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It's May 1st plus it's hump day again!

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It's a gorgeous sunshiny day here in the Maritimes a tad chilly at +3°C but it's going warm up beautifully anyway our buddy our pal our Hump day camel George AND I wish each of you reading this a stressfree hasslefree smokefree and or vapefree or dipfree day! Our lives literally depends on us to nurture and protect the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the GIFT OF LIFE! 

        The Choice is Ours! 








As a child, we celebrated May Day!  We would weave small baskets out of strips of colored paper, fill them with flowers, and leave them on neighbors' and friends' front doors.  We also had an elementary  school festival where we played games, enjoyed sucking lemon juice with peppermint sticks, and it was an honor to be selected to participate in the May Pole Dance (actually originally a pagan fertility ritual!) where we would dance with long streamers of ribbon around a flagpole, weaving in and out as we went around to create a pattern on the pole.  I was selected and so honored!  We had to make and wear fluffy gathered skirts of  certain designated Spring colors, and I remember feeling like a blimp in mine!

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Ah, mostly good memories!!!  Happy May Day!




good morning

Ahhhh @YoungAtHeart I remember the May Day baskets !

Spring is popping here, wildflowers are starting in the woods and the serviceberry and plum tress are blooming. The crabapple;e are ready to pop. Some of the birds are returning to the area. Yellow Rumped Warbler from yesterday!

I am leaving today to get into my new place and then coming back tonight. Leaving again Tuesday morning to meet my sister whom will help me move rest of my things from storage. Been so grateful for my cousin Annie for letting me stay these two months. We certainly did share a couple of rough months together. I am concerned for her as she will now be alone without Brad. She is a strong lady and I feel for her pain of adjusting and moving on.

It will take me a couple of days before I get my cable/internet so will be off site for a few days. 

"know that storms do not last forever and the sun will shine again"...kinda been my saying all my life. And if we are lucky after the storm, may times we get a rainbow!




I forgot to share my Warble with you all. Happy smoke free Hump day



Good morning everyone, and George.  Happy May!  Nancy, I remember the maypole and I recall NOT being selected, but enjoying the show.  It was Field Day at our school, and I probably signed up to play kickball or run  races, but it was the highlight of the schoolyear at my elementary school.  Jonimarie, thanks for sharing your birds with us.  I join with all of you in not smoking today.  



I don't remember us celebrating May Day growing up.  To  Catholics, the month of May was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.




@jonimarie Best wishes settling into your new place.   Annie and you needed each other at the same time.  It was meant to be.  



@Barbscloud yes it was meant to be. Life does sometimes give us what we need when we least expect it. We both have developed a stronger bond than what we had.


My memory of the handmade May baskets filled with flowers and treats is that when we would give a basket to someone they would have to chase you until they caught you and gave you a kiss on the cheek.  But if it was an adult getting the basket there was no chase, just leaving the basket on the porch, ring the doorbell and run.  I have fond memories of my childhood in Iowa and North Dakota and May Day is part of that.

Cloudy here today and I am at work, sitting here with the office kitty cat named Ciel.  Pretty busy today, though now is a break, so I am able to ignore my head cold.  I hope everyone has a wonderful day.  Be of good cheer, May is here!!!


Awwwww May Basket day was such fun when we were young yep Raissa your memory is my memory so much fun 😁 I hope you keep feeling better! @ReallyReal! Huge caring hug from me to you @jonimarie I'm so glad that you are getting moved, thanks for sharing the great picture of the warbler, A very happy May to you Barb @Barbscloud I vaguely remember the Maypole as well Nancy @YoungAtHeart and @biscuit9 and NOT getting picked hummm memories eh! 🤷‍♀️ A couple of decades ago I worked as a teachers assistant with the kindergarten kids, I sure made a lot of May Baskets that year by helping the children learn how to make them it was a lot of fun! 😁

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....