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Share your quitting journey

Journal follows five smokers who quit

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The Journal is following five employees and family members who are taking Smart Steps to quit smoking forever. Smart Steps is a three-session, how-to cessation program developed for the workplace by the Lung Association Alberta & N.W.T. and supported by Health Canada.

Participants are revisited by a program facilitator during followup sessions one month, three months, six months and 12 months. Our quintet of quitters volunteered to have their progress tracked online and in the newspaper. Their first one month followup session with Krista Potter, tobacco program specialist, happened March 8. Here's an update .

Vlad Pylypchuk, massage therapist, married to a Journal employee

Quit cold turkey on Jan. 11, some 11 weeks ago. "I feel great. Still not smoking. Trying not to think about that."

Vlad is trying to be more active since putting on a few pounds.

April Baldonado, paramedic on maternity leave and sister of a Journal employee


Smoked her last cigarette Feb. 2, almost eight weeks ago, after a one-on-one session with a hypnotist. "My desire to smoke is gone, so it's not a craving, but certain things still trigger a memory of smoking."

She hasn't been on the treadmill for a while, something she still hopes to start doing for 20 minutes every day. But she's looking forward to getting outside more with her kids.

Dawn Lemire, Journal sales assistant and April's sister

Quit smoking Jan. 31, eight weeks ago, after a one-on-one session with a hypnotist who helped her quit smoking before. Dawn has gained weight since losing the smoking, but it doesn't bother her.

Debbie Horlick, Journal sales rep

Butted out Jan. 30, eight weeks ago, after attending a stop-smoking hypnosis seminar. Debbie has started the second stage of using the patch, which has less nicotine.

Since quitting smoking, she has discovered candy. To offset the snacking, Debbie regularly walks her dog and is planning to sign up for a walking class with The Running Room.


Rhonda Vickers, Journal sales development manager

Quit Feb. 1, almost eight weeks ago. Rhonda is finally starting to sleep better. She has just started the second stage of using the patch, and continues to chew Nicorette gum, but she needs it less.

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1