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Share your quitting journey

Long term quits and craves.....thoughts and theory on complacency, 1043 days into my quit...

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One of yesterday's blogs got me to thinking.  About how long I've been quit, how this year feels so much different than last year and the year before.  

This year I am also having craves.  Not urgent ones.  The soft hinting that it's only one, what could just one do......I thought I would be over it by now.  The new has worn off my quit and it isn't so shiny anymore.  It's sort of old hat......

The only reason I don't freak out over it is because over a year and half ago,  I had conversations of sorts with  ckoalaco (Peggy), Mothergoose9 (Connie), jonescarp aka dale, and some other 'long-timers' back in the day.  pir8fan and I were just getting to know each other as I have had severe ongoing issues that kept me off the site for long periods of time.  I'd catch him on the Freedom Train once in a while.

My stress level was higher than it had ever been.  Go back and read my blogs if you'd like.  I lost an awful lot and the situation just kept getting worse.  I don't care to ever relive that time again. 🙂  

My craves were hitting me pretty hard.  At 1 1/2 years, I thought I'd be over that.  

Paraphrasing here, but Peggy, Connie and Dale at various points told me the craves will always be there.  Waiting for a weak moment.  Waiting for you to decide you can have just one and it won't be a problem.  Even though you know better.  Because we are addicts.  

It doesn't matter if it's been 6 months, 2 years or 8....those thoughts come quickly.  And if you let them stew about in your head instead of kicking them to the curb, they can eat at you.  Kick them to the curb the second they hit your brain, because you can choose which thoughts you focus on.

This is the most recent one that hit me hard.  

Read the below blog:

I have no shame or embarrassment over these craves. 🙂  I used to.  I stopped when I realized the shame and embarrassment was giving the craves power.  As far as I've heard, they happen to every long time quitter, these thoughts occasionally. But they are just thoughts.

They have no power over me because I know who they are and where they come from.  'Memory Craves' or 'Year of Firsts', they are all the same stuff.....the addicted mind coming back to hit you one more time.  

Sneak attack.  Well I got your number!  And I don't do that anymore.  2 1/2 minutes to to the milisecond is never worth what I've gained!

They hit me when I've gotten bored with my life and I want something new, when I really want that dopamine rush and pleasure rush.  They hit me when I'm sad or down.  They hit when I'm stressed.  

They hit me when I'm not paying attention!  When I have forgotten about them.  When I am vunerable.

All I have to do to kick it to the curb is REMEMBER WHY I QUIT. And DumDums.....but hey, DumDums have always been my favorite sucker anyway!

Lesson: Always guard that quit and keep it the forefront.

1043 days since I stopped making excuses to smoke.


16 Comentarios

Thank you for coming back here 1044 days later and sharing this experience with us newbys.  Now we know this is normal. This too shall pass.  Your Experience has taught us a lot.  Thank you for letting us know this is what is normal, this is what is to be expected. You are Leading the way for many!


Awesome!!! 🙂


Sneaky nicodemon hang in there he will curl up and leave you alone again


He always leaves when he has nothing to eat.  😉  If you don't feed it, it will starve.


Thanks so much for this Misty!


great blog misty.   2 words that sum it up for me thoughis scared straight.   thanks.  nope  erma


Great Blog Sweetie!! Be Alert!! This place need more lerts!


Thank You, Misty! I believe that folks need to be reminded that there's nothing embarrassing or shameful in having a simple thought! It's what you do about that that counts and it happens to all of us rarely, Thank Goodness, but  often when we are at our most vulnerable! Sounds like things are finally turning around for you which akes me soooo happy! 🙂


Good points Misty. I can tell you first hand being at 8 years & 8 months quit that this will surely happen. I don't feel that it's really an urge or a crave but that a forgotten trigger will rear it's ugly head & we'll feel we should be smoking. We'll romanticize that just one would be okay. After all...who would know. Some will carry out that choice to smoke just one, yes even after so many years quit. Peter Jennings had a 20 year quit going, blew it on 9-11-01 & 3-4 years later he's dead from lung cancer. I guess I'm just saying that we all need to stay on our toes & learn to recognize "junkie thinkin" when it pops up. Protecting our quits with everything in us & practicing NOPE plus our education here is the only way to do that.

Congrats on your 1043 day quit & keep on keepin on.

M n @


P.S.- It's good to see you back.


M n @


LOVED your blog (love your beautiful smile) .

This is something that needs to be said.........over and over..... its a tough thing to understand.... this addiction.  Even when you think you are 'over it' and you KNOW you will never allow yourself to ever have another puff....EVER, at times... infrequent or not........ the memories are there.  Thats the interesting thing about our brains............ we conciously may forget about the smoking.......... but our good friend Mr. Subconcious... doesn't forget.  And the memories come barreling in and we are reminded conciously of what we 'thought' was gone forever.

Fortunately...... we are so much stronger....wiser..... and in control.  Knowledge is power.

Thanks, Misty...... this was a great blog!!


thanks for sharing and this is good to know. It help newbies like myself pre-pare for our futre.


Addiction never goes away. And it still amazes me how the exact same tools we learned in our first week of quitting are the ones we use 2 years, 5 years, 10 years later. Kick it to the curb, and NOPE, have saved my life. 

Thoughts don't mean anything, if you don't let them. Thank you so much for this blog, this oh-so-important reminder!  


Wow.  I needed this big time.  I'll send you a private message.  Thank you SO much for sharing sweet Misty.

Oh how your words are so helpful.

Love u,



Proud of you for longevity of your quit and admire your candor. I honestly don't get craves. I won't allow them to sneak in.


Misty - Another inspired blog!! "Just a thought...." So true! I think it is Quitsmokingonline that says look at them as you would clouds floating by - that is all they are - thoughts floating them as they leave! 

Thanks! Take care! I remember how very rough things were for you - for so long! I am so glad that things are better now!