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Losing a Quit

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..How saddened I was to have to come clean to my family, AGAIN.  My oldest would tell me not to be so hard on myself, she was a smoker back then, my son would tell me that I could try again when I was "ready"...he is still a smoker.  My husband who quit when our youngest was a little over a month old (she is now 28 and never smoked)....would just look sad and tell me that I needed to figure out why.  I always knew was always a stuff down those emotions time.  My youngest would look at me and her eyes would fill with tears, she wouldn't say anything, she didn't HAVE to. She was the last one I told when I quit this time...I really did know, in my heart of hearts, that I would never smoke again but I did not EVER want to see those tears again.  I didn't tell her until it had been over three months, she was teaching in South Korea so she didn't see me through the beginning months.  When she came home, I had been quit for over 11 months...she just put her arms around me and said, I ALWAYS KNEW you could do it and that you WOULD do it....ALWAYS.  She had more faith in me than I had in myself.


It is NEVER worth that one puff because it never stops least it never did for me and I am SO SORRY every time I recognize another thing I cannot do because of all of the damage I did...don't BE ME!  You can't UNDO this damage.

Ellen 1558 days of freedom


Thank you for sharing Ellen, thank the good Lord that you did finally quit and I'm grateful to you that you used the Ex community to help you quit because I had the good fortune of meeting you through this site, you were the first person that chatted with me on the old platform on the message boards and you helped me more than you'll ever know just by chatting with me about quitting smoking or anything at all including the idiotic time change   you dear friend and Fellow Exer are definetly one great lady and I'm proud to be your friend and Fellow Exer.


Thank you for sharing. I am adding this to my "reasons not to smoke file" in my computer. I have copied and saved some blogs that really get to me on an emotional level and those last two sentences you wrote got to me. I read through them when I am having a hard time to remind myself why I am doing this. 


I am so happy for you Ellen. I don't know anyone who puts out as much hope and love to EVERYONE as you do on this site.

Your about 8 months ahead of me on my quit, I think and i always admired your strength and wisdom and continue to now. I followed silently in your footsteps when I quit, watching, learning. I am so glad I did.

The girls are sleeping so I am able to be online this past hour but they will be ready for bottles soon, lol. I'll be talking to you soon Im sure.

Meanwhile, I couldn't agree more.Losing a quit,.....not happening to me. Never another Day one...only days WON!



Such excellent points Ellen.  Thank you.   You sharing your life, empathy, and compassion, makes this site, worth coming to.


Thank you for sharing, Ellen. It's a big help--you've been a big help to me already in my short time here. I'm so happy that you quit and stayed quit!


Wonderful, Ellen elvan  ! Thanks so much for sharing! It made me look in the mirror! I love you  BIG HUGS 


Seeing tears in a daughter's eyes for ANY reason, let alone having caused them...I just can't bear the thought of it.  I'm so sorry you experienced that and so glad you're here to help US.

Much love.


MarilynH‌ Ah yes, those wonderful message boards...and the time change.  We have a few months before it will change have been such a gift to the site and to all of us since your first day here.  Thanks for all of the encouragement you give to everyone every day.




Ellen, when you say "don't be me"... it makes me want to cry. 

Dear lady, I know what you mean, you are referring to the COPD, the irreparable damage you've done your health. 

But you know, none of us are perfect. We all have our crosses to bear; our hairshirts. But you ARE the very essence of a role model. Someone who we should all strive to be much MUCH more like. 

You are compassionate beyond imagination, you are wise and patient. You are so much more than the disease. It doesn't define you, and although it is crippling, yes, it is also a vessel by which you give life and love to others. 

Basically, if someone wanted advice on how to "do" this life, I would say be EXACTLY like you. 


This has been quite a journey for me.  My youngest daughter means everything to me, they ALL do but I just felt like I kept letting her down and all the while, there she was believing that I could and I would.  When she came home from South Korea, it was on Christmas Eve and I wasn't expecting her for a few days.  There was a knock on the door and I was set up to Skype with her...she was standing at the door wearing a red scarf and a smile that could light up the world...she said, "Merry Christmas, Mom."  It was a really rough time because it was just over a month after the house fire.  I will never forget that Christmas had been shaping up to be the worst Holiday Season ever and then she was there.

I am really glad that this touched you.




 Mandolinrain  Thanks so much, Missy.  Never another day one for me either...I am so glad that's over.




anaussiemom‌ What a kind and generous thing to say.  Thank you so much.



missellen‌ I am really glad you are here and I am so glad that I can offer any help to you.



TerrieQuit‌ What a gift to see a comment from you...yep, always stuffing those feelings down, not sure where we thought they were going...glad you are back.




AnnetteMM‌ Seeing my daughter cry tears my heart out.  She's the baby of the family and I didn't have her until I was 40 so I have shaved a lot of years off my life that I might have had with her.  Knowing that she always believed in me is humbling.



Lisaml‌ That's such a beautiful thing to say.  No, the disease does not define me but there are certainly times when it SEEMS like it does.  The list of things I can't do seems longer than the list of things that I CAN do.  Thank you for such a loving response.  You are doing a beautiful job, my friend.



I lost so many quits that no one believed me.  I remember on day number 1 telling my sister and niece that I had quit and was met with blank looks and silence. I knew right then that I needed more - and I found this site and all the wonderful people here a few days later and the rest is history.  It really sounds like you have a beautiful family Ellen - and that is something to be thankful for!


Jennifer-Quit‌ I DO have a beautiful family and I cherish them...I lost so many quits that I know no one took me seriously when I quit until this last time.  First of all, everyone KNEW how sick I had been and secondly, there was something that changed because I found this site and the support...I was and I still am astounded at the support and love and compassion that is on this site.  I am so grateful to have found it.

Hey, who is going to care for your kitty when you are away?  She MIGHT be a little annoyed with you when you get home, hahaha.  The black cat who is pictured in my avatar was lost in the fire but I will never forget her...or the others.  Whenever I went away overnight or longer, she would ignore me at first when I came home, acting like I was invisible and then she would sneak up behind me and give me a bite on the back of my leg...I guess she was sending her message and I was being disciplined.  


I have a retired neighbor that pet sits.  She will check on her and feed her daily.  I am feeling guilty already - lol but she will be OK.  She is independent so some days she does not really care if I am here or not - hurt my feelings at first but I have adjusted.


Jennifer-Quit  Cats are really interesting...I would so love to have a lap cat but all of mine are pretty independent.  The one who has been sick sleeps with me every night but she doesn't really like to snuggle and neither does the other one.  I love them and I think they know it but they choose when and how to return their love.  I am sure your kitty will be fine but she WILL know that you are missing.



Cays love you for grooming, love you for body heat, love to be fed, and grsh water, and new toys, and some catnip,  and bugs.   They are USERS".  I love my weird cats.  They always want me when Im busy....just like toddlers.   LOL

Anyway.  Ellen how is Bej,?


Powerful blog Ellen.  Cheers!


Dear Ellen, I don't think anything I say is original having read all of the wonderful comments above.  But I did need to add that it is because of you and other Elders that I came back again.  I, too, relapsed and had to look at my youngest daughter who was my greatest cheerleader.  She wasn't hard on me, but I know her heart was breaking because she was afraid that I would die.  I know we all do one day, but I was speeding up the process and increasing my little one's fears.  Thank you for all of the incredible messages of love and your forever giving hear.




anaussiemom‌ Thanks for asking about Bijou.  She was started on another antibiotic last week on the off chance that she has toxoplasmosis, she is a strictly indoor cat but she and her siblings were abandoned at a dumpster site so there is a possibility.  I make her walk when I can stand it, she is very wobbly.  She is very loving and plays at night, I can't tell if she is getting any better or if it is just that I want it so much.  I left my laptop on the bed and came back to this:


I was in the middle of composing a response and I lost that and my response was nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

She is a cat of few words.


deena-a-yenni  Thanks, Deena.


MichelleDiane I am SO glad that you came back.  You are doing a great job and a LOT earlier than I did.




She is so cute


I quit smoking when I was 21 and never thought about it or missed it. Then I bummed a couple from a friend while drinking in a bar. He warned me. The next day I bought a pack and continued smoking for 33 years. It's not worth playing with fire.


Ellen my dear friend. 

I know ell of what you speak. I ask Creator each day to protect the little ones I consider my grandkids to never start that destructive habit that ruined our health.

I hold you dear in my heart and soul my friend, as I do so many here.

Be well.



Yes they love to prop and heat perhaps.. Users!! LOL   Glad she is doing better...


Yeah it's just that easy.  All I had to do (after a one-year quit about 40 years ago) was light one for someone else.


yes, it's just that easy.


omg that's adorable! 


desiree465  It reminds me of that book, "If you give a mouse a cookie" about "If you give a cat a laptop"  OR a basket, she has a basket that she puts on her head all the time.  She makes me laugh AND cry.

Here is a picture of Binx's growth, he is having it removed on Thursday.  It started as a pea sized pimple/cyst and they drained it and lo and behold...CREEEEEEPY!

binx growth.jpg

It is about the size an shape of a shelled does not think it is more than surface, it moves very easily.  Not sure why his ear looks blue, LOL


Poor kitty and his ugly lump. Do you know when you're going to have it removed? 


desiree465‌ I have to have him at the vet Thursday morning at 8:00.  I am more than a little nervous.  My husband is going to HAVE to go with me because he is way too heavy for me to carry.  It is an ugly thing...I can't stand touching it.

Bijou really has me worried.  I just do not know what is going on with her.  She is SO damn cute.

Thanks for your concern. 




Wow, I missed this blog.  I truly love the story.  It is amazing how people that never smoke hurt because we do. Glad your family is able to see you free from the chain of cigarettes.  Good Blog. Take care Good night.


JACKIE1-25-15‌ Thank you, dear Lady Jackie.  I HATE letting my kids down and certainly there are some ways that are absolutely impossible to avoid but this one wasn' freedom feels good, every day, despite any physical issues I have from the years that I smoked.  This journey is amazing and I am so grateful to be on it.




Oh no what's going on with Bijou now. Take care of that rib first and then inbox me when you get home from the doc's. 

About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.