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Share your quitting journey

It takes time to get through the roller coaster ride!

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Once we stop and think about how many decades we were slaves to the horrid nicotine poison then it begins to make sense that it's bound to take to relearn life without the crutch! As long as we're willing determined and totally committed to succeed then we will persevere through the roller coaster ride of cravings and moodswings and lack of sleep to get to that good place in our quits where we'll realize how much better life is as an EXer BUT we MUST stick with our quits! It's definitely not easy by any stretch of the imagination in those early stages BUT it's absolutely doable AND totally worth it to be Free! ~ N.O.P.E ~ Not One Puff Ever ~ N.M.W ~ No Matter what works when applied on a daily basis PLUS we're TRULY GIVING OURSELVES THE GIFT OF LIFE! I'm heading for 10 years of Freedom come July and I'm still smiling at each and every day WON! 😁 It sure as hell wasn't easy but it sure as hell was and is worth it to be Free! 👍

        The Choice is Ours! 













"But it is your choice to scream or enjoy the ride" So very true.

Another rainy day here but I am not going to puff and pout about it as the sun will be out tomorrow





Wanting to quit, in the beginning, does feel like trying to get off a moving roller coaster sometimes.  Trying to time your quit to coincide with finishing a carton or a pack was what I thought I needed to do. Trying to time my quit to coincide with a certain day of the week was important to me.  Starting my quit the night before was important to me, so I would be without nicotine for quite a few hours wen I woke up the morning of my quit mattered to me. I ended up quitting with half a carton, because the timing was right.  I didn't dare wait any longer, I just knew I had to quit when I did and I didn't dare wait to finish the carton. When I made up my mind to quit, everything within me kept moving towards that goal, one day at a time.  Quit 1 year, 232 days.  Enjoy your smokefree Tuesday.



I gave away almost an entire CARTON!  Worth it - no wasted money -in my mind!


Very inspiring 


I heard recently about a 7 year old who told my friend "if the rollercoaster was a straight line who would want to ride" 

@biscuit9 that was great remembering all those timelines of when I was going to quit

I am still so surprised to read all of your thoughts and they are so often the same as mine




@Cbefree   I am better now, but was a basket case when I found this site.  Two weeks into my quit and on my own, I needed people when I got here.  I needed somebody to tell me I was not going to feel like this forever and that I was not crazy and it was going to be alright and that there is life after nicotine.  

What helps me, even today, is people like you, winding their own way through this addiction and overcoming it.  I want other people to see through this addiction and how Big Tobacco takes advantage of our youth, to get us addicted and keep us addicted.  I know you have come a  ways in your quit and are seeing and feeling the benefits of winning.  You inspire me and I am glad you are here.

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....