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Share your quitting journey

Lessons From the Pandemic

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If you haven't seen this article posted on the AARP website, it's an excellent example of how positive outcomes can surprisingly come from difficult times.    I know there are number of the people here that had a hard time dealing with the past year.  The situation was nothing we could control, but human beings are resourceful.  

I admire those that quitters that had the commitment to quit smoking during the past year.  They faced challenges that many of never experienced in our lives before.  Congrats to you.


15 Lessons the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Taught Us 

9 Comentarios

Thank you for sharing this wealth of information.


Barbscloud‌, Thank you for the shout out.  My quit date is June 22, 2020.  2020 was hell for me, but that year made me realize that I had to start taking care of myself.  I am not getting any younger, and my health would deteriorate greatly if I did not put the cigarettes down for good.  Since quitting smoking, I am learning to love myself again.  My quit date is for my fur baby girl Hannah.  She passed away unexpectedly June 22, 2017.  My quit date is to honor her, and for that reason, it is easier to stay quit.


Wow thank you for sharing Barb.....


Enjoyed the read      Thank you

Lesson 11  Never been truer for Joyce and I  

Lesson 11: When Your World Gets Small, Nature Lets Us Live Large


So sorry to hear about Hannah.  The grief  from losing a child is beyond words.  What a wonderful way to honor her memory.




Thanks for sharing, Barb!


I agree with you about those Exers who were newly quit or decided to quit during covid. Definitely a hats off to you all! Don't think I could have done it myself. Family IS important but many  people don't have a family..covid actually caused a rift in mine which has just recently healed. Telemedicine is great but I was grateful my Dr. saw me in person when I messed up my shoulder-she couldn't test it properly in a video chat. I actually did OK during covid--even being"at risk"--because I like my own company, my garden, and cooking & reading and playing and listening to music are my hobbies and they can all be done at home. My church got a YouTube channel and checked on me..I could walk around my park without a mask because it's private property. It was the George Floyd murder that plunged me into despair which led to B6 toxicity and a slow climb out of the deep depression it caused. And I just have to say, if it was covid that made folks aware of #13 they must have been too busy running around doing whatever, because that's been going on for quite awhile!


Thanks for sharing, very interesting!