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Share your quitting journey

It's Sooo Hard!

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I've been smoking since I was about 14...that's almost 7 years for me. Not as long as thousands of other smokers, but that is about 1/3 of my life! That's A LOT of time to waste smoking! I used to live with my grandmother who was a heavy smoker...she quit around the time I was 12, and I'm glad she did, because she probably wouldn't be here anymore (she'll be 92 this April!). Not only did she smoke, but my older cousins that also lived with her smoked too. My older brother smokes as well. Neither of my parents smoke cigarettes though, so they're always looking at me like "Where you you pick up such a nasty habit?"....I feel the same way sometimes.

I definately became a heavier smoker once I turned 18 and was able to buy cigarettes myself. I've never been one to smoke more than a pack a day. At the most, I smoked between 10-14 cigarettes a day. I've been thinking about quitting for about a year...but it's an extremely difficult habit to kick!

I got serious about quitting in the Fall of 2009. I set a couple of quit dates...they didn't work though. My most recent solid quit date was January 1, 2010; I stayed cigarette free for 3, maybe 4 days. That always seems to be the longest I can last. Whenever I'm driving, I want to smoke. Whenever I'm drinking, I want to smoke. I curbed the "after sex cigarette" a couple months ago, but I still tend to smoke at least 1 or 2 cigarettes every day.

I stopped buying packs of cigarettes around the same time. Newports are almost $7.00 a pack, and that's just outrageous. There's a gas station and a convenience store right around the corner where I can buy single cigarettes for $.50 each. It's really not much more economic, but it does help me smoke fewer cigarettes. I usually dedicate about a dollar a day to my habit now, if I even buy every day. I'm also in the habit of sharing all of my cigarettes with my boyfriend...we've both been trying to quit for a while now. When he gets half-way though one, he hands it to me, and vice versa.

I am proud that I can smoke 2 or less a day, but I won't be truly proud until I REALLY quit.

Wednesday I said I'd quit smoking...I think I went less than 24 hours before I lit up again. I've been trying to conceive for the past couple months, but I know smoking will ALWAYS stand in the way of that. The stress of waiting on a period is more than enough to make me want to smoke!

Since Wednesday, I've smoked 3 cigarettes. That's 3 cigarettes in 3 days. Not bad. And I'm actually able to smoke half of a cigarette, put it out, and save it. Right now I'm looking at it like this...if I smoke a whole cigarette I won't have anything left to tempt me.

I went all the way through Thursday without smoking until about 8 or 9 pm. I only smoked one. Around 2 am I finished the half cigarette I had from earlier. I went the remainder of Friday without smoking, and that's mainly because I'm broke. Today is Saturday and I just smoked my first half cigarette since then. I don't know if I should just flush it or save it for later.

I set my quit date for Sunday (yes, tomorrow!). I'm feeling a little doubtful though; I don't have anything to help with the cravings. Nicotine gum costs too much! But I'm still thinking about buying some. I need to stock up on chewing gum and hard candies too...I think they'd help a lot with the oral fixation.

Tomorrow is the SuperBowl, and my Colts are playing! I'll probably be at a Super Bowl party, and there will probably be alcohol there, as long as many friends who also smoke. That's A LOT of temptation. Maybe I should just watch it at home by myself instead?


That is a thought...I would...I am chicken


Tell whoever is hosting the party that you are trying to quit and if people could smoke outside.  Or else, go outside for a few minutes if they smoke inside.  Let others know what you're doing so you get that support from them.  Who knows, you might be a good influence on them!  If you deprive yourself from activities you love too much, you might feel resentful and say screw it and smoke.  Stay focused and determined at what you want to achieve.


Edith is absolutely right. Don't deprive yourself, or you will get depressed and resentful. Go out, and get accustomed to being a non smoker! You can do it!


I'm not sure if this will work for you or not. I like to NOT tell people that I quit---and see how long it takes them to notice. I also like to watch others smoke---sort of like a researcher or someone analyzing something from the outside---not really involved. Secretly also---I do like to see if all of the big mouths who talked about how my smoking bothered them even noticed that I was not smoking. At work---it took them 4 weeks!!! Yes---I know smoking is bad. But I still don't like it when non smokers lecture and look down on us. Go to the super Bowl party and enjoy it as a NON SMOKER (but one of the nice ones!)---you can do it!


Ah! I really wasn't expecting all the positive response! Thanks a lot, your works are very encouraging. I'm thinking about going to celebrate at a public place - one which doesn't allow smoking. I can also say that as of right now, I'm having no cravings...I just know that I'll have to fight my triggers tomorrow!


You are quitting exactly like I did!  And you will do it!  I had set my quit date for a week ahead of the day I actually did quit. ( I knew it was the day so to speak. ) Try not to project about tomorrow.  You will be fine - just know that whatever your triggers are - try to work through them - and if you can't - it is ok because you will quit!  I did - and so did others.

I didn't tell alot of people either - until I was smoke free for 3 days - then I told everyone I knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

Good luck - you are doing it! You will quit!


I haven't touched a single cigarette yet!