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Just some updates...

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I have been trying to write a blog for days now...maybe longer but I wear out before I can get to it.  

I have been having on and off stomach issues for quite some time and after a negative gallbladder ultrasound, I agreed to have a scope so a doc look directly at my “insides”.  The procedure was absolutely painless and I remember NOTHING one they told me they were turning the IV sedation on. They looked at my esophagus, my stomach, and my duodenum. The results were that I have a severe gastritis and an ulcer.  I was put on Prevacid and I see the doctor next week for the results of numerous biopsies he took. I am not really expecting anything but it will be good to HEAR that I am okay. I honestly believe that I have noticed an improvement in the pain and nausea since I started the pills three days ago.  I had been on Prilosec before but since it was not making things any better, I stopped taking it along with a number of other medications that I thought MIGHT be causing me issues. Now, we wait.

My son has been ill for several weeks with a severe headache and back pain and pain in his joints along with swelling and redness.  He has deteriorated so fast that I am stunned. He has lost a significant amount of weight and believe me, he could not afford that.  He cannot walk without a cane or a walker...he is 33 years old. He has been seen by several doctors and needs an evaluation by a neurologist, he is also scheduled to see an ENT because he has terrible allergies and a rheumatologist because they think this might be reactive arthritis from a number of infections he has had.  He spent over eight weeks on antibiotics so his gut is a mess. They are considering MS, ALS, reactive arthritis, a tumor, and who knows what else. No WONDER I have an ulcer. It will be MONTHS before he can see a neurologist...he has an appointment for APRIL 2020, my head spun around when he told me that. He had a spinal tap but they only could screen for infection or increased pressure and he was okay with those things.  He has not been able to work in several weeks because he is too unstable to be cooking. I am terrified. I think about all of the possibilities all of the time and then I slap myself for doing that because, I am NOT a doctor and I do not have the knowledge or the ability to diagnose this. Please say a prayer for Damon...he sees his PCP next week, an ENT in three weeks, a urology follow up in two weeks, and he has yet to schedule the rheumatology appointment. 

Thanks for your prayers and KNOW that I am not smoking over any of this...NOPE.

I have to get to work this morning, may or may not be able to check back later.

Love you all,


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With all that you deal with on a daily basis, I am not at ALL surprised that you have an ulcer.  I am glad you got it diagnosed and are on the meds to sooth it.

My thoughts are always there with you.



Many prayers for Damon and you my friend.  I am hoping the biopsies show nothing bad.  I'm so glad the prilosec is working.  I would have an ulcer too, if I'd been through what you have.

Sending Hugs


I am so sorry for everything you and your son are dealing with!!! It is absurd that he has to wait so long to see a neurologist. Isn't that the reason some people don't want universal healthcare? Could he find someone to see him sooner in your closest city? It sounds like a desperate situation. And I hope that you, my dear friend, are feeling better real soon!                                                              Connie


Thoughts and Prayers are with you Elvan.


Good vibs being sent your way!



I went through the exact same "stomach" scenario as you a few years ago.  Same symptoms, same scoping procedure, same diagnosis, and same treatment.  I took a "prescription strength" Prevacid for couple weeks, followed by a few weeks of over the counter strength.  My Gastro doc told me I would probably be on it for life, and may need surgery at some point.  All of my symptoms disappeared within about 3 weeks, and I haven't taken any meds since.  Hope you are as lucky as I was!

But as a parent, I know you are far more worried about your son.  My prayers are with him for healing, and with you for comfort.


Hi Ellen elvan I am so sorry for all you are going through ... I had the same a few years back...I got everything healed, but waited to long for tests and did much damage to my esophagus...I do hope all gets better with God I am worried about your got my prayers for Damon...I don’t understand why so long for a neurologist, that is horrible...oh no...I hope they come up with a treatable disease...God Bless all of you...~ Colleen 


@elvan Ellen, I'm sure you're beside yourself with your own health issues and with worry over  Damon. Whatever is happening with him is scary for you both.   I needed to see a neurologist last year, but saw the CRNP first who was excellent.  Like triage, she ordered the tests and depending on the outcome would determine if I actually needed to see the doctor.   Which I didn't.  Is that a possibility?  As you know, there is a lot of blood work they can do to identify autoimmune disorders.  Maybe the PCP can order in the meantime.  ANA, ANCA, sed rate, etc.  You're pretty darn amazing that you were on the site this morning supporting everyone else.   Even commenting about cats and coffee 

Take care



Gee whiz, how awful.  I hope your ulcer clears us real soon and that the biopsies are all negative.   Regarding Damon, this may be a really stupid question, but have they checked for Lyme or other tic born diseases?  No doubt they have.  Saying a prayer for him and you.


Oh, Ellen, I know the procedure you had as it's the one I finally had done. I'm so sorry about the ulcer findings and hope the Prevacid does its job.

That's crazy about the neuro appointment for Damon. Is it because you are in a rural area? That just doesn't seem right at all. He's sick now and needs care sooner than that.

My thoughts are with you both. If he's half as strong as you are, he'll get through this. As for your stomach, I'm going to will it to get better for you, daggumit!


Day 228


Ellen---your "update" was more of a "down" date.........WOW! I am so very sorry for all of the worries you are having. I hope the Prevacid helps you and I will keep Damon in my prayers (and you also!!!).


My prayers to you & your son. It's horrible that they won't see him sooner!


Ellen Ellen Ellen....Ah awful lot to handle, Prayers


So sorry Ellen about his health and yours.  Praying for God's great healing for you both.  Love,  Barbara


Prayers lifted in MY Lord Jesus name amen - gentle hug❤


Oh my gosh Ellen. Not only dealing with your own stuff - to e carrying the worry about your son must be just too Much! I am sending prayers for you both. Please continue to keep us posted...I am so sorry. 


Miss Ellen-know I'm thinking of you and sending prayers.  I hope you feel better soon. Damon just has to be able to see someone sooner. I'm praying that he starts to feel better and can get a diagnosis.  Remember how much we all love you! Xoxo



I am saying a prayer for the both of you.  A long time ago I was told I could not see the spinal Doctor for months because he was full up and I was in tremendous pain so I called back and told the receptionist I know you told me he can’t see me but if there is any way I can get on a list that if you have a cancellation I can get in to see the doctor sooner and she said sure and I got a call within days that she had someone cancel their appointment and she wanted me to come in. It never hurts to ask for what you want even if they tell you sorry full up at the moment.


sweetplt‌ Apparently this neurology wait is not unusual but he is going to see his PCP and have HER order and MRI of his brain to see if there are changes or indications of a tumor.  It makes my stomach hurt thinking about it.




Giulia‌ they originally thought it was Lyme disease because his symptoms started after he cleared a space in his yard.  He had a rash at that point, his sister had Rocky Mountain Spotted fever when she was in 2nd grade.  I am about out of my poor mind.

Thanks for the thoughts.


DonnaMarie‌ My stomach is already improving, the nausea is gone and that was so severe that I could not stand it.  The pain was pretty bad in one area and that's where the ulcer is.  I have had more than one at a time in the past from anti-inflammatory meds they put me on, this one is different. I am not quite sure what to think but I will get through one way or another.

Thanks, honey.


Sootie‌  hmmmm down date might have been more appropriate.  I am feeling better from the Prevacid or maybe just from an ANSWER.  Damon worries me.  




We DO live over an hour away from the neurologist he would see, it has been recommended that he go to a research hospital.  Our hospital doesn't even have neurology, it's more of a bandaid center.  We'll get through this one way or another.




It is a lot but I know that we will get through this, I have a great deal of faith.

Thank you,



Prayers are going to do it, I KNOW they are, I CANNOT lose my son.  I cannot bear to see him in so much pain.  It's really a horrible thing to have no answers.

Thanks Barb,



Thank you DianeJoy, I know what prayer can do and I have every faith that something good will come out of this.

Blessings and love,



Thank you, Kathy, I am feeling the prayers, I have never been so worried in my son means a LOT to me...all of my kids do but he is named after my Dad and I have always been particularly close to him.  My daughters are strong and independent.



Thank you, Rachel.  We are hoping that if he gets the MRI done and has it, that he can see someone sooner.  I am praying for that.  I spent six months with RA not knowing what was wrong with me and I began to question my sanity.  When I got the diagnosis, I cried tears of joy because I had something to hang on to.  My arthritis STARTED its major flare with a sinus infection and a very high fever.  He has had a low grade fever for weeks.  His joints are so painful that he cannot balance himself, I was not in that shape.  I worked for two years AFTER I was told that I HAD to go out on disability.  

Again, thanks.



Damon is on a waiting list and he plans to call every few days to see if there have been any cancellations.  I am just so worried about him, thanks for your thoughts and prayers.



Prayers Ellen..



Why are you thinking in those terms?  "I CANNOT lose my son"  Stop it!  And you know exactly what I mean and the kindness with which I utter it.  Don't go there!  Fight again'st going there.  It's a nasty place to go in our heads.  Ya know?

Oh, and PS - so much easier said than done.  But quitting teaches so much about where to place our heads.


Love prayers and hugs coming your way sweetie and prayers for Damon that the Drs figure out what is going on so he can start recovering.....


Continued prayers - Please take what HELPS and let go of the rest- to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you- I love and will continue prayers for YOU and your son Damon for I asked MY Holy Spirit to teach ME how to pray and just sharing that In HIS love and service - I trust God and read and study HIS Holy Word just for MYSELF and YOU can for YOURSELF Ellen - just ask the Holy Spirit - He is just waiting to be asked - for HE is a gentleman and waits for YOU to ask- HE will not force Himself on anyone -  HE is OUR Helper in those who have accepted Christ Jesus as their FREE gift of Salvation as wriiten in - 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1-4 - it is the Gospel of Grace and when you have done YOUR part - then stand in YOUR OWN believing in taking God at HIS word - HE said it and YOU Ellen believe HIM for what YOU read for YOURSELF in OUR Lord Jesus name amen-  that is YOUR OWN believing Faith in God not of ourselves and I always end MY praying in Jesus name - HIS name is powerful for God is in HIS name and WE are hid in Christ and Christ is God. -  IT IS written -  WE walk by faith and not by sight. - by FAITH IN HIM -we believe before WE see and thank God and PRAISE God for what HE has done - it is all God - it is written -  God is love and HE has given to ALL -  if they CHOOSEof their OWN free will-  HIS free gift of Salvation and then WE ask our Holy Spirit to HELP US -  amen and amen -  gentle hug❤


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Praying for you and your family. 



Oh Me too elvan Ellen... I am glad he is going to PCP to get tests done...(((Ellen))) hurt for you...xoxo xoxo Colleen 


Thoughts & prayers to YOU & yours … and hugs.  


Thank all of you Giulia‌, MarilynH‌. KMC56 , sweetplt‌, Ladybug--7-3-12‌, indingrl‌, BoomBoomPants‌...your thoughts and your prayers are very powerful and I know that you are all there for me, I appreciate every word you have written.





About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.