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Share your quitting journey

It's not a competition

2 6 166

Quitting is a precious step in becoming a healthy person. The most important thing you can ever do for yourself is quit smoking! Doesn't matter what you smoke (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, vapes). Inhaling harmful materials into your lungs is killing you. 

How do you want to quit? ANY WAY THAT WORKS FOR YOU.

You want to quit using NRT*? GREAT! It's a valid, useful, effective way to quit.

You want to quit cold turkey**? GREAT! It's a valid, useful, effective way to quit.

There's a tendency on this site to jump in and argue one's own method of quitting. ("Well, I did such-and-such and it worked, so don't tell me about your way.") 

Quit dismissing cold turkey as if people who do that are doomed to fail. It's just not so. It's just as valid a way to quit as any other way and we should be here to support anyone's quit in any way they want to quit. I've been just as guilty as anyone else in promoting my own way, and I can see the harm it does. So I now vow to never do that again. Instead, I will help support any one in any plan they choose, promoting keeping the quit precious and avoiding pitfalls. 


*NRT = Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers). A way to wean off nicotine.

**Cold Turkey = One day you're smoking, then you're not. Suddenly stopping all nicotine entirely.

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Acerca del autor
I became nicotine-free on Christmas Day 2017. That's what I use as my quit date. I had smoked cigarettes for 45 years, then vaped Juuls for a few months before quitting cold turkey when I used up my supply of pods. I am a retired widow, living in Upstate NY.