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It's Kind of Like a Brand-New Car! Again.

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A blog posted by robertclark yesterday talked about how he feels like his support from from family and friends has sort of dwindled from how enthusiastic they were in the beginning.  It reminded me of an old blog of mine.  Because that dwindling of enthusiastic support usually happens about the time you enter No Man's Land.  That's one of the reasons that some people give up their Quits during those days.  It's just not that "exciting" to be a Quitter after those first few weeks!  And that's why we encourage EVERYONE to really take care of their Quit, because when the "cheering" dies down can be when it get dangerous to think you've got it licked!  Thank goodness for all the great support you get here.  The cheering on never stops on EX, does it?





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It's Kind of Like a Brand-New Car!


July 26, 2013 by Sky Girl   Comments (10)


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Have you ever gotten a brand-new car?  Oh, that feeling as you drive away from the dealership!  You are excited, happy, and a tiny bit apprehensive (oh, golly, what if I scratch it?).


As you drive your wonderful new car around during the first few days, you are learning about it: "What does this button do?", "How do I set the clock?", "Is this the cruise control switch?".  It's all so new and different!


And, best of all, you are getting so much attention about your shiny, new car!  Everyone wants to talk to you about it: "It's gorgeous! I wish I had a car like that!", "Where can I get a car like that?", "You must be so happy!".


After you've driven it for a while, it's not so exciting as it was at first.  Everyone knows you got a new car a few weeks ago.  They are still happy for you, but it's not a hot topic anymore..."How's that new car working out? Oh, good...hey, did you hear that John got fired yesterday?


Pretty soon, you start noticing that your car doesn't feel so new anymore.  Maybe you spilled a soda on the seat.  Maybe you tracked some dirt on to the floor mats.  Maybe little Tiffany ate Cheetos in her car seat.  Your car needs some minor maintenance.  You can make the effort to clean up your car...or not.  It still runs fine, right?  So what if it's not quite as nice as it used to be?


A few months later, your car salesman sends you an email, reminding you that it's time for some regularly-scheduled maintenance.  Oh, but you are SO busy!  And the car seems to be running just fine.  You ignore the suggestion for maintenance and just keep on driving that car the way you always do.


Then...late one night, you find yourself driving on an unfamiliar country road.  You've driven on roads like this before so you aren't really worried.  Piece of cake.


But you didn't do the maintenance.  And, while your car seems fine on the surface, things underneath have eroded.  You see a big rock in the road and slam on your brakes!  The brakes FAIL!  Your car hits the rock, spins off the road into a swamp and promptly sinks. Your car is gone.  Gone.


And now you have to buy a new car  And start all over again with car payments, probably higher than your first car.  Will you take better care of this car?


Okay.  Sad story.  Now, substitute the concept of your brand-new QUIT in place of a brand-new car.


And, that is why we are always reminding people to PROTECT YOUR QUIT.  Take care of it, don't neglect it, do the "maintenance", especially after it is no longer new, shiny and exciting!




xxxooo,  Sky

About the Author
I'm a 64 year-old flight attendant for a major US airline. Prior to that, I owned an ice cream store and six hot dog carts and put my five kids thru college on hot dog earnings! Prior to THAT, I was Director of International Administration for Domino's Pizza, Inc. I was married to my H.S. sweetheart (dad of my 5 kids) for 17 years. I've been with Jeff for 23 years, but we just finally got married in 2016! Jeff & I live in Cape Meares, OR right on the beach. I'm from Ann Arbor, MI, where many of my kids/relatives still live. My flying base is Washington, DC, where I have a condo that I stay in when I'm between flying trips. My dream is to retire and stay home with Jeff and my two cats, Kenneth & Barbara...not happening soon, though. So I go home whenever I can get a week or more off. I LOVE to meet up with other EXers in the cities where I lay over. I usually blog about what cities I'm laying over in, so let me know if I'm staying near you! I'll buy dinner!! Xxxooo, Sky