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Share your quitting journey

Life's Dragons

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I've faced down a lot of dragons in my lifetime, but none that I feared more than quitting smoking. I had such a fear of failure that I kept smoking even though I "dreamed" of what it would be like to be free.

In my lifetime I'd experienced heartaches that could have brought me to my knees, but they didn't, I survived and moved on. Over 3 years ago I lost my job at 55 years old in the middle of an advertising depression. (I worked in electronic media ad sales for 30 years) It was like dealing with a death at first, then I decided to move to a new city, leaving behind a home and life we'd built years before in order to find work. It strengthened me when I found a great job, but I still continued to smoke. I feared failure. I feared all the horror stories I'd ever heard from people who tried and went back to smoking. These things really took their toll on my psyche.

I finally decided to do it after all those years of fearing I couldn't do it. I reached down deep inside and drew upon all of the things I'd learned or experienced, everything I'd accomplished, all my survival instincts and began to research where to get help in quitting.  

The day I found EX, I began reading blogs, seeing other people who had quit and they led me to Allen Carr's book, Why Quit and the information on the EX site made me realize, quitting is so doable. My attitude changed. I realized I feared continuing to smoke more than I feared quitting. I realized it was all within my power to make a commitment to myself and do this FOR ME.

To those who fear quitting, YOU CAN QUIT! You are not giving up anything, you are gaining everything when you take control, when you choose freedom over being a slave to nicotine. This is one more dragon in life I've faced down. 

Empowered, I am moving forward, never looking back!