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Share your quitting journey

It Has Been a Rough Road

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But thank God for traveling mercy I am okay and I did not have the need to smoke.  I have not written a blog lately but recently tried but somehow I did not save it soon enough. You all know how that goes sometimes. One day I will get those thoughts back. It was about "you can make it" There have been days my head could not relay a message of help to those who are challenged with quitting smoking.  Right now I am popping in and out.  It seems I just haven't had very much to say.and that I had said it all but that is not true.  So much had been going on in my brain which was rather tired.  I miss my dad and sister.  I find myself still reaching out to them but they are no longer there.  It is kind of weird to explain. I am not complaining because through it all God had been good.  Therefore I take a deep breath and do my best to deal with life on life terms as YoungAtHeart‌  says and keep it moving.  

I just want to make a quick observation.

I did not have the need to smoke

That is a big statement right there.  Yes! After smoking for over 40 years and telling myself that I needed a cigarette every day not smoking is a major accomplishment.  It took time for me to change my thought process to KNOW and BELIEVE that I did not NEED to smoke.  If you want to get through the challenge of quitting smoking, start telling yourself that you do not need to have a cigarette. 

It can happen for you just like it happened for me. NOPE no matter what will keep you free.

My mantra:

Not in my hands, not on my lips, not in my lungs, not on my tongue, not up in my nose, not in my clothes, not in my throat, I will not choke because I will not smoke. 

Love you guys, missing you. Thank you all for your love and support.  Maybe when this is over we can do a mini-reunion.  Zoom seems to be the going rage with live streaming and all. For the techno-savvy folk Anyway.  Take care of yourself.   Keep it going and be real with yourself and know that you can make it with the desire, determination, discipline, and direction., ( The D's another topic, soon to come).  Just popping in to say NOPE will keep me free. 

About the Author
Lay aside every weight that may be slowing you down. Make up your mind not to allow doubt cause you to stumble. You can do this! Do not allow fear , False Expectations Appearing Real to hold you down. You can do this! Break the chains of addiction, forgive yourself for ever smoking. move forward and start loving yourself more each day by staying smokefree. Put aside worry, anxiety, depression, any EXcuse that you would use to not get in or stay in the race of freedom. Take one day at a time, one step if necessary. Run the race diligently, steady and sure with endurance. Believe that you can. Keep your eye on the prize. Hang tough, stay close, be mindful, never give in, never give up.