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Loving Yourself through this Quit Journey...

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I thought i would list some things i learned from my doctors and therapists whenever i would go to the treatment center for my mental health.  Maybe you do not have a mental issue like me, but i think that these basic things will brighten your outlook on yourself and your life.....

- Stop All Criticism- Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself.  Accept yourself exactly as you are.  Everybody changes.  When you critcize yourself, your changes are negative.  When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

- Don't Scare Yourself-  Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts.  Its a dreadful way to live.  Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine is yellow roses), and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.

- Be Gentle and Kind and Patient-  Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself.  Be patient with yourself as your learn the new ways of thinking.  Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.

-Be Kind to Your Mind-  Self hatred is only hating your own thoughts.  Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts.  Gently change your thoughts.

- Praise Yourself- Criticism breaks down the inner spirirt.  Praise builds it up.  Praise yourself as much as you can.  Tell yourself how well your doing with every little thing.

- Support Yourself-  Find ways to support yourself.  Reach out to friends and allow them to help you.  It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.

- Be loving to your Negatives-  Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need.  Now, you are finding new positive ways to fulfill those needs.  So, lovingly release the old negative patterns.

-  Take Care of Your Body-  Learn about nutrition.  What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality?  Leaarn about exercise.  What kind of exercise can you enjoy?  Cherish and revere the temple you live in.

-  Mirror Work-  Look into your eyes often.  Express the growing love for yourself.  Forgive yourself looking into the mirror.  Talk to your parents into the mirror.  Forgive them too.  At least once a day say:  I love you, i really love you.

-  Love Yourself...Do it Now-  Don't wait until you get well or lose the weight, or get the new job, or the new relationship.  Begin now and do the best you can.


I learned and have had to relearn all of these things everytime i would get out of the hospital.  It helped me accept my flaws, love myself and make positive changes.  I always say that Jesus accepts you the way you are, but he loves you too much to let you stay that way.  I know that quitting smoking is a Big step to loving yourself and you family.  I am proud of all of you for taking that step and quitting, Friends!  But don't forget to love yourslef thru this journey and ask for support form all your friends and family and God when you need it.  

( from the book Rainbow Garden Stories.  How to Love Yourself- Louise L. Hay Educational institute)

Love, Lisa (day 141)


This was so beautiful, Lisa! It made me realize how hard I am on myself; but no more! Thanks so much for sharing.


thanks much for sharing!


Thank u so much for sharing this. I also have a mental illness and am trying to quit smoking. I have to learn to love myself or I want be able to achieve any of ny goals. You're an inspiration!


This is very nice Lisa! I have to remind myself not to be so tough on myself also.

I have to boot negative self chatter because it is so destructive! 

Good for you! ♥


Lisa---good thoughts for mental and spiritual "health----which we ALL need to tend to.....

I would also add one of my not indulge in guilt and regret. The decisions you made at the time were probably for the best given the information you had....and even if they were not, you cannot change what is done.

You cannot move on to a new tomorrow fi you keep re-living yesterday.

Stay strong.


Great idea to look in to the mirror and see your eyes, they are the window to your soul.  Say "I love you and will take care of you"


All your words are definitely a keeper.  They have gone into my notes so I can print them off later.  Thank you for sharing.  


Thanks for posting this. I am really in need of this l advice lately.


I am so glad to be able to post something that is good for the community and that is not a waste of time to pass on!  These things that i have been posting lately have helped me so much in my quit that i thought they'd help ya'll too.  Glad to help, Firends!


Such a lovely blog and EXactly what's needed when we take this smoke free journey.  Thanks for sharing!


I so needed this#!!! 


It is noteworthy that when we quit we are thrust into all the emotions that we got away from by smoking a cigarette before.  It is definitely new !erritory and, for some I am sure, another bump in the road to recovery.  Good to remember all that was included above.


Quit 7/4/12


Your welcome, was worth all the typing to post this page.  I am just glad to help my Friends!  Have a great day and take care of YOU today.  When you take care of YOU all your family will be less worried and will be happy too!


Thanks Lisa, I am managing depression. That blog was so helpful I am going to copy and paste it to a friend not on this site. Yay for you and your generosity.


Wonderful blog and one I will re-read in times of stress. Thank you for sharing