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Share your quitting journey

Looking Good - Be STRONG - Live STRONG - Be WELL

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Stopped Thursday June 12 at 6:00pm. Day one - I had no idea what to do.....I walked and worked - a lot.

day two - the morning was very hard and just getting from 5:00am - 9:00am is a very hard struggle.

The afternoon was pretty tough as well. Keep yourself busy. Try and stay away from people that smoke and people you care about. I was not very nice to those people yesterday. I made my 11 year old cry and my wife is not talking to me.

Day three - My wife did not get up yet. I wonder if she is still upset?

61 hours clean.

Day 4

All is OK. My wife and kids understand (somewhat) about my change in behavior. We had a long talk on Sunday morning (fathers day) and we are good to go.

Day 5 (85 hours clean)

Tough to break old habits. But that is what they are there for.

Tuesday 6/17/08

116 hours clean. Whew. Almost broke down yesterday evening. The only way out for me as to take a shower and get to bed. It was 9:00pm.

Day 6

Wednesday the 18th of June.

Once again...I almost slipped into that old habit. This morning was pretty rough. I played with my 5 year old instead of smoking. Mind over matter. 7 days ago I would have had the smoke. Feeling good. Still stressed out. that little voice in my head keeps telling me it would be ok to smoke just one. The bigger voice in my head tells me that will not happen. The mind is a tricky thing. Bottom line. I did not smoke today. I will not smoke today. Last evening after dinner, I just had to go to bed. For a bunch of reasons. I felt sleep would put my need to bed as well. It did. I am breathing better and feeling better. I will walk, jog, bike ride, play tennis this summer. Things I used to do all the time before I smoked.

Day 7 Thursday June 19th. --------168 hours at 6:00pm. Damn! I am good.

Peanuts and Almonds... After this I will not be eating anymore nuts. Yesterday evening I took my little one down to the track at the high school. We alternated running, jogging and walking for a half mile. The exercise was good.

If you are just starting...don't mistake what I am writing here. I still want a cig. The craving is a lot less. The habit is a lot less. The need for some strange reason is still there. Like a phantom, lurking in the dark. The grim reaper with an outstreatched hand --- offering me a cig. My hand goes out each time....but by the time I put it to my mouth --- it is gone. WILL POWER, BE STRONG, LIVE STRONG.

day 8

not so bad today. i still need to keep my guard up. however, food tastes better. the dry mouth has gone away in the morning. Generally a pretty good far. I have been up and around for 6 hours.

Day 9. actually woke up thinking of cigs....but not wanting to smoke one.

Golfing today....can't wait to get out and get busy.

Be well everyone.

No so bad...people were smoking around me and I did not want one.


June 12, 13 14 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 - What more can I say...lets go...move forward...and count the days.

July 1, 2, 3, ...going away for a few days...catch up with my people when I get back. Joe

It is now July 7th. Clean since June 12th at 6:00. Oh Yea!

26 days and counting. I hope to stop counting one day.

This weekend I went on vacation. Not sure why but I really wanted to smoke. Relaxing by the pool ....sipping a drink.. sounds like a smoke moment.... Funny - how that seems like a smoke moment. It should seem like a non smoke moment. Who wants that smelly cig...with ash falling ...and then being surrounded by cig buts....poluting the area. Now that I think about it... that was a non - smoking time that was much better without a cig. Cigs suck.

July 10 and I can say I am done with cigs. 29 days and a lifetime of freedom. O-Yea!!!

July 25. 44 days and not counting so much anymore.

• Visualize yourself as you would like to be in 1 year, 5 years. Identify necessary steps to achieve your vision.

• Set specific short-, medium- and long-range goals, then ask someone you trust to review your goals and give you specific feedback and suggestions to improve them.

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

- Confucius

September 29th

Thank you for the support as well.

She is home safe n sound. Back in florida. The last 2 days I have been dreaming of having a smoke. Maybe because all I saw when I got home was someone smoking. My will power will beat the urge. I cannot smoke another cig. I will not smoke another cig.

Nikkie - stay away from those things. They have a way of grabbing onto you and not letting go.

Funny - in a way my Mom made me not want to smoke even more. She woke up with a cough, went to bed with a cough... Always needed to haold onto that pack of smokes... Had to smoke before going to a restaurant...and then again after... before a car ride -- after a car ride.... I found it comical and somewhat sad.


November 12 and 5 months under my belt. Not so bad. It is all about changing your lifestyle, your thinking, the way you think about your future. It has nothing to do with your friends, family or co-workers. They cannot force a cigarette in your mouth and make you inhale. If you want to stop. Really want to stop smoking. Put them down and walk away. That is the only way it can work. If you can't do it alone.... try medication, try acupuncture... do what ever it takes because it is your life on the line. YOUR life. Not your friend, not your wife or kids, not your bosses. YOUR life. Your decision. You make it.
28 Comentarios

I haven't quit yet (July) but reading your daily calendar does help and give me the incentive to get back up and try again. I'm DREADING SO MUCH of the first several days. OMG!!! I was one to cave in but I can quit this time. It's like a demon, it just doesn't want to go AWAY. In the past, the first several times I tried, it's like I was being tested. Seemed like everytime I tried to quit, something was always "lurking" to push the right buttons to trigger me to pick up a cig. Whether it was people or things going wrong that day or whatever, something tried to push me over the edge and generally succeeded. I think it's wonderful that you have made it 10, almost 11 days smoke free!! Better than I have done in the past!!
Hi Joe,

I think it's great you have made it almost a month. You probably put yourself into a new situation that caused to reflect on something you would typically have a cigarette and had a hard time adjusting. Now you have gone through it, it should be easier the next time. I'm only going on day 5, but after the last couple of days I've had, I'm pretty proud I didn't pick up a smoke, because typically I would have just thought "to hell with it" and smoked.
It does get easier, hang in there and be patient. If quitting is something you really want then you will do it!!
Lots & lots of luck!! 😃

My quit began One Month, Twenty Five Days, 8 Hours and 38 Minutes ago, while extending my life expectancy 6 Days and 20 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1973 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $370.72.
Keep at it. It will get better. I'm going on 5 weeks, and I cannot believe it has been this long. Come on!! The worse part will be over in a few more days. The urges will come and go quicker. You will see. Family will always stick by your side, no matter how difficult it is. You are doing GREAT!!!...............Nikkie Noodle
Way to go Joe and an awesome post at that! We can get easily triggered by old patterns of people, places and things!! Are you using any positive reinforcement to counteract the thoughts that make you desire a cigarette, such as "smoking is not an option?" If not I can tell you that one little thought cuts off all the nicodemonic negative chatter in my head!! Keep on couting and way to gooooooooooooooo!
Way to go've done great!!! Don't you just have a sense of freedom now,? I do, I never have to worry about where or when I can smoke, or God forbid running out...I'm lovin every minute of it....keep going you are a non smoker!!!
Your success is inspiring! Thanks for sharing how you feel each day. You're doing GREAT! Congrats!
Hi Joe,
Your experiences inspire me. I joined this list Sat. & have cut back from a pack a day to 4 cigs a day. I believe I can actually quit do it now, whereas before I joined this list I was scared & smoking myself to death. Thanks for sharing your difficulties and HUGE success of making it to Day 5 smoke free. Hopefully I can follow in your footsteps.
Congratulations! You are doing a great job. As for your family - Apologies without excuse work magic. Ask for some patience. They will forgive you in their own time.
Good going Joe ! Now you've got a handle on it. It's
hard but can be done. You've figured out how to get
through the rough spots. Keep up the good work. Stay
strong. You can do this. Exercise can really help.
Hi Joe, Sounds like you've got a good attitude and
program. Congratulations on your quit. Tomorrow will
mark me as smoke free for 6 months. Amazingly I still
have occasional cravings. They are paper tigers. Good
deal and good day. Have a fine weekend.
I thank yo all for the kind word and encouragement. 5 days and going STRONG. LIVE WELL, BE WELL, BE STRONG.
thank you - 4 days and it has been a bit better. still have some dtong urges.
You are the master. The nicotine and the habit are the slave. Remember you are the Master! You/I have the control.
You guys are the best. Thursday the 12, Friday the 13, Saturday, the 14, Sunday the 15....Today is Monday. Still and will not smoke today either. 85 HOURS CLEAN.
I'm on day one. Your post is inspiring. It lets the rest of us "Hell Weekers" know that there is light at the end of that tunnel! Thanks.
What a great post, especially for those getting ready to quit. I liked the comment in there "i woke up thinking of cigs...but not wanting to smoke one". It is such a strange thing. I woke up at 6:30am this morning (on a Saturday!) with the idea of cigs controlling my mind, yet the thought of smoking/tasting one kind of disgusts me. This is nuts!
Congrats. That is a huge accomplishment! I am sure your wife will come around and understand. It is hard for them too, but she has to understand you are partially doing this for your family - and I am sure she will! Keep it up - you are an inspiration!
Joe- we should all be as brave as you! You are quite a good mentor! THANKS!
Keep at it Joe, you are doing great.
Good luck! Urges will come - you sound pretty convicted though so you'll get through them. I am trying to break a 35 year habit!
Is it any better for you? I did pretty good for the Fourth of July weekend. Everybody drinking and smoking! I actually enjoyed a beer & did not HAVE to have a smoke with it! 7 weeks and 4 days quit.
Hi Joe - good to see you're hanging in there. I have been quit for 5 weeks and 3 days & I wanted a cigarette SO BAD today and yesterday. I like your definition as the grim reaper - so creepy - but that is exactly what it is like! I will think about that every time I think I might cave! Good luck - look how far you've come and continue to go!!! The craves do get less & less so have faith. You are certainly strong willed.
Oh, and PS - I stopped on May 15. It will get better. Some days are just fine actually.
Hi Joe- We all can probably relate & our poor families! My husband & son are very understanding, thank god! I was almost evil yesterday evening. I wanted to destroy things in the house! And....I use the patch. I wonder how it will go when I take it off. You certainly have the right attitude....that you will not let it beat you. Let's try not to beat up our families too much in the mean time. Feeling bad is a good remedy for that though. Good luck to you! Unless someone has smoked it is hard for them to understand. I have heard from people way too many times, "just don't smoke". UGH!!! If only it were that simple.
John McCain --- ALL THE WAY
Mom's going in for heart surgery today. Dam cigs.
Congrats on staying quit! I'm approaching the 2 month mark, and I hope to get to 5 months staying smoke-free as well. Now the hard part has been trying to convince my boyfriend to try to quit... especially since he smokes in the house! But we are moving in a couple weeks and I told him, no smoking in the new house!
I'm also a workout fanatic, and I love the way I feel now that I can do more without running out of breath. I love the fact that when I open my locker at the gym before I leave, my purse/jacket/whatever else in the locker does not reek of smoke anymore!
Take care! 😉