaine is not so easy 2 quit and u smoke even more. None of it will do u any good and I never thought of pot being a gateway drug but for me it was because i got tired of the high and went to something better. Please do yourself a favor and quit smokin the dank. Smoking was the hardest thing I have ever tried to quit and unlike last time I cant spend 28 days at a rehab cleaning my system out. I just take one day at a time and keep on keepin on dude. I actually feel a hell of alot better its been well over a week since I quit(I had a small relapse took one puff and actually got physically ill) its just not worth it. Good luck to you:)
I agree with hwc. I would treat it the same as any other trigger: if you are ready to quit smoking cigs, and pot is a trigger, then quit the pot for a while. It's really not that difficult. Though I don't feel pot is as intense as alcohol, it does make you feel "care-free"- so at that time you may not care about lighting up a cig. It's your call!