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Share your quitting journey


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Im feeling a little overwhemed today and my husband is not helping!! I am soo soo proud of myself for quitting smoking. On the 13th it will be 6 months. I rock!!!! But apparently I gave up smoking and took on eating. I have always struggled with my weight. About a year ago I decided to do something about it and sucessfullly lost 55 pounds. I still had another 25 to go but i was happy with my success. I then decided to quit smoking. I figured I was down on my weight and if I gained a little while quitting, it wouldnt affect me to much. Fast forward to present day. IM DEPRESSED beyond belief. I am LOVING the way food tastes and have gained about 20 pounds. Im so lost. I feel like I have no will power to say no to food. I know exactly what Im doing wrong buut cant seem to stop it. So this morning i got up and stepped on the scale. I was up 2 pounds and just started bawling like a baby. My husband started to "help" and offered solutions to my weight issue. Like the things he was telling me were things i didnt already know!!! He got mad and finally yelled and said "just stop eating!!"  O, at this point im not sure whether or not to slap him or hug him. I realize it really is thta simple, just dont eat that much. But if it were that simple, i wouldve done it already!! So all these things go through my head. I had enough will power to stop smoking, why cant I stop eating?? Everyone tells me that I did such a great thing quitting smoking and who cares about a few pounds...a FEW POUNDS is like TWO!!!!  UGGGGGGG!!!!!


Rome was not built in a day, nor will the new, healthy, sweet smelling YOU!!!  Now that your quit is firmly in hand, it's time to put that commitment into losing the weight.  Remember what you did to lose the 55 pounds?  Only 20 should be a piece of cake compared to THAT!!!!!  Losing weight is pretty simple - smaller portions and increased activity should do it!  

You CAN do have proven that once you commit, you can do ANYTHING! 

So - get TO it!  I have every confidence that you can.



Maybe you can team up with SkyGirl here. She should be back sometime tonite or tommorrow abd wants to lose 20 pounds. You both want to lose the weight so get a plan together, get your mindset straight and JUST DO IT,lol  


 Warrior, You can do it! You have done it already! Losing weight sometimes isn't the easiest thing to do but remember you quit smoking, that's an accomplishment and so will losing those extra lbs.


Dont pay any attention to him.. ya so wat,you will lose the wieght dont worry.. i know i ate alot of seedless grapes and lots of helps make you feel full.. You quit smoking, one of the hardest things to do.. just relax and have faith in yourself, it will work out for ya.. keep your head up..


Nome was not QUILTED in a bay.



I've always felt that quiting smoking and losing weight are equally as hard and come from the same demon.

Now you have accomplished what millions of people could never do: Losing 55 pounds, and quitting are awesome and should be very proud of yourself.

So you gained some back......You didn't stop smoking on the first try, and the same will be true about the will find the way.  Many here are having the same theres always support or someplace to vent, and always people to listen and support you unconditionally

I am sorry you are going through some depression over this. But if you combine the same principles you used to quit smoking and lose weight, the depression will turn to anger, and the Warrior Princess will be back with a vengence....Kicking Ass

I believe in you


It's not just eat less - it's ear healthier! Look at nutrition not diet! Eat all the fruit and veggies you want; eat whole grain breads only in limited quantities; only chicken and fish (baked) with occasional pork if you have to! NO SODA! I drink cinnamon water every day ( antioxidants and tasty) eat 6 meals a day instead of 1 or 2. You won't get so hungry that way. EXercise, EXercise, EXercise....

Thanks for all the encoraging is so hard but i know that i can do it especially if I quit smoking. I guess it could be worse and I couldve gained 55 back!!! I love this site!!!