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Good morning all. It's so fricken cold here in Vermont!!! I have been without water for a few days, and I miss it more than I miss the dam cigs!!! Ya just don't realize how important it is to have WATER!  It is driving me crazy. I keep trying to turn the faucet on,would love to do laundry,take a hot bath...... Well landlord said it is froze under ground. That I will have to wait for warmer tempts!!! Holly molly when is that?? So Another distraction That is helping me to keep my quit! Whatever it takes I can get through this. Got a hot shower at my uncles last night,woke up this morning and looked in the mirror!!! WATCH OUT everyone... The crazy woman on the hill quit smoking and now she has frozen pipes!!! Stay clear!!! ha ha ha. I'm missing my water but not my old buddies the nasty cigs!!! I'm keeping this quit all for myself. I will lug the water,go to the laundry,buy paper plates,heat water on the wood stove. I can do this....Frustrated but not smoking....Peace to all. Keep your quit's it's something special.deborah.


It is amazing how we take certain things for granted until we don't have them. I always keep a few 5 gallon containers full of water just in case the power goes out or the well go out.

The good news is your quit is still solid. Keep up the good work and hope you get some warm weather soon.  


Hang in there!  When I was in high school, I was a camp counselor for a week.  We lost our water and I had a cabin full of six grade girls that couldn't wash their hair! Talk about a grumpy group! 


Wow!  Must wait for warmer temps?  I would go nuts!  Congratulations on keeping your quit!


You are doing fantastic with your quit and I really hope that you get your water back soon. I wonder how deep your ground is frozen. Keep up your wonderful quit. 



I hope you are not paying rent. You are not obligated to if they are not providing you water both WARM and cold.


Good for you for remaining smokefree!

We all know smoking doesn't fix anything, right. (not even your frozen pipes.)

I have this picture in my head of the crazy woman on the hill.


Whatever it takes to not smoke. 😉

Peace to you Deborah.


I agree with Dale...they cannot charge you rent when you are not being provided water, that's outrageous and I am pretty sure it's illegal.  I would think that the landlord would be pretty freaked out about the pipes being frozen...don't they burst then?  Congratulations on hanging onto your quit.

Whenever we would lose power, I would try to make soup in the microwave, then remember that we didn't have power.  It's one of those times when having a gas stove would be helpful, we didn't.

I am glad that you have a woodstove and can be kept warm.  I am sorry that you don't have water.  I hope the situation is resolved soon.




Ah yes, no water.  Been there, done that.  Once for an entire week.  We caught the snow melt off the roof in buckets.  Two days ago we had a pipe break under our porch.  Fortunately it as fixed about 15 hours later.  It's amazing how quickly one reverts to savagery!  lol  If there's a red cross around, they usually have showers available.  Hang in pioneer woman!


Up-date... After threatening to go to the dept of health,he the landlord was just here with a plumber. They believe that they found where it is broke.Yipppeeee. But no work for them today.... So he said bright and early they will be back. Discussion was maybe a holding tank for now. Whatever!!! This crazy woman on the hill won't mind taking a quicky shower etc. thanks for the laugh's my friends. I didn't smoke one of the plumber's cigs. I told him he looked silly,he agreed.:)))


Way to go .its cold here in ohio too.

Hang in there the gum works great for cravings


WOW!!!!! You are doing so good!!! I am so proud of you! That must have been pretty hard to try and sat quit with all of the frustration as well as smokers around. Believe me, I know from where I speak 🙂 I am so proud of you and doubly proud of you doing this on your own. Yes, I have my husband for support...but I fantasize about.... stealing smokes from him! LOL>


On no! I sure hope you get water soon! Congrats on protecting your quit no matter what! 


Oh my goodness girl it has got to be frustrating to have frozen pipes!  Congrats on staing true to  your committment!!  

Well here is some good news for you.  We had a heatwave of 30 degrees here today-- so you have some warmth and sunshine headed your way!  Hope it doesn't take long for those pipes to unfreeze so the crazy lady on the hill isn't unleashed on the poor neighbors, lol!! 


Well no water as of today,BUT the plumber and helper here digging away for a few hrs. It seems it froze right from the beginning of the spring. So because it is winter,and freezing temps they will be back tomorrow with a tank. reroute the water.Insulate tank, etc. I miss my running water so much right now. I am looking on the bright side--I'm grateful I have a roof over my head,I'm toasty warm,dry and smoke free. What more do I need. I have my EX friends- yup,I need you. My inter net was down most of the I'm gonna catch up.It's Snowing hard now. I will have something to melt tomorrow, Dishes will get finished,eventually, I made an outhouse (sort of) in my outside shed. It's cozy but freezing.I'm a happy camper.


OK---so you are one tough woman!! PROUD OF YOU!!! I would definitely be at the local Holiday Inn or Comfort Inn or whatever by now!!!!!! NO WATER!!!??? WAIT FOR WARMER TEMPS??? IN VERMONT??? That could be April!

Proud of you for staying strong through this very trying time.


Yes I'm all the above.... I am just thankful I can keep my quit going strong. This is more important to me than water.... It's my life.


Great job-I would have blown my stack if I got an answer like "you have to wait for warmer weather" tell him he will have wait for warm weather for the rent! Keep that great quit you have-smoking won't fix the pipe.


Another day without water and cigs!!! Gotta take good with the bad.   ughhhh. well plumber left a message saying because it's below zero and tempts staying this way today and -10/-25 tonight!!! So they will not be coming today,hope on tomorrow. I was invited to a friends house last night for dinner and a hoooot shower. It was awesome. I was treated like a queen. Slept wonderful and ready for a smoke free day again today. Peace.