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Share your quitting journey

Its time but how

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My parents both want me to quit smoking so I am giving it another shot. Thing is that they both smoke around me and won't work with me on quiting. I do not know how to get past this.


Do what i say not what i do?

sounds like doo doo to me!

make them work for your quit!


Welcome to Community!

If your parents are serious and you are too, you should ask them to start smoking outside and not have their cigarettes where you can see them!  You can  become an example for them!  Once you get them to go outside to smoke, I think they will realise the hold this addiciton has over them.  It is eye-opening!

The most important thing you can do to start is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your mind and body. To that end, I highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read. Here is a link to a free PDF version of it:

As well, read the sections on this site, do the tracking and separation exercises, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. You might also want to visit, and

After you have completed the readings, it will be time to make your quit plan, including what quit aid , if any, you will use, and the crave busters you think will work for you. Then you can approach your quit day with a plan in place.

The idea is to distract yourself through the cravings.  Don't let that thought rattle around in your head alone!  A crave will last about three minutes whether you smoke or not.  Go for a brisk walk, march in place, do a few jumping jacks, clean a drawer, do a crossword puzzle, play a computer game...Here are links to lists of 114 things to do instead of smoke if you need fresh ideas:

The conversation in your head CANNOT be:  "I want a cigarette.  No!  But - I WANT a cigarette.  NO!"  Instead, it needs to be "I want a cigarette.  Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it!

Stay close to us and ask for advice and support as you need it. We all here want to help you be successful!



Challenge them to quit with you! 😄  The more the merrier!


Check out those links Nancy posted, very very helpful information!  You can do this with or without them!


Quitting is a personal journey and the longer your parents have smoked, the harder it will be for them.  If you live with them, it might be helpful for you to follow the advice to ask them to go outside, but ultimately it is their house and their decision.  It's best to keep your decisions about why You want to stop and perhaps they will be inspired to do so as well.  Good luck.


Marie, please remember that you can't quit because someone else wants you to.  The desire to quit must come from within yourself in order to be successful.  I would recommend that you have a long, serious talk with your parents about how reasonable it is to ask you to quit if they are unwilling to assist and support you by either making it a joint family effort or at least by agreeing not to smoke anywhere around you anymore.


I want to quit Sky Girl because I have a breathing issue and don't want COPD at a young age. I am finally going to do this for me no one else. Thanks for the replies everyone.


Personally, I feel your parents have nothing to do with it. Like Sky Girl says,, quitting will ultimately come from one else. If you want to quit badly enough, you will. I imagine it would be difficult to quit with them smoking  around you, though.


Read, read, read and I also strongly suggest outside smoking only for your parents! Their second hand smoke has a big effect on your lungs also! They are encouraging you to quit, it's the least they can do!

You can be the better role model! Show them that this can be done! It's not as bad as you might think! I suggest you contact 'crunkgrinder'! She's a college student with an incredible attitude about quitting and she's pretty active here! I think sending her a PM will be more productive than group blogging!

Welcome and congratulations on your decision!?!  At least, I hope you'll make the decision to quit for yourself! It feels pretty wonderful to be free of the addiction!


I need to join a support group to help me on my journey as an ex-smoker, my quit date was on September 12th, 2013 I have not had a cigarette since 9/11/2013.


We can help each other.