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Share your quitting journey

Just checking in to let everyone know I am still here 11/25/12 quit

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I have been trying to understand this site for a few weeks now since everything has changed and can't seem to find my old blogs etc.  So just wanted to check in and say that I am still quit now 4 1/2 years and feeling great.  To those of you that don't know my background, I want to say if I quit after smoking over 45 years.  For me, it was my health issues that made me throw away those sickorettes.  Now, no more coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. I was one of those people that thought I was never going to quit.  How could I survive without my smokes??  But I did it.  And you can too.  Just give it a try.  What do you have to lose?? Oh yeah, stinky breath, hair, house and car.  Standing outside in the rain, snow, cold weather while everyone is inside having fun. Waking up in the morning wheezing and trying to breath. Just do it now already!!  It really isn't as hard as you think it is. So everyone have a great smoke free day.  And Hi to all you beautiful ex smokers!! 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Great to have you back.  All of your old content is still on the site. You can click on your avatar or your username and then go to your profile.  There is a Content tab there that shows everything. 

If you want to see just your blog then you can go to .  There you will see all  your historical blogs and any new personal blogs you create.

Check out‌ for more info on learning the new site. There are help documents there.  You can also use the search magnifying glass in the upper right of the page to find questions and possibly answers to your questions. Many questions are already asked there. If your question isn't asked. You can ask it.

EX Community Manager


Jenny78‌ Thanks for checking in with us and letting us know that you are still quit.  Congratulations.  The positive effects of quitting FAR outweigh the negatives, which are short-lived.  Good to see you here.  I see Mark has given you some guidance for the site.  



Thank you Mark.  Will get this figured out.  Your info is very helpful.


You are welcome Ellen.  And you are right.  My lung function at its worse was 56% and it is now close to 90%.  It feels so wonderful to take deep breaths and not wheeze!!  OOPS this was for Ellen and clicked on wrong reply.  LOL


Thanks Ellen.  Sorry replied to Mark and thought I replied to you.  LOL  Will get this all figured out.


It is good to hear that you are still doing good!  The new site has some really good features - just takes a little practice learning how to navigate it.  Let me know if I can help.


Jenny78‌ I got it, thanks.


Thanks Jen so much!!


Hi there Jenny - great to see you and congrats on your wonderful quit! Five years right around the corner - woo hoo!! You sound fantastic - thanks for sharing! 


Wonderful to see you and know that your quit is still going strong!  Rah Rah!!!


Jenny78  So glad you are here.  My lung function is much better but, I have to admit that I still get markedly short of breath with exertion, particularly in hot and humid weather.  I walked up a small hill to my car today and I had to use the rescue inhaler.  My sats are in the mid to high 90's at rest.  I have no idea what they used to be at rest.  It really is a journey, marked by all of the things journeys are marked by, bumps, curves, beautiful scenery, happiness, and sadness.  It sure beats the alternative.
