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Share your quitting journey

Just Quit Smoking on Sunday and need some advice...

0 17 32

I have tried before and used Commit but it didnt last. I recently got diagnosed with pneumonia last week and decided enough!!! This time I am trying cold I making a mistake?

Also, for snacks, is granola a good one? any other ideas?

17 Comentarios

glad you are quitting! best thing you can do for you 🙂 These are a few snacks I like

Quakes rice snacks in chocolate

13 mini cakes only 120 calories

they are great for the chocolate cravings and the crunch ones too


Quaker Mutigrain Fiber Crisps

Wild blueberry aste like a blueberry muffin yum

17g of whole grain

13 peices 110 calories

for those who love crunchy snacks these are a must have!


You are not making a mistake at all!  Some people quit using nicotine replacement and others quit cold turkey.  In three days the nicotine will be out of your system!  Yay!  Snacking is very important, your blood sugar could be a little out of whack with the nicotine withdrawal.  Granola can be good, make sure it is not too sweet.  Fruits and raw vegtables are really good.  Crunchy and low in calories.  Once you can get moving, brisk walks are invaluable.  There is a great book by Allen Carr, The easyway to stop smoking.  Someone will be along with a link to a downloadable copy.  There is a saying "NOPE" Not One Puff Ever, it is impossible to fail as long as all nicotine remains on the outside.  You can absolutely do this.

Welcome to the site, glad you are here.


Lisa (quit cold turkey 08.20.11 after 35+ years of smoking)


Hey there, you are doing it the right way- "cold turkey" no NRT,is the better way to quit in the long run, in my opinion.  I snacked on popcorn, dark chocolate, lots of green tea and cranberry juice, too - really helps!!!!!  Read, read, educate yourself, as much as possible, stay close to this site, has been a God Send for me and many, many others. You can do it.  Congrats on quitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations on making the best decision of your life! I love a fresh crunchy veggie plate. It's inexpensive and you can eat all you want! Great antioxidants!

I eat 2 - 3 clementines a day.  green olives with pimentos are another satisfying snack (though not as easy to throw in my purse ;).   Greek yogurt has also been helpful.  Pretzel sticks.  Best wishes to you!


Congratulations! Monday was my first day.  I'm also going cold turkey.  My most frequent snack these past 2 days has been Twizzlers.  Not the pull n peel, the chewy vine looking ones.  They are low fat and tough to chew on so I can let the tension out ya know what I mean? Also, I am drinking water alot during the day, I find using a straw really helps.  I can usually get past these cravings with a snack.  My problem is, my cigarette after each meal used to tell me to stop eating.  Now I can't seem to get that message to my brain any other way.  Any idea's on that??


Thank you everyone for your support, advice and most of all support. I WILL do this and QUIT FOR GOOD!!!!


Hi---I'm a little late with responding but just wanted to say MANY of us quit cold turkey and it is actually the easiest way. There's no need to withdraw from patches or loznges worries about the side affects of drugs like chantix....just quit smoking. Don't be scared-----just do not smoke. It REALLY is as simple as that! No matter what.... you can scream, cry, sing, throw things, dance, cry, eat, run, walk , sleep ANYTHING---just do not smoke.

Watch out for granola as a snack---granole (although VERY healthy) can be fattening...many people do not realize this. In moderation, it's fine but if you are worried about weight gain...stick to carrots and other veggies. I personally used Halls mentholyptus cough drops....they really kept me from smoing AND from sancking too much. But, don't worry about weight at this point---one thing at a time and the quit is the most important.


I "started" to quit 3 days ago.  I, too, am trying to stop cold turkey but who am I fooling? I am still smoking at least 7 or more a day.  But, after reading all of the above posts, I got a lot of great feedback and ideas. Thanks, everybody!  


In the early days, do whatever (and eat whatever) you need to to help you stay on track.  I used the patch for the first week (took it off just before bed as I didn't like the very vivid dreams) and then I just walked a lot and drank a lot of water and some fruit juice and, yes, I ate some fattening things.  Don't put too many restrictions on yourself at first.  The quitting part is enough to handle.  Be kind to yourself and take naps if you need to.  Things will level out later and you really can do this.  Did you reward yourself?  Congratulations on one week!


Do whatever works for you.  Everyone's quit is unique and different.  I started out with the patch myself and needed it for 3 days, then didn't need it after that.  I stayed away from caffiene, as the tension it creates made me crave more.  Bought a trampoline, and when I felt antsy, just jumped on that to distract my thoughts of craving, worked wonders.  I drank lots of lemonade, and I  keep a bag of peanuts, or MnMs, raisenets,  nearby for the mouth and crunchy cravings, tried gum, but it didn't work.

Cold turkey ok, if you havent smoked much or a light smoker.

NRT is good, but I found myself having to go through a second set of withdrawals after stopping the patch, but it helped me for that first 3 critical days, now going on my second week smoke-free!  You can do it!


today is my second day quitting and wow it has been emotional. I have tried quitting the past week and do good until work as soon as i get there the cigarette lights up and then i justify it from half a pack to one i am doing good but i am not doing good that one cigarette for the day still makes me a smoker. three days till its out of my system and i cant go one i need to rethink my will power. exercises has been helping and drinking tons of water. just be strong its always darkest before the dawn


I tried cold turkey but for me it didnt work I wasa grumpy git so using nrt and now nice ex smoker but well done it is probably easier in long run to go cold turkey but you do it the best way for you and well done sf


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