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It's Day 99 and the sun is shining :)

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I never, ever, ever would have thought that I would be sitting here, 99 days smoke free! On Day 1 I focused on getting through the minute, the hour, the evening. Now, I'm on day 99 right in the middle of No Man's Land.

Quitting smoking has truly been such a blessing in so many ways. It has been a blessing in all the usual ways of course, the I smell better, I feel better, hey I might live longer ways.... but also in the "finding myself" way. I know it sounds silly...never thought I would "find myself" at almost 40 yrs old and honestly, I always thought the saying was silly.

In college I smoked, after college I smoked, quit when I got pregnant, had my babies (quit for a year and half both times) I went back to smoking, I started working outside of the home again I smoked. See, no matter where in life I went I feel like this smoking thing defined me, followed me, waited for me to come back. It was my hobby, it sucked up my time, my energy, and my self esteem!

I sit here on Day 99 ecstatic that smoking is no longer following me around. It's not a part of me. I said kudos and meant it. Life truly is lovely without it. Don't get me wrong, I thought it sucked at first because that's what nicotine wants you to think. Nicotine doesn't tell me how to think anymore though.

I used to go to the park with my son and hubby. I would not smoke in a park, i was what you call a closet smoker. I would have instead felt miserable and been irritable because although I wanted to enjoy time with my son and the sunshine and all that, I was thinking about how soon I could get home, sneak out on the deck and smoke.

It's all about choices. I have a choice now. We spent hours at the park yesterday riding bikes and enjoying the sunshine. I LOVED IT and I bet my kids did too :)!

I loved the blog Thomas posted about spring and rebirth!  There are so many positives to quitting smoking, so what if you have to be uncomfortable for a few days. It's a very small price to pay and much better than being uncomfortable the rest of your life knowing that you smell, you're broke, and you surely are killng yourself slowly.

I will appreciate and nurture this quit every day. I know I have to watch out for the cravings that sneak up on you. I know that summer is coming and can definitely be a trigger, however, I'm spending my time planning all the things I feel comfortable doing AND I've already signed up for 2 5ks this summer. I think switching it up and doing new things will allow me to experience this summer in a different way and give me the power to tell those summer time cravings to bite me 🙂

All the new newbies.... I'm telling you, that first week of being uncomfortable, feeling moody, sleeplessness is all worth it for the freedom that follows. If you want it, you got it... anyone can quit. anyone.


Congrats, You're getting there! I was amazed at the changes I went through after quitting oo.


WOO HOO!!  Congtatulations on 100!!  That is so FANTASTIC!!!


Congrats on your 100 days!!!!! You should b so proud of yourself.  To b able to enjoy your family and kids, thats priceless.  You inspire me :)) Have a wonderful smoke-free Monday!




Amazing! This was truly inspiring and motivating to a newbie!  Congrats and keep up the great work!


Another PROUD Member of the Triple Digit Club!


Well Done! Your Quititude shines through like the Springtime Sun!


 the most profound changes i went through was my health it got alot better than  a big transformation in my family  is going on they are finally letting in and im getting involved in my daughters life more and im a lot closer to my grandbabies i wish i knew then what i know now i would have quit a long time ago. i hurt a lot of people including myself  i will never go back to were i was before ive learned a lot from this site and the people here . very proud you made it to 100 days you can do it your doing great.  god bless .my prayers are with you.  erma in ohio.


Schneidl, you are AWESOME! Tomorrow you'll be at 100 Days! Yay for the newest member of the TDC!

Your blog is beautiful. I know EXACTLY what you mean about "finding yourself." You try new things. You go out and DO. You don't just sit around and smoke and clog up your mind and body. It's a glorious feeling.

Congrats to you, my friend!



I'm so happy for you. As Thomas said, Triple Digit Club here you come!!!!

You are free and will always be free as long as you always remember NOPE!!!!!


schneidl congrats......very happy for u......we had 67 up in cleveland yesterday....did u start using the new running shoes........wish u a 100,000 more days...jim ohio


Congratulations! You could have been describing me in your blog with the closet smoking and quitting through pregnancies and starting again once you worked. This blog is a beautiful testament to change and growth. We were holding ourselves back by smoking.  100 days tomorrow, amazing!!


Congrats!!! You are an inspiration! I can't wait to say I am on day 99 or 365!!!

Good Luck all of us!




Congratulations on 100 days!!!!  


Just stopping by to add my congratulations. Our round numbers are pretty close together!!!!

I remember your early daysand struggles  well.  But - you committed and you DID it.  You should be very proud!


Quit 7/4/12


Congratulations- and best wishes.  🙂




Your blog sounds a lot like my life, too. (only one pregnancy, though)

I would take my daughter to the park, too and couldn't wait to get home so I could smoke.  What a terrible thought!  I feel very guilty now about all of the moments I missed with her because I had to go out to smoke. moments I can't get back.  But, on a brighter note, those "missed opportunities" are no more; I am a non-smoker now and don't have to feel guilty about it either!! 

Congratulations on 99 days.  You must be very proud of  yourself.  Enjoy all of those little moments! 


Congratulations my friend for leading the way - I am following with 41 days and looking forward to being where you are.  I think it is terrific that you are planning for the summer, which I now realize is a trigger for me, too - I spent a lot of time on the front porch smoking in the nice weather.  So I am following your example and planning for summer now.  Thanks for posting about going to the park with your family when you were a smoker  - how many good times have I ruined fretting about my next fix?  Yikes.  Big congrats and thanks for supporting me in my quit!!!!


Great big congrats on 100 days!


Congratulations, Annie, and welcome to the tripple digits club!!  I am so proud to say that I knew you when....  You have come such a long way and, even your hard times were done with style. You are a non smoker, baby!!!!!!


Hi Schneidl,

Totally inspirational message and I'm so glad I tuned in to read and enjoy the wonderful freedom you are experiencing.  You are truly a positive person and I can learn so much from you and what you are seeing on your wonderful smoke free journey.  Happy 99 Days and Congrats on 100 tomorrow.  

I can relate to so much of what you've blogged.  I wish you the best.

Hugs Judy  


Gosh, one more day and you will be in the triple digits! A big congratulations and please keep inspiring us with your blogs!


Welcome to triple digits you lovely since the day you arrived gorgeous spirit! xo


Congrats on the eve of 100 days!! You are doing great! 


Schneidly- You are an amazing woman. Good for you and great blog. You are the example for others to follow. Keep up the good work.
