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Share your quitting journey

Life doesn't always treat you the way you want. Hoggie is at the end of his.

5 28 509

These are the times that TRY one's quit.

These Daffodill's


become Deadfodill's


Expectations run out of steam

Don't Go Back!

Hold Onto Your Quit!

It says my video is set to private and won't allow me to embed it.  (I didn't set it to private. PC users can right click and choose "open in another window.")

Hoggie is struggling. He hasn't eaten for a few days and has lost considerable weight. He falls over when he tries to stand or walk and can't make it to the window to use his litter box. He was born on a corner chair 2 feet behind my head and has been my constant companion for almost 19 years. He's been beside me through every song I've written since 2006. He's travelled out of the country. He is the last living one of his litter of 5 brothers. He would have turned 19 on May 10.  I'm going to miss him deeply.

Hoggie as a kitten.jpg






Oh my gosh Dale! I'm so sorry I feel like I've got know Hoggie over the last several years with you mentioning him and posting a few pics once in awhile! Wow almost 19 precious years of love and memories, I'm sending you a huge caring hug because I realize just how much you'll miss him!





You are in my thoughts @JonesCarpeDiem .


My sympathy.



Hard not to cry for you Dale, but since I'm feeling all the feels now, I can't stop the Fluffy llived to be 18.5.  You have my deepest sympathy.  The only thing I can say to you for comfort is what comforted me....You are all that Hoggie has ever known.  All of his life he has had you to rely on and count on.  That's pretty special Dale.  Keeping you in my thoughts.

Community Manager
Community Manager

My sincerest condolences Dale. Are pets are family, its very hard when they pass. 

Quiana, EX Team


I've been looking for him all day


So sorry to hear this Dale.  Pets are a special part of our lives.  Hope you were able to locate him @JonesCarpeDiem 



I had to have him put down yesterday morning.

He couldn't stand, walk, or eat.

I was with him as he slipped away.



Sorry for your loss - I know that it is hard but he is no longer suffering


I am so sorry dear Dale Hoggie died

I still miss my fur baby she died 15 years ago

My hubby held her until she died

Gentle hug dear friend @JonesCarpeDiem and prayers lifted 


I'm so sorry Dale! 



Not applicable

Oh @JonesCarpeDiem @Dale , I’m sorry sorry to hear of your loss . 


Very sad to hear this @JonesCarpeDiem .



I've been moving things out and boxing things up. It's amazing how much of my living space was dedicated to Hoggie. The next big project is removing the outside structure we built for him outside my window.  We kept his litter boxes out there and he had a place to go 24/7..

IMG_5376 (1).jpg


IMG_5377 (1).jpg



We have a large park about a block from here called Buddy Todd Park.








Wow.  Despite your loss and the sadness it brings you, for me it does my heart good to hear and see how much you loved him, evidenced by how your home was altered with him in mind.  If only all cats had humans such as you.  You were a blessing to him as I'm betting he was to you.  He was cherished while he lived and will be as well now that he is gone.  Sending you warm regards @JonesCarpeDiem .


A Goodbye Letter

Dear Hoggie,

I never really realized how much of my life was devoted to you. You were right beside me through every day and every life experience except my medical stays.

Right beside me every time I wrote a new song and worked to polish the rough edges. Right there until it was finished.

I never begrudged the two hours of sleep I lost every night. You had your needs and I had your sweet face to wake up to.

Now that you're gone I continually wait to feel you jump up on the bed. I'm continually looking to my left to see you there in your spot, but you're not there.

Every time I went out shopping or running errands I was thinking of coming home to you. I looked forward to getting outside with you 2 or three times a day. We had a routine, you and I. I miss going outside at 3pm to scoop your litter and refilling your water bowl at night.

I've boxed up at least 100 cans of cat food and have many more to go. Remember during the pandemic when I couldn't get the food you liked?  I stocked up after that experience in case there was a next time but you're not here to eat it. I have over a hundred pounds of litter and you're not here to use it. Perhaps it will be something to barter with in the future.

You were who I talked to.

I know you understood and were comforted by it.

Yes, I likely raised my voice at you too many times but always apologized afterwards and explained that I was just trying to get you to do something and that I wasn't really angry at you.

When I got out of the nursing homes you were a wreck. You hadn't groomed yourself in three months and you had knots everywhere.

Within a month after I returned, you had unknotted every one.

The last two years you began to caterwaul every time after you ate a meal. I could never understand why you began doing this but after awhile, I just accepted it. You were so loud the tenants upstairs could hear it. They thought it was funny.

I miss you coming over to snuggle at night, stretching out and resting your head on my elbow. Some nights you were still there the next morning.

We'll be taking your place down outside next week. We need to do some work on the stairs but, hopefully you're in a better place now.

I miss you buddy!

Your Papa


🥀  RIP Hoggie


I finished taking down Hoggies place today. This was what we started with when I moved back in 2011 after 45 years. We repainted the house and the painter could not get the areas Hoggies structure covered so we still have some painting to do.



Huge hug from me to you Dale! 🤗


Thank you Marilyn. It was a sad reminder of the loss of his constant love.


@JonesCarpeDiem Just realized my message didn't post in April- only your name.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  My last cat has been gone for few years now and there are times I catch myself looking for him laying on his spot on the sofa.

The best part of having any pet, is their unconditional love.  




@JonesCarpeDiem my heart hurts for you, your sadness is palpable.  Losing such a dear one brings such sorrow.  Wishing you find comfort this day in the loving memories you carry.  Peace.


@JonesCarpeDiem   What ReallyReal said Dale.  So sorry.


@JonesCarpeDiem No thoughts about getting another cat?   They're  such special companions.




I'd love another cat but I don't know where I'm going to end up a year or two from now and if where I end up will be compatible for a cat. I hope so but I have to wait for now.

About the Author
Hello, My name is Dale. I was quit 18 months before joining this site and had participated on another site during that time. I learned a lot there and brought it with me. I joined this site the first week of August 2008. I didn't pressure myself to quit. HOW I QUIT I didn't count, I didn't deny myself to get started. When I considered quitting (at a friends request to influence his brother to quit), I simply told myself to wait a little longer. No denial, nothing painful. After 4 weeks I was down to 5 cigarettes from a pack a day. The strength came from proving to myself, I didn't need to smoke because I normally would have smoked. Simple yes? I bought the patch. I forgot to put one on on the 4th day. I needed it the next day but the following week I forgot two days in a row I put one in my wallet with a promise to myself that I would slap it on and wait an hour rather than smoke. It rode in my wallet my first year.There's nothing keeping any of you from doing this. It doesn't cost a dime. This is about unlearning something you've done for a long time. The nicotine isn't the hard part. Disconnecting from the psychological pull, the memories and connected emotions is. :-) Time is the healer.