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Share your quitting journey

Maintaining a quit.

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Today is the first day the move has hit me. Also, today, my cat is not doing well. He hasn't been doing well for a while, but today he's not himself. I've had him since I was 3 years old and I am now 21. That is all my life that I can remember. My mom is talking about putting him down. I used to handle these emotions with cigarettes. My brain is screaming out to be numbed by something. How do you maintain a quit when everything is so stressful?

Ps. I have not smoked 


Hello young friend!

So great you have come to your support team/EX family...It sounds rather simplistic but you just don't smoke no matter what...

No matter what HAPPENS

No matter how you FEEL

Think of it as the most glorious opportunity in your life because it is. The opportunity to walk through all the ups & downs that is life as we know it with a clear head & heart.

Smoking will not make your beloved cat younger or make you better in any way in fact the exact opposite. It would add to your stress by raising your blood pressure, making your heart rate speed up, send your entire metabolism into physiological distress at the injection of radical poisons.

This is where the re-learning life without cigarettes comes to play. Your mindset is ‘I don’t DO that anymore so what do I DO instead’

Many of us have gone through loss and we are here for you every step of the way sweet. xo


i'm sorry for your situation.

i am dreading the day Hoggie is too sick to go on.

you have to come to the understanding with yourself that smoking is a step backwards in life and won't help the situation.

my thoughts are with you.


Take slow deep breaths, sip on some water.  Remember that smoking won't change a thing.  I know it is so hard to lose a pet, but 18 is a long time to lvie and you want to make sure your cat isn't suffering.  You can get through this or anything smoke free.  We are here for you!


❤️ You CAN DO THIS!! Hang in there!!

I am SO sorry to hear about your little fur friend. Yes it is a family member and so hard to say goodbye. We know smoking wont make it better but it's all we've known as a "go to" for so long it takes time not to believe the lies that it would help. In the beginning we have to take it by faith and get thru each newlife event (because they don't stop) without lighting up. That will prove the truth. Eventually we won't believe the lies anymore. Big (((Hug))) to you.

In this instance, you can see what's coming and prepare. Contrary to what some might say, I happen to think that this DOES make it easier to handle loss. Take time now to reflect on the years you spent with your beloved cat, and take the time to realize that 18 is an incredibly long life for such an animal, and that Life has always been leading to this. Of course, when the exact moment happens, it will be hard...but you will have already thought about things from a calmer perspective, beforehand, and will not be blindsided by shock. 

Take some time now to think about how you'll precisely handle the moment you find out you lost your cat and you think a cigarette will somehow help anything. You have been given the luxury of advanced notice. Use it, okay?


Storm has given you some good advice, as have the others.  I send my sympathy to you, as well.  I still cannot read "Rainbow Bridge" without sobbing, and my last friend to go was almost five years ago! 

How do you think people who don't smoke handle grief?  They probably reach out to friends, cry as they need to, remember their loved one and cry some more. Crying is not a bad thing, ya' know? 

Just remember that smoking will not do ONE thing to make this easier.  It will just make you feel more lousy that you have also lost your wonderful quit.

Stay close.  We are with you!



I am so sorry to hear about your cat.  I have three of them and the oldest is 19 and it will break my heart to lose ANY of them.  You have a chance here to learn to deal with HAVE numbed them for as long as you have smoked.  It is much better to deal with them and to cry when you need to cry and to feel true joy when you feel joy...cigarettes stopped you from feeling things completely.  You are way too young to give up those feelings.  It's one day at a time and sometimes it is down to one minute at a time.  I mean that, what would a cigarette do for you?  Would it save your cat, would it change whatever is supposed to happen?  No...there is also a chance that your cat is just sort of in shock over the move...take some time to take care of yourself.  This is YOUR quit and no one can quit for you or make you smoke!  Please remember that.

Best. Ellen