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It's a good day......

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Friday is garbage day for me, we recycle and compost so every 4 or 5 wks we have a big bag of garbage. It was almost 7 am and I was going to take it down in the car but all the windows were heavily frosted, it was still quite dark but I ccould hear the garbage truck coming so I walked down my very long driveway hoping that I didn't see any wild animals so I came back to get a fire going and saw a mouse trap was flipped over with a mouse looking at me, I couldn't smack it over the head yak. It was trapped by the back legs poor thing. I got trap and mouse outside and found two 8 or 9 inch spiral spikes of some kind that my husband had here for something anyway I held the trap down with one spike and sprung the trap with the other. I checked later and it was dead. Another reason I like to have my husband working at the shop so he's home every night. Then I went to town to check the mail and pick up a few things at the grocery store, barbecue chips for hubby to go with his pizza and on the way home I slammed on my brakes to avoid running over a cat but on the positive side at least I have brakes so I missed the cat, the mouse died so it's not suffering anymore, my husband will have his chips and I'm not smoking over any of it, life is grand without a cigarette in hand, no way no how is smoking allowed. (((((Hugs to you my fellow Exers)))))



Poor mouse.  Lucky cat.  Wonderful you.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


Sorry about that poor little mouse ! We had a nest in our shed My friend karen keeps the hay for her bunnies out there . She went to get hay and heard a chorus of little peeps from anest of babies . We separated that clump of hay into another box I don't know what happened we never heard them again and we don't dare look !

Have a great smoke -free day with me !

((((((hugs )))))) for you too !


What a morning, glad it's all over!


All's well that ends well!


I think baby mice are cute but then they grow up and can be very destructive so I don't have a lot of sorrow over a dead mouse. I was raised on a farm and mice was very hard on the corn cribs.

Have a good evening and enjoy your hubby being  home and save me a piece of your great pizza.  ((HUGS))


Not looking forward to frost!  Poor lil mouse too 😞


Awwww.......poor little mouse.  Glad the cat is ok.  Enjoy you're pizza - glad you're home safe, that's the most important here.


I have mouse tales to tell, too.  There was the one I found with its neck in the sprung trap - but still very much alive - trying with it's little paws to get the steel bar off its neck!  I put on gloves, took it out to my woodpile and pulled the trap off.  He left - no idea if he survived.  Then there was the sprung trap I found with just a gnawed off leg in it......

Oh, my - but I do HATE mousetraps.........

(almost) as much as the trap of smoking!)



good for you my friend!


Poor little mouse!  But no one wants them in their home!  Especially me.  Glad the cat made it!  Have a great weekend, Marilyn!

Just love your blogs!

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....