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Made two list today. deal breakers and reasons to quit

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The deal breakers for my past quits.  This how the addict.. in me blow some real nice quits. I preched alot and did not fallow what I said. 

So with that said. I hope that some one new might read this. That are  early in their quits. Let me state the one cig is so not worth it.  38 days out the window, then a second one was about 32 days. The others are not even worth saying.  Then you quit few more times. Then just gets harder to stop the junkie.

If would pratice what I preched and listen to the advice given me. Even with somkers around me. I could been Smoke free for year on Mothers Day. I joined a group and few of chose mothers day.  their were about 7 of us.

Out of the 7 . Ret is the only one , to saty free. She is still my quit buddie and still support my quest to just quit and do it.  The rest never came back. I might hide for while but I never left for long. for one  I know that I need this site , and eldedrs and the friends of made on this Jurney....

the major point here is never stop trying and never give up on your self

So My deal breakers are

1. The addict  say to her self  and this by far the dumbist one of them all .. I can have just one it was not that hard to quit.

2. Drink abeer or alchool earley in your quit.

3. Being in NML and not using my life lines.

4 Stop making excueese to smoke, they don't fix anything. they won't bring your loved one back, they don't help when sad or stressed out.  They only make matter worse, not your dealing with somthing, but you in costant battle with your self to get back on the road to freedom.

5 their all ways smoke around me. now this the kicker. I don't get to toss them out and Its my dads house, and the other will not go ut to smoke. But I have quit before with smoking around me. So this excuess old and plenty have done with the same situation.

So with number 5 I'm really going to have to use the life lines.

I came up with 11 reason not to be a smoker. As I  aproch my quit day. Wich I will be call it  my 1st day goal.  I'm just going to take minute by minute and hour by hour. I not going  to dewll on the word day.  The traget is 7 th if not sooner.


Hi Renee! Glad to see ya starting to plan again. You can do this and I know that you want too. Sooo, lets do it!



I will help you if you want. I know in my heart that it is hard to quit. I must have tried five or six times ( before Ex ) to quit before I came on here. I know you want to quit, Sooo, lets do it. I will be here if you need help. I can't do it for you, but I can help you if you need it


You said it yourself, Renee: You preached a lot, but didn't follow your own words. Your new lists and reasons and dealbreakers are real, and they came from you and your heart. This time around, have faith in them! If they are true today, they'll be true tomorrow and in the days after that.


Renee, figure out your triggers and how you will manage them. You may live in your father's house but hopefully, you have a space that is yours, a bedroom where you can go and clean everything and make it a smokefree space.  Believe me, once you enjoy a smokefree area, the areas with smoke will smell as bad as an uncleaned bathroom.  I never believed I smelled bad until after I quit and I started  to smell other people.  You have to want this for yourself more than anyone or anything else.  It is possible, it is a journey and not an event and it is always (for me anyways) going to be a work in progress.  You will feel proud of yourself and your self esteem will rise to levels you did not know existed.  Please hang in there, keep posting and use every single person on here who offers you advice.  Take what you like and leave the rest...if someone says something that will not work for you, find someone who says something that WILL.  Listen to the elders, read, prepare yourself.  You CAN do this!


 you can do this you have done it before.     hugs


Ok Renee, You can plan, you can make lists, and you can keep on talking but :

       If You Want to get to new shores, sooner or later you have to get in the boat

       And start rowing !!

Girlfriend, let's do it and quit talking about it !!

keep calm and carry on




I got one hand to help you in the boat and Wendy has the other.  We can help you row your boat and get to the END of this journey.

Please let us help you get there??!!

Let's DO this!

Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream,

Merrily, merrily, merrily...


Hi there Renee. I wrote you a long post earlier and it went poof -somewhere out there. Anyway just wanted to say Let's "Walk this Wall"! Hold on tight! I'm starting, you're starting again-never never never give up! Looking forward to traveling with you! Keep up the good fight. We can win!!! Yep, NOPE, Ann

Keep going forward Renee

Your getting prepared!!

You mentioned 30+ days on both caves!!! I was told by a clerk in a store here who knew I was quitting smoking and she said to me: you have to be real strong when you get to 30 days!! I started reading everthing over again and reading all the blogs and getting as much info mation I could. I even enrolled  in a quit smoking class on line!!!

Best wishes for a great quit



hey, cutie!  i'm back.  i quit again on 3/9/14.  call me.  i missed you.  🙂

