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Share your quitting journey

Its been 1 wk and 3days

0 9 132

since I have smoked a cig.I feel great about it but also a pinch of fear is in the mix. It just seems that every time that my mind is not concentrating on something specific, the only thought com es to the forefront is, wouldnt a cig be great right now? I dont act on it but when i am left alone, I used to go to the corner store and get what ever would make me feel good for the moment. Now  I hate to be left alone.There are moments that i dont trust my self to follow through with this new quest. I sometimes question myself if I can smoke one and that would be it. But if  I do that I'll want to do it all the time. i didnt smoke packs a day. i only smoked 2-4 a day.  This is empowering to have to deal with this type of struggle now. I am no longer beating my self up for actually smoking. My conscience is clear.  This new struggle is in the right direction. Its a step up from the bottom. So this is what the other side looks like................ Wow I really had to get that offmy chest. 

9 Comentarios

Congrats on 10 days and thanks for sharing.  I think the struggle you are facing is familiar to a lot of us.  Every time you face a challenge and make it through without smoking-you get a little stronger. has some really good information to fight some of the lies we "addicts" tell ourselves-like I can handle just 1.  Remember-cigarettes come in packs-bc we never smoke just one-that's why we say N.O.P.E-not one puff ever.  Good luck-you're doing great.


And it's good that you did get it off your chest! If you're at 1 week and 3 days, that means you've entered the realm of double digits!!! Congratulations! Just focus on today. Tell yourself I will not smoke today. Don't worry about tomorrow. You made it thru yesterday, you can make it thru today. Chew gum, eat veggies, tickle yourself, do whatever you can to disrupt that crave!

You said it yourself, "This new struggle is in the right direction." And you're right, it is a struggle, but it is so worth it! Keep protecting your quit and lean on us whenever you need to! 🙂


Congrats on 10 awesome days! You get to where for the most part you don't thinking about it so much. It seemed for the first two weeks i thought about it through every movement in life. Then as time passes on most days the thinking is less and less. ON most days now I only think about it a few times a day. You can do this!!!




great advice above


great job! now think smoking just 1 will bring you all the way back to the start, would you want to start the wholee process over, not me so never ever take another puff!!


Congrats on 10 days!!!


Hey, Judith, have you studied Good site to remind us how we get thru the tough parts.

Glad you blogged! Keep coming back! Better than smoking!


Congrats on your 10 days,5 days for me


Stay quit and be strong congrats on 10, don't you wish when we quit it would leave our minds in a week, ,