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Share your quitting journey


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I just got home and will write this now, while it is still fresh in my mind.  The Memorial for my Nephew was this afternoon...Sacred drums were beat, sending prayer up, sage smoke went up with prayers on it,  rattles were singing, song was sung.  A Memorial Video was played showing us the shinning moments of his life.  A respected Elder and Medicine Man, Sun Bear, sang Amazing Grace in Cherokee.  We cried we laughed, we said goodbye.  Then we cried some more, till the tears were all dried up for today. 

I will be going on Monday to spend the next week with her and her oldest son, she would not let me go until I promised her I would come.  The time for her to face the reality of it is coming.  Yes all who spoke of it to me, now is the time I will be with her, when it all becomes harsh reality. 

My Heart is still on the ground, and I did not smoke. 

Just letting you know, touching base.  I will be absent for a while longer.  She has no web service.  But I take you with me in my heart. 

Love and Blessings to you all, and look to your young people, your children .  Hold them close, pay attention , listen.   Even when you think all is right, listen and listen closely.  

Thank you all of you, for the prayers and messages, I embrace them all

May You Always Walk In Beauty



No words necessary for you know my heart speak.



Owl - - - Go with God!  I admire your strength and determination.  It will be difficult for you, but you'll do it because the need is so great.  You will be in our hearts and prayers all the time that you are gone!

Actually though I know this is an extremely emotionally demanding time, it almost seems ridiculous to make this the time to break your quit and have just a few puffs, doen't it?  

I know you are VERY strong, though I will pray for you I am positive you will keep you quit.

Bless you!

Let us know when you return!



My hand to your heart Owl. Sounds like a lovely memorial. Sending up prayers for strangth to help yourself and  your friend. Blessings always.


I pray for you and your friend to gather the strength to lean on each other.


Owl - Sound like a wonderful memorial.

Do not take on any blame for this act and try to support your friend and help her stay away from accepting blame.  6yrs ago my nephew of 19 years young did the same thing.  This will tear at family and friends.  Not only will you be going thru the grief but the worst is the blame.  I know first hand it is going to be difficult, but if you can stay away from accepting blame, it will help much more long term.  For most, the worst is after the funeral when you are home in your own space.  Support your friend and take care of yourself and NEVER ever accept any blame for this.  Just like smoking, it will not help, and will only make things worse!  You and your friend are in my prayers.


You and your loved ones will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Hi owl,

Just want you to know I'm thinking of you and your friend. Please take with you all the love that we have for you here to share with your friend. We will be with you in our hearts.


Thank you,Owl for sharing this Beautiful Memorial with us.

I'm happy to hear you will be with Patty in the week ahead. You will be able to uphold each other through this devastating loss.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and will be awaiting your return.


Blessings to you and your family. May you be strong in this time of greif and adjustment. what a tragedy. I dont' have any words to say but be strong.

lots olove and light toyou and yours aztec


You know my thoughts and prayers go with you.  You will be missed here, but are needed so much there.

Do take care of yourself and your quit.


Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful memorial with us.  I am so glad you will be with her, where you are needed so much.  MY thoughts will be with you as you go.  Please check back when you can or when you return.  {Hugs}


(((((((HUGS))))))) We miss you Owl, I know I do.......prayers for your continue stregnth and courage. Prayers for peace and acceptance. Until your return.


Your friend needs you more than ever, Dear Owl, go and help her find peace in her heart.  May you be blessed with a pillar of strength.  Gentle ((((hugs))))) for you.   ~Water Baby


I pray for our Creator to give you the extra strength and wisdom needed...She is blessed to have you walking with her Owlfeather. ♥


My prayers are with you also, Owl.  You are such a Special Lady.  There are no words.... just feelings.  I pray You and your Loved ones find peace in your heart. ♥


Thank you for sharing the images of the beautiful Memorial service with us.  It is not by accident that you were picked to be with her at such a crucial healing time in her life.  My prayers for both of you to find some sort of peace or acceptance out of this horrible trajedy.  Your true colors will shine from the strength you have inside. ❤️


Go to her and hold each other through the grief and pain. I'll be praying for you and your friend and loved ones to find some peace . It sounds like a beautiful memorial. God bless. Love and hugs.


prayers and gentle hugs



I am praying for you and your loved ones. I hold you in my heart dear friend. I send my love to you♥ (((((( Owlfeather ))))))


Thank you for sharing. Stay strong my friend


You and your friend continue to be in my thoughts and in my prayers. She is so very blessed to have you as a friend. I know you will be caring for her - but, please also take good care of yourself dear Owl. (You should be so proud for protecting your quit! I know I am proud of you!) Again - take care!


i dont know if i borrowed this story or if it was shared with me  but it gives me strength so i will share it with you to help you find strength..

when we enter the afterlife we are greeted by a welcoming committe.. in this welcomeing committee is everyone we have ever helped in life, our ancestors and close friends.. you will be showered in love and warmth..the grief we feel when we lose a loved one is part of us leaving our body to accompany a loved one on his journey so he wont be scared and alone  until he reaches his destination ...the more you hurt the more of your spirit has gone to comfort takes a while to heal  but that part never returns because he will use this part to link to your welcoming committe and you will see him again in your own welcoming committee...


Thoughts and prayers to you and yours Owlfeather. ❤️


How are you hun? I am thinking about you and family