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Share your quitting journey

Lighting up my PEEPS ...

1 21 65

Hey Peeps,

What day am I on, besides a bad one?  DAY 44.  I am definately not going to smoke on a beautiful number like 44, even if it is the thirteenth day of the month, and even if I did have to sit across from my bad-ex with my lawyer, my lawyer's lawyer, and my lawyer's paralegal, all on my dime, and even though I did fork over more money today for nothing than I make in two-and-a-half months.  I won't smoke.

But for those of you without much stress in your life other than, possibly, your quit, understand that stress is very heavy.  I need some serious stress release.  I'm trying to use the ebb and flow, because I understand you can float boats large enough to carry aircraft carriers around on their decks like cargo containers.  And looking for the positive in the muck ... looking, looking ...  Oh!  I see it!

"The darker the blackness, the bright the light."    = )

"if I ever see the light."       (DAMN.  Why did I have to go and think that?  I'm still a work in progress, you see?)

Anyway, enough whining.  We all have problems.  Smoking won't make them go away.  Won't do that because I don't do that.

Instead ... I thought I'd light up my PEEPS.  Give me a shout out friends.  I'd love to hear from you.

21 Comentarios

Hi Puff.  Sorry about your sadness.  I have been through 2 divorces in this lifetime, IT IS HARD. Feel your sadness but look at the positives.  Beautiful children, what a gift.  So glad you are on this site with us.  You are a very interesting person with wonderful insights and humor.  Do something special for yourself.  Take care.


A big positive through all this is your wonderful sense of humour! Definately inspiring to me because I tend to lose that quick when I start stressing and I'm trying to work on that. So good on you for keeping things light (pun intended lol I'm so lame!), and just know that deep down you are probably a lot happier than your ex, who sounds pretty bitter really. Sorry it's taken awhile to get back to you, still working on the message. It's going to be a long one I fear so sorry in advance and I hope you are prepared! Congratulations on 44 days of freedom, you're so awesome 😃


Well, first I want to congratulate you on 44 days! You are getting up there! Keep moving forward! (I know you will, I just wanted to say it!). it stinks about the lawyers and you have to pay, hopefully some of that will be over soon!

Oh wait....Looking, looking... Oh I see you that's you're beautiful bright light shinging!!!

You are doing this, Mike! One day at a time! Whine if you need to! This is a great place to do that! I have done plenty of whining on here, so I know! You have come a long way!

No smoking required!

Terrie  99  DOF


I am sorry too but I love your strength and your spirit and you definitely have a wonderful sense of humor and fantastic ongoing as well, hang tough puff better days are ahead. 


Oops, that's supposed to read fantastic ongoing quit which you have my friend. Congratulations on 44 precious smoke free days and counting WTG Puff. 


Puff the magic dragon floated on the sea,

and kept his quit though he felt like ****, 'cause a smoker he won't be

Met with those attorney's who try to take his bucks, and the nasty wife who causes 

strife but still he's standing up.

Hang in there brother Mike


First of all and foremost.  Congrats on shining that light in the darkness.  Man you are on a forever quit.  I don't think I have had a trying as a situation as yours but each time I was in a stressful situation and said if I can go through this and not smoke I know I will never smoke again.  Know that you are on a forever quit journey.  44 days Super Puff


Mike, I'm so sorry you had a rough day with your ex and the lawyers.  Most definitely, that is a trying situation.  Like Grandbunn said, hopefully it will all be over soon.  So proud of you for keeping it together though.  You have a wonderful sense of humor which is a light in and of itself.  Not everyone has that gift: to be able to crack jokes during our darkest hour to shine some light on the situation.  Truly, your intelligence and sense of humor are stellar.  Keep up the good work and congratulations on your awesome 44 days!  Big hugs, Jamie 


I have nothing to add to those above-so I will simply shine a light to encourage you!


I have nothing to add EXCEPT everytime I hear Puff the Magic Dragon I will NOW think of Dale's lyrics......

My apologies to Peter, Paul and Mary (rest in peace Mary!)


Stand tall Puff, my friend. You are much better than the trials you are going through. Stay strong in that quit, and the things you are now facing in life.



Eah sressful situation that you get through without picking up that ole sickerette gives you renewed strength  for the next time because there always will be a next time such is life !

Stress is my hardest trigger too .I always relied on the  sickerette to calm me down now it is learning to use other methods to calm down .I am still learning and it has gotten easier as time goes by.


Hey. Sorry things are sucky right now. They will get better. You are right; smoking won't make it any better. You have a great sense of humor, and that can get you through most anything. Just think how much worse you'd feel if you started again. Keep on trucking. Things always get better. T least they could always be worse. Be thankful you have a job. If all else fails crank up some music. My suggestion for you is that blinded by the light song. Hang in there, buddy.




Good job Puff. You know  that. smoking won't change a thing. One day at a time..Most lawyers around here charge about $300 per hour-for me that  would be  the cost of cigarettes for about 1 1/2 months .Keep stacking the days and stay confident.


sorry I should always check my typing before I hit Post but I forget I wish this site would allow editing on comments like they do with the blogs !

I want to just add a few  things I do to relieve stress I walk alot  and listen to music .

In the immediate situation I try anfd think of the big picture like is it worth getting that upset would I feel if I even took a puff on a sickerette  and ended my quit and had to go back to day one ...How  would I feel coming back here and disappointing all the Elders who have helped me get this far ! These are some of the ways I deal with the fleeting desire to smoke in a stressful situation !

You are doing great Puff and I always enjoy reading your blogs besides being serious you have a great sense of humor which will help carry you through most anything !


Goodness, that's a kind of stress I can only imagine, but you KNOW that smoking won't make anything better in any way. I'm glad to hear you say that and 44 is such a lovely number!


Had a nice bunch of words to add but they got lost in the ether.  Too many distractions.  That's what YOU need...distractions.  Find some!

It would make a whole lot of our hearts here mighty sore if you gave up your quit because of some damn bunch of  lawyers.  Well, no.  Wouldn't matter what the cause - it would still make all our hearts mighty sore. 

SO DON'T YOU DARE TAKE A PUFF, PUFF!  We'll give you strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff but we won't be like Jackie Paper and abondon you.  So don't you cease your fearless roar!

(Wow, I googled string pics to find something appropriate and cute to put here as an image but all I came up with was G-string pictures.  Hey - that might get your mind off of what ails ya - try it !  Just skip the ones with the guys!  lol) 

Got the sealing wax though...



Hi, Puff.  Life is stressful, and for u especially right now.  i love your posts, btw.  You are a shining diamond.  You are not whining---the truth is that life is not a bed os roses all the time and it is good to let off steam and tell everyone or someone how you are feeling sometimes.  (otherwise we might assume u are perfect!)  but yeah.  You are able to hold onto your humor in the dark and that is just beautiful.  It will be ok, and hopefully this awful stuff will soon be behind you and you can get on with your life.  And it will all be good.


This too will pass, and I don't mean for that to sound trite because I understand that you are going through some heartbreaking sh**!  You're not smoking over it though and that my friend is what gives you strength in your own soul.  I admire how you kept your sense of humor through this.  Blessings to you!  CP 140 DOF


Bye Felicia ! 

Acerca del autor
I remember a friend coaxing me into smoking when I was about 12 yrs. old. At the time, it seemed daring. Before long I was sneaking cigarettes alone. I remained a closet smoker through high school, college, and for seventeen years of my career. Even before it became politically incorrect, I was ashamed of it. It didn't fit the image I wanted others to have of me. As an introverted, over-achiever, cigarettes became my constant companion, my support group, and my reward system. Finally, after thirty years as a smoker, I quit to please my fiance. We got married and started a family. I couldn't have been happier. Three years later, when signs of weakness presented themselves in my wife's commitment to our marriage, I returned to my old friend and support system with whom to commiserate. That didn't help matters. My divorce was finalized two days ago, and I decided to make that my divorce date with cigarettes as well. I have two young children for whom to grow old and for whom to set an example. And besides, between my wife and my attorney, I really can't afford to smoke anymore anyway.