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Share your quitting journey

Life happens! 🤷‍♀️

6 16 319

 Lets always remember that everything in this life is temporary at least that's what I like to believe whether everything is just peachy or everything sucks that's life! When it comes to our quits Lets hang on tight to the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the GIFT OF LIFE! Life happens BUT relapsing isn't the answer EVER! Vigilance is key to Freedom! The Choice is Ours! 








16 Comentarios

Good morning, Marilyn

  Never truer about being motivated, and without discipline and sites like this and those on it I would have never made it 2823 days of being smoke free

  Last day of April and the last April shower as it's raining here.

  Enjoy your day




Oh, it's PERFECT here this morning, although (and I HATE to say it!), we could use a little rain!  Sorry you got it instead, @Cousin-Itt !

There I was, living my life, doing my thing, and THEN my appendix burst. Then there was the Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (and boy are THOSE germs potent!).   I am just now almost back to how I was in November before it hit.  

Didn't smoke over it!




Howdy all.  Good to see you Marilyn.  Yes, last day of my favorite month.  So long April, til we meet again.  @YoungAtHeart   You are to be commended.  You are a fighter, not to be underestimated.  I went to the dentist this morning and paid a fair amount of $$$ to sit in that chair.  But he used screws and water and my next step is getting an implant placed in this giant whole that used to be my tooth.  Sure hope none of you had to go to the dentist today, but I'm not smoking over it.  Hope each of you has a good day.


So encouraging to hear the real world experiences of those who have said, No Way, to nicotine.  Somewhere along the line I picked up a pretty nasty cold complete with a bad sore throat and head congestion.  This is my first cold since quitting and I am rejoicing that I don't smoke anymore.  In the past, even with a serious cold, I would have been puffing on those death sticks---No More!!  Yay for freedom!!!


Thank you and good morning @MarilynH perfect about discipline it's so true. While I've never shouted at myself for thinking about smoking, just one more time, discipline feels like a kinder more gentle word to use. 

Just a little reflection: Sunday was a large gathering of cousins, their children and their children's children, I was so nervous because my only child, my beautiful daughter is an addict of epic proportions. I didn't want anyone to ask about her but it's not about shame it's about how society HATES addicts. I don't think there is much compassion out there for these poor souls who begin by making a choice but it goes quickly from choice to need. I watch my "mother bear" rise up very quickly and very large when I encounter these judgments. I didn't want to go to this gathering but the higher purpose was to honor our ancestors, my mom being the last of her generation to part last November. I felt the choice was to smoke or attend, that's not true it was more that events would unfold that would drive me to buy or bum a cigarette. I didn't smoke, I did attend and it was beautiful.

This is real and my recovery must be my highest priority but I also need to step out and test the waters into the inevitable stressful events. Today is 114 days, I'm stronger today than I was yesterday and will be stronger tomorrow because that's just the way it goes. The grooves in our brains get deeper relative to every days new reality. 

After reading @YoungAtHeart holy smokes! I was so heartened to hear your story and your weathering that incredible storm. But this is it isn't it? We will encounter the hard stuff and we will get through it.

Blessings to you all who make this difficult road just a little easier.


@Cbefree  🌻 🌹 🌈





I love your quit count today @Cousin-Itt, I wish you could send a little rain my way 🌧 ☺ Huge hug @YoungAtHeart you are a true inspiration to all of here at Ex and you're most definitely a kindred spirit 💕 Ouch @biscuit9 Whew for not smoking anymore whew! YAY for being an EXer! 💕 I hope you're feeling better this evening @ReallyReal , I also remember being EXtremely sick with colds or headaches and just feeling rotten and still smoke!!! Thankfully not anymore because we don't do that anymore! 💕 Thank you @Cbefree for sharing this great thought provoking and powerful post, you are doing super fantastic with your precious quit journey YAY for 114 splendiferous ~ DOF ~ Days of Freedom YAY for each and every day WON! 💕  Huge hug....


@YoungAtHeart  According to my rain gauge we received almost 1 inch of rain mostly overnight.   I'm willing to send you some rain for the weekend as I intend to be fishing this weekend



Going to a trout stream?  If I remember correctly, don't the fish bite better in the rain?  

But - I'll take it, anyway!




Glad your are back as it was in November last year..

Nice to see you ! 


Thanks for nice bird tweeting, and good message.

Have a good day ahead.


It's great to see you @green1611 🌞


GOOD to see you, @green1611 !

How ya' doin'?


@Cbefree   With every challenge met without smoking, our confidence grows.  Good for you attending your event and not smoking.  

I'm sorry to hear about your daughter.  I don't know what her situation is, but I don't believe everyone makes a choice to become addicted.  I had a family member that became addicted to opioids  prescribed for pain.  I don't believe all these people chose to become addicted. There is more information now and more warnings   Someone provided and overprescribed those medications.

Substance abuse is not the only addiction.  People have no right to judge another persons addiction.  Most people are addicted to something. There are behavioral addictions like exercise. gambling. social media, cleaning,  etc.   

Congrats on 114 days.  Keep moving forward one day at a time.




Doing good. Thank you.




Thanks !

Acerca del autor
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....