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It would be easy to relapse

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I have had a day. Without going in to much detail, let me just say, ANGER and stress remain my triggers. My husband and I had a big old fight (it’s fine we have been married 22 years. We’re gonna fight).  

so I was mad as spit, went out to run a few errands and cool off. Do you know, I seriously considered buying a pack of cigs? Crazy after 140+ days. I circled the gas pumps like a cranky old vulture. Like my bad self was gonna go in and buy a pack, after nearly 5 months quit. 

But it I didn’t buy them, but ugh I could have. 

It got me thinking, what was I looking for? What are we ALL looking for when we break down and relapse? 

Was I looking for relief from the anger? For something familiar? To stifle my emotions?  

I thought about it all the way home. What did I think a smoke would provide me at that moment? 

Personally, I felt a little temper tantrum-y. Like I felt that smoking was the adult equivalent of stomping my feet or punching a wall. I expected some RELIEF. 

Kind of weird, right? 

But that’s where my brain was. Sometimes typing it out helps. 

Rest assured, I drove home and all is fine. I didn’t smoke, I don’t think I was ever in jeopardy, but it sure was a reminder that I’m still a baby quitter.   maybe a toddler. 

Protect your precious quits, my friends. And be nice to your spouses!;-) 



Good job thinking with the rational part of your brain while half-way contemplating a relapse. Every time you win one of these arguments with the addict within you, your quit gains a little strength. And eventually, you get to a place where you would never want to throw away your freedom for any reason. More than just another Day Won for you! Congratulations. Nice blog.


I am glad you did not smoke.  This is a learning process.  We are accustomed to using nicotine to solve and calm us.  Now you know you can be as mad as spit and still not smoke.  Thanks for staying on your journey with us.  We would be hurt if you lost your quit. 


Yeah, I think you nailed it.  It is like a temper tantrum.  I had a few of those just like yours, and I remember my brain thinking, "I'LL SHOW HER!  I'M GONNA BUY A PACK AND SMOKE THEM ALL!".  I'm not sure exactly what it was I was going to "show her" by doing that, but it felt right at the moment.  I'm so glad you overcame that!


This sure isn't easy.  Happy you were able to maintain your quit.  


I'm so glad you held strong to your quit Lisa. I recall those temper tantrums!...Driving around and thinking " NO your not going to buy any...or are you"? I also remember waking up the next morning and thanking God I held onto my precious quit and was so glad I didnt have to start a Day one again. I never want to go back there. All the time I smoked I always was jealous of everyone who didn't smoke and wished I was them. Now Lisa....we are! WE are THEM!

 Am VERY proud of you my friend!



Amazing Blog! We so need to hear these stories and I realize how vulnerable and exposed it feels to publish this, Lisa. but you not only had a major Victory in your own Quit Journey you chose to open your heart to all of us who may one day face this scenario and remember your words of wisdom! Thank You for your generous sharing! You deserve a Star!


Perfect example of STOP, DROP, and ROLL.  All of us are so impulsive, looking for the quick fix.  You stopped in that moment to take a few seconds to breathe, to say to yourself what is this replacing and what do I believe it will solve.  I think of those moments of a pot boiling over.  You gave it the few minutes the bring it down to a simmer.  WTG !!!


Thank you Lisa for posting this awesome thought provoking blog post with all of us, here's another blog post I wish had a helpful button because I'd be tapping on it right now but since it doesn't I hit the like button wishing it was a love button huge hug coming your way. 


Oh my, we are such babies on this journey sometimes, aren't we, Lisa...I've been having some "thoughts", too, but mine are because I'm feeling GOOD and things are going FINE and I just want, want, want, something that I used to do but don't do anymore...Crazy!  Our rational mind has to overcome our emotions for us to remain smokefree--you won the battle and described the mental tug-of-war perfectly...thank you for posting this and I'm so GLAD you didn't smoke...don't know what I'd do without you as a quit buddy ♥ (((((HUGS)))))))) Bonnie


The more I think about it, the more aware that it is just that - a tug of war.

its CRAZY that we still could “go there” mentally.

stay vigilant my friend. We WILLbe in the 6th percent soon enough!!! Xoxo 


Yes! That’s how I’ve felt many times too in my efforts to quit in past years. But the other night I started thinking about the very first time I’d quit (after only having smoked for a year) and relapsed. At the time, my husband and I had only been married about 6 months and I’d just found out I was pregnant. One night after dinner I was feeling crappy and really wanted him to just watch TV with me and tell me everything would be okay. Instead, he went out with his buddies for a night on the town. I was crushed, not to mention angry. I sat on the bed crying as I heard him and his friends laughing and hooting in up in the car as it screeched down the street. I walked to the store, bought a pack of cigarettes - Kent brand because I reasoned they were the weakest ones on the market and wouldn’t hurt the baby. I smoked the entire pack that night and every time I took a puff I had one thought in my mind ... “I’ll show HIM what a jerk he is!”  I didn’t smoke again until 2 years later when, once again, my intolerance for his behavior hit another wall. We divorced 28 years later, but during our tumultuous marriage, I ALWAYS relied on cigarettes to “calm me down.”  So the other night I was wondering what it was that made me do that and I started reading articles online about the things we do that cause us to smoke. Well, duh, the addiction itself doesn’t help, but I also learned that we sometimes rely on such things as a form of self-punishment based on inner feelings of inadequacy and lack of control.  I try to keep this in my mind, now, as I proceed in my quit process, because the bottom line is that inner conflicts, as well as the addiction, are only worsened by giving in. 


And P.S.  congrats to you for not giving in and buying cigarettes! I know it isn’t easy to defy that urge. It doesn’t make it any easier, either, that the stores have such a glorious display of smokes right behind the counter, huh? That’s sorta like putting all the candy by the counter so kids waiting in line can beg their parents for something tempting at the last minute. Maybe we should buy candy, ourselves, instead of the smokes! 


Ha!  I was very good the first 2 1/2 months with chewing on a cut straw, and sugarless gum.  Then one day at the counter, the clerk saw me staring at a bag of Skittles.  She said, "You know, they are buy one get one free today".  That's all it took.  Within 3 months I gained 26 lbs!!!  Glad to say I finally lost that, but boy oh boy did I have a substitute addiction going for awhile.


I can relate to that! I just got home from buying red licorice sticks - 2 for one, couldn’t pass up a good deal - lemon drops and a really cool little inhaler by NeilMed that’s similar to Vic’s vapor rub aroma. I figured it was easier to carry in my purse than an actual jar of Vic’s vapor rub!  Ha!


Interesting! I’m sure on some level, self punishment is a component. It is truly baffling and can really become overwhelming. I really appreciate you sharing that with me. Marriage is ROUGH at times. The feeling of “I’ll show HIM” struck a chord with me.  I felt that last night too. If I could dissect what I was seeking, I feel like I could conquer it more handily. Or replace it. (With candy?!... YUM!- good idea!;-) 

i really think we all have many common threads. We are going to make it though this, together. 

I firmly believe that!!! 

Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing weekend!!!


I actually HAVE been enjoying me candy these days


I can also associate with this "I'll get back" at someone else.  I heard a comment once (something to this effect)  "Someone hurts me, so I punch myself".  


Sounds all too familiar. Thank you for sharing and not smoking