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Share your quitting journey

Just 8 more sessions to go.

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I thought I was getting off lightly with a bit of a sore throat and not much else, until Friday, 4 days ago when suddenly when I ate food, sweet or savoury it all has the most awful bitter taste and an extremely sore mouth and tongue so consequently I couldn't face eating and I only had cups of tea. I do have a bit of a problem with eating at the best of times, but the nutritionist thoroughly ticked me off and threatened me with stomach feeding!!! Cripes, a thing inserted in your tummy and fed through that in hospital. She gave me some fortified drink things which I can swallow in two gulps and shudder and then have a cup of tea and that seems OK.

This is definitely gonna go on for a few more months, even when the treatment is over, but how I long for a cheese sandwich but it's too vile!! The weird thing is I haven't lost any weight, think I must have a very slow metabolism.

Still coping well with the mask but I'll be glad not to have this awful daily journey, 3 hour round trip, tho I'm driving myself now and enjoying it in a way, less frazzled than when my husband drives, tee-hee, hope he doesn't read this.

I'll be honest, because I couldn't get anything nice to taste, the thought of a cigarette did appeal, but I know it would be a mouthful of stinky smoke, I've been romancing the cigarette again.


 wow hi linda, im glad ur feelin well and doin good threw it all, ur doin good not smoking,so many ppl smoke for less then thing like this and ur not, ur strong and thats awsome good for u, im proud of u so hang in there, summer is coming and u will feel alot better just in time to enjoy the hot weather :)) always thinkin of ya, stay strong and smokefree :)) joanne


theres nothing romantic about a cigarette . they want you dead 14 years early, they make it to where you can 't breathe at all. the dammage you do is done, no looking back maybe you could retain what you haven't lost.

ask anyone with copd or emphysema how it feels. just ask, make apost and ask if anyone has it and I bet you;ll get an overwhelming response.

get more education go to why  and read bryans story and listne to joles juke box pod casts.

regardsa Aztec

good luck with that playing with fire, bet you'll get burned if you dont' stop it NOW


It's a new year, time to do new things, life is short so lets do healthy things like losing this destroying habit. Hope to see you around alot, Knowledge is power. Keep learning!


exercise is great you get BDNF, epinephrine and endorphins all feel good the dopamine one for sex and do away with the deadly dopamine delivery system from cig. Just move, I jump rope, hoola hoop, weights, walk, hike run

yoga, floor exercises, swimming , biking, just move and you'll feel better from the good chemical action going on in your brain

Joels juke box ,pod casts from whyquit,com help with addiction

Try and listen to at least one pod a day, there are 64, That's what was suggested to me

Paste it to your site so you can listen whenever you can and share it with your friends.

Now that your an ex, bcome a starter, there's a whole life out there of things to do and be without a cigarette in your hand. Make a list of things you'd like to do , now you should have more money to spend too, reward yourself for all the milestones you feel.

Call 1-800-lungusa anytime 8-10pm as many times as you need to.and get a professional

Go to my page and you can read my homework and do some for yourself.

From Kellie

A new update. In January this year shortly after I updated the above... I was put on oxygen. I have also started a daily blog called As I live and Breathe. It is a blog to document a year of living with Copd and Emphysema. I would love for you to stop by. It is a place those also suffering can go and find out they are not alone. It is a place those with loved ones suffering with this can go and get a taste of what that person lives with on a daily basis.

Spend as much time as you want, on my page, there are lists, and links and some great tool i pick up on the way. Check out HWC's page too!!

amd Just enter the name in the top right corner search bar.

When I first decided to quit smoking again my Doctor told me about a craft called Tapping

I got three books on it and finally found the pioneer who discovered it and his stuff is the best.

The book is called 'TAPPING THE HEALER WITHIN'

Using Thought Field Therapy to Instantly Conquer your Fears, anxieties, and Emotional distress.


I tapped for getting rid of the addiction to smoking and otehr stuff came up and I tapped for that too. It works, You can find many testimonials on the internet.

It works on the emotinal body through the meridians and pressure points. You don't have to undertand it to use it.

It worked for me and continues to , it's well worth 17 dollars for the book, you can use it for all kinds of things, everything you can think of. Happy Tapping/

this is Jonescarps new site for first time quitter hop eyou check it out's a new year, time to do new things, life is short so lets do healthy things like losing this destroying habit. Hope to see you around alot, Knowledge is power. Keep learning!



Hey Linda, I'm so happy you are feeling a little better and that your treatment is going well. Wish I could send you some of my homemade vegetable soup. I just KNOW that would taste good to you! Take care.

Love, May


My friend lived on split pea soup for a while.  Thanks for checking in with us as we are thinking of you often.


Linda - Thank you for the update. You are doing so well by staying positive about all of this! Hopefully you can find something that you can tolerate as far as taste........

Please take care dear Linda! I know you have the strength to get through this - and to continue your wonderful quit!


Linda thanks for sharing and I think you have so much courage to go through what you are and staying quit.....Just because we think...doesn't mean we have to act on the thought nor really be ashamed since that is how addiction works! I hope you keep writing and telling us how you are doing....that way I can pray for your specific needs as well.

Breathe Free


Those addict thoughts will pop up from time to time, no way around that, but we don't do that anymore and that's that.  I know you move on and do the next best thing that comes to mind.  Sounds like that's a cup of hot tea, for you!  I'm sorry to hear of your struggles, I bet you do have some problems eating now.  it will pass, but that doesn't help much now, does it? 

You should be proud of yourself, how you've re-framed the mask to security and driving yourself and making it an empowering time for you!  Thanks for sharing, we like knowing how you're doing. 

8 more to go, you're past the half way point and it won't be long now!  Take care, Linda!


they tell you not to eat your favorite foods during treatment because they will never taste good to you again.

i heard this to be true


Linda, I visited your profile page a couple of weeks ago and I would like to thank you. What you wrote on your wall made me think really hard last Thurday about how I would feel if I let myself down and smoked one, because of your page, I went shopping instead. I am sorry that you are so sick.  Cigarettes would probably taste even worse with your meds. If they make good things taste bad, I imagine they would make bad things taste really horrible. Think of a really great reward for yourself for when you get you taste buds back to normal again after your treatments are done. I hope you feel  better soon.


I'm glad to see your making it through. ❤️ I think about you and wonder how it's going. Your a strong woman!!