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Is it Day nine?

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Another tear filled day!

yestarday I felt great today I just feel so weighed down.  I have been getting up in the am to exercise          so that usually helps. 

Just one of those days that my mind is processing stuff without me asking it to!  It is kind of out of control and I am at work working and crying (good thing I don’t share my office). 

I am going to hang on and I have hope and believes that this will pass because It is normal processing I guess. But the timing sucks and the feelings suck but at least this time I am not going to try to smoke them away.

I know how addicted I am to cigarettes and smoking is not a solution. Smoking won’t help and I am at that OMG the smell!  Yuck point in my quit . So I don’t want to smell like that either ( even though I have for years). I want to smell good.

And if I smoke I won’t get up in the am and exercise and I want to be healthier physically and mentally.  

I think last time I quit I didn’t go through as much emotional crap because I was using NRT    ( I did feel weird about some things though, not crying just strange) I guess it’best for me to just get through the emotional crap. So tears today but I guess that is ok


What you are experiencing is perfectly normal and will pass.  Here' a blog about early withdrawal symptoms:  There will be good and bad days - sometimes more of one than the other!

Just hang in there.  The only way out is through - there isn't a magic pill or proven shortcut - sorry!

One day at a time!



Yes One day at a time... I don’t like feeling this way though as I am sure no one does but going back to smoking will only make me feel worse.  I know. Thank you!   .   I will concentrate on feeling good soon and spring coming soon and how good it does feel not smoking!  


Monday’s make me want to cry also.... seriously you are doing great. You are acknowledging how you feel and then processing the fact that smoking won’t change it. You have insight into what is happening and the fact that it will end and you will get thru it. 

You are doing amazing. Just continue to stay out of your head. You have so got this. Just keep doing what you are doing. As long as you remember that smoking is not an option you will do just fine. 

We are all here for you. 



Thank you Becky!     . Happy Monday!  


You are very welcome. Just remember you are going to experience crazy for awhile. It will end and you will survive and feel that much more empowered in the end!!!!!

Sent from my iPad


Hugs out to you  Snoopy2019... it is early in your quit and takes time...Please know that this too shall pass...Do something nice for you this, rest, take a bath, watch a show you have wanted for sometime...etc., 


Yes it is and tears give you a joy filled heart KNOWING you are a NON SMOKER AND SMELLING GOOD! Congrats and good job! 



Hugs to you.


I know that it can be discouraging when you feel like you should feel better - and your emotions are all over the place.  I remember those days - so go ahead and cry but be sure to treat yourself to something good.  Does not have to be anything big - maybe a new outfit, a manicure, a nice dinner, or ice cream!  Reward yourself for a job well done.  Best wishes to you!


"Blues" and yellows

Reds and browns

Life is full of

Smiles and frowns?

Ups and Downs?


sorry you had the tears today but as Ellen would say

"Crying waters your cheeks"


I don’t need to water my cheeks wasn’t just the crying it was just feelings so overwhelmed not only about smoking but other stuff too!  Didn’t feel like I could get through the day but I sucked it up and made it through work...only cried when no one was looking   ... but driving home I was so exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open.... I sucked it up again and fed the kids... cleaned up and all that... I didn’t smoke and I didn’t use NRT because I know that this addiction doesn’t ever actually go away but will get easier to deal with over time.... thanks to everyone!  Really helped today!    goodnight    now I can cry in my sleep and get two birds with one stone. Hahaha 


I am so incredibly PROUD of you!  I went through it, so I know how tough it is - but you are pushing through.

Good on you!!!!



Day 9.  You're so young in your quit.  Of course you're crying. It okay.  It's part of this rite of passage.  Tomorrow you may feel terrific!. Or you may feel worse.  Not likely - the worse part.  Every day is a different experience for us emotionally during this process.  But when you think about it, it is actually just the same in life, whether we have a cigarette in hand or not.  We are bombarded by our emotions.  A cigarette didn't cure the emotions.  It may have presented us with a cover-up for a bit of time, or it may have given us that necessary step away to contemplate the emotions, but also part of what we were experiencing was the need for the next nicotine hit.  The combination of the needs is why we're addicted.  

Personally I've never read that nicotine from an NRT makes us less emotional.  All it does is ease some of the craving experience.  I think we might just be mixing emotions with nicotine receptor cravings.  One is simply the addiction screaming.  The other is life happening.  Life will always happen.  The addiction screaming won't - if we hold on long enough to get past that stage.

So keep holding on and moving through.


This is a roller are learning to deal with feelings you stuffed for as long as you smoked.  Give yourself permission to feel...feeling is normal...smoking is not.  JonesCarpeDiem‌ told me not to worry about crying when I went through a three day period that I could not STOP crying.  He told me that I was watering my cheeks and it made me smile...I think of it whenever I cry and it makes me smile.  It's not a bad thing to cry, it is really a good thing because you are not bottling everything up.  You are doing great and you are either AT double digits or about to be.  Congratulations.



Thanks.  I never heard of watering my cheeks. Lol. And I have never liked crying.  Crying has always been hard for me but I know that it’s part of the process.  Every time I think I’ve got this, I realize how much more I have to learn!  Double digits today... I don’t smoke anymore I just cry now. Hahaha.  


Snoopy2019‌ I had never heard of watering your cheeks either...I did not cry much when I smoked and I think I smoked partly to stop expressing my emotions, feelings were not supposed to be openly expressed in my family and I was the one out of five kids who could not seem to keep mine under wraps.  You are growing and the tears are part of the growing DOES GET BETTER.


About the Author
I have smoked for almost 40 years ! Wow just realized how long I’ve actually been smoking. I have quit sooo many times and it is time to be real.