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Last Day On Chantix

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I'm taking my last Chantix pill tomorrow. Can anyone tell me their experience/feelings after they went off that wonderful drug that may have saved my life. I feel like the Chantix has taken the place of the cigarette as my new friend. But, I am ready to give it up and go it alone. I feel empowered!!
Good luck Libby!
be prepared for a few more cravings than you had with the chantix....
I personally weened myself from Chantix slowly... every other day and then every three days... then I realized that it had been a week so I just quit....
You can do it.... You got a great attitude!
Thanks Michael....I did cut down this last week from 2 Chantix a day to one and I didn't notice any difference. Tomorrow is my last one and I'm ready for it. Good riddance to the whole smoking ritual!! How long have you been smoke free?
i did not notice any difference when i quit taking chantix, you just keep your gaurd up, because you will still get the occasional thought of a smoke peace!
Good luck Libby you will do just fine.
Thanks, I think I will do fine. Barb, I know this time that I have to keep my guard up until I no longer think about a cigarette.
I have been off Chantix for a week now and am doing fine...of course I have to constantly tell myself I am a non-smoker and I DO NOT SMOKE...still have the daily occassional urges to light one up but all I have to do is smell someone that has smoked and I think I don't ever want to smoke again:) - hang in there you will be fine:)
I think I will be OK, I don't have daily urges. Honestly, the only time I want to smoke is if I have an alcoholic drink. Most people would say "then don't drink" but that is part of my social life and I don't want to give that up for a cigarette. That would just be saying the cigarette won, you have to give up your life for me. Not goin to do it.
Lynda....My insurance company screwed up I think. I finished my 12 weeks of Chantix, but my final prescription said I still had a refill left so I had it filled. I just finished 2 more weeks and decided to go off of it still leaving me 2 weeks of it just in case I think I need to continue longer. I'm hoping I will make out fine because I want to be done with it. Sounds like I've traded one addiction for another but if it keeps me from smoking so be it. Tomorrow I will be Chantix free, will let you know how next week goes.
you will do fine Libby and wont it be so nice, just not have to take any thing again? peace!
Good luck, please let us know how it goes! Did you do 12 weeks? I have been told you can do two sets of 12 weeks and was thinking that I might do a second 12 only taking one a day or something, I'm worried about coming off the Chantix because it is working so well for me and I'm scared of not having it. Like you said, it is now my best friend instead of cigarettes! I'd really like to know how you feel without it so I can prepare myself...congratulations!
Hi Libby, I successfully quit smoking over 500 days ago by using Chantix. I too was very worried about my quit when I stopped taking Chantix. You'll be happy to hear that my fears were worse than the facts. I noticed nothing different except a bit more energy. No additional cravings. Nada.

You're going to be fine... it's true! Enjoy being a NON smoker! Yay for you!
Thanks Christine, I sure will welcome the energy. Yesterday was my last pill and I forgot to even take it until 3 in the afternoon.
You've already rid your body of nicotine dependence and your brain now no longer fires addiction signals every 5 minutes to make you want to smoke like it did when you were an active smoker... you are FREE from your physical addiction... but we are never 100% completely out of the woods.

Never fool yourself into believing just one cigarette would be ok. It won't be. One is NEVER enough! So now it's your job to keep your mental addiction in check.

You've got the gift of a longer life right in your hands. YAY! If you should ever even THINK about smoking, call your doctor and ask for another prescription. I doubt that you will ever need to do that... but everyone of us needs a back up plan. Find one that will work for you.

Hey Christine....I know better than anyone what just one cigarette can do. I quit once for 4 years and had absolutely no desire for a cigarette. I was recently divorced and out with a girlfriend who smokes. We were at a local bar for happy hour and I stupidly decided to smoke one of her cigarettes A guy at the end of the bar said "don't do it, within a month you will be back to a pack a day". I said, no, I would never do that. I smoked the cigarette and guess what? Yep, took me almost 10 years to quit again. That's what one cigarette did for me!
Yeah, it was 11 years for me. 😞 Never, never, never again! LOL, we can be poster kids for the ONE BUTT Association. LOL