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Share your quitting journey

Is this detox or am I sick?

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Hi everyone. I posted for the first time yesterday, and everyone has been so wonderful here!! I feel great this morning. I actually accomplished something and forgot that I don't smoke!! When I remembered that I forgot (I know, I know) I did not panic like I did yesterday. It was more of a little sadness, because like ALL of you know, I loved it.

Anyway...I am having some signficant sinus congestion and a deep, throaty cough. I do not particularly feel sick. Actually for the first time yesterday, I took a deep breath that did not involve wheezing and/or induce a "hack attack." I can still take a deep breath, but I almost have a croupy throat cough. I did not know if anyone has had symptoms after quitting. It is cold and flu season also, but I do not feel run down, like you typically due with an illness.

God Bless all of you for bringing a smile back to my face and helping wipe away the tears. I was scared to death to think of what would happen if I didn't quit, but even more scared of guys are the only ones who will understand that! There will be a hundred more struggles as I face triggers as each days comes, but I have never felt stronger.
6 Comentarios
I'm not a doctor, but i do play one on tv. 🙂 No really, I have read that some people do experience something similar to flu symptoms. My situation when I quit was a little different and I'm not quite sure what was illness and what was the quit. I did cough up some gross stuff though that's for sure. Someone else should have better info for you and if you are still concerned give your doc a quick call.
i don't honestly remember the first few days of my quit, except that i had triplets (itchy, bitchy and twitchy) following me EVERYWHERE. ask hwc, he seems to have the most information on illness and quitting (in my opinion).
JJ when I first quit I didn't have any actual symptoms....but I have seen alot of people on here post that they have....fluish symptoms (like karen said)---I would think it would go away after a few days though
Today is day 3 and I have a dry hacking cough but not producing anything and I keep sneezing, so maybe it is a cold coming on!
It is very common for new ex-smokers to experience the symptoms you are experiencing. The cilia (little hairlike structures) in your lungs are coming back to life for the first time and beginnng the process of cleaning out your lungs. That leads to coughing up phlegm, runny nose, and so forth and so on. These are signs of healing

Or, you might just be getting a cold. The first one of those after quitting can be a doozy, for the same reasons:

I quit when I had the flu, so I was just one big all-encompassing symptom for the first week. Best flu I ever had, though.

Here's a Link to my blog that points you to a very detailed list of potential quitting symptoms that some ex-smokers encounter.
I can relate that because ater I eat I still miss that smoke but then it does pas and I have eight days today and that my friend i a marical for me. Ihave smoked for over fourty years of my life and cannot aford to smoke anymore because I hve COPD from smoking for so long. Would you like I can be your friend or buddy because I have few days behind me and it may help you but then you also nee someonewho hs more time for the things that I have'nt experience.

LOLOX Kathleen