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Is There a Live Chat Room?

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Short & sweet today. I would LOVE to have a chat room on this site!

That is all

Hugs & Blessings



There is no chat room the next best thing is  The EX Café Wed 02.15.2017  Have fun.  May not be what you are looking for.  something is better than nothing. lol


You can also do a status update - I have chatted with a couple of people that way.


Mark‌ may be able to help with that!

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Currently there is not any live chat functionality natively on Jive.  I have recently suggested this to them to see if they would consider having one in the future.  They're considering it.  So we may have it in the future. Everything gets posted very quickly so you can have near synchronous conversations.  Until then, The EX Cafe is a great place for that.  

AbasKid This is a great question/request.  Would you please update the title to "Is there any chat room available on the site" or can I do it? This is so that if others look for this question they can find the answer.

EX Community.


I have "chatted" with a couple of others on status update and I have seen people chatting in the EX cafe.  Good to see you, Sara.


From my snooping, it appears that Jive DOES have a beta version of a Chat Room.  Jive Cloud Community User Documentation   Or is that a different Jive Platform?

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Community Manager

I'll look into this.  It's beta though so I'd be hesitant to use it.  The did have a company collaboration tool called Jive Chime but it's not available any longer.

EX Community Manager


Thanks everyone for your input. I will check around the various things suggested. I just think a would be very helpful,especially for new comers or someone on the verge of picking up that cigarette!

Hugs & Blessings 


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Community Manager

I've confirmed Real Time Chat was End of Lifed as was Jive Chime.

EX Community Manager


Then if there is no chat available on EX, nor Jive, but people WANT to chat in real time - where would you suggest we go, Mark There's a Google EX hangout community I  set up that some of us have communicated in.  Not only just chatting but video chat too so we can SEE each other.   Obviously anyone can set up a Chatzy room - the EX Team has.  If Jive isn't giving our community what we believe would be of help - can you give us any suggestions as to where to go EXternally that would provide our needs in this area?  Probably not.  You're not allowed to suggest other sites, I would imagine.  If I'm correct in that assumption, then it's up to the community to create, or discover the means necessary to fulfill that need.  Google Hangouts works well, BUT you have have to have a google account. With chatzy you don't need to set up an account.  But you DO have to give your email address.  Although disposable email addresses are easily set up it can present problems to those who are not tech savvy.  

Would love to get some other feedback/ideas/suggestion on this from others in the community Jennifer-QuitshashortTerrieQuitfreeneasyJonesCarpeDiemc2qPops


Giulia‌ so we talking live chat like we did before. I thought google hangouts worked wel.Yes I think it would be a great to have


Yes, like a few of us did.  But we never got it going community-wide.  I just wonder if there's some easy way to create a live chat room that's open and accessible in an easier fashion.


i've never done a video chat, but i hear that they are pretty cool to be a part of and not so hard to do...i already have a google account, and a new tablet, therefore i believe i am ready to go.  just maybe somebody could sort of talk me through the setup of the first one, then who knows, you might just regret you ever taught me how lol....


Giulia‌ and Pops‌ -  I think the google hangouts would be the way to go.  I would be interested in giving it another try.  If you get it going again, let me know. 

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Community Manager

Giulia‌. I can't endorse or recommend any product but I did find. Send a link to start a hangout with me? - Hangouts Help   It is a couple steps and I haven't tried it myself but perhaps you can create a hangout and then post the link.  Not sure if it expires over time.   There may be other solutions.  

You can can create Google Group Hangouts text chats but I believe you need the person's email address to invite them. 



Giulia I am up to trying again. I really liked the hangouts and I was a newbie then and it took my mind off cravings.  I am in!  It was great to put name and faces together too.


Thanks Mark‌  I'll give it a try sometime.


I'll try to work through the link Mark put up and see what we can do.  Will have to wait for a couple of weeks (unless someone else wants to give it a go) as I'm heading in for leg surgery Friday.


gl on the surgery....are you going to be able to post while in there, or are you going to be @ home?  Just what is going happen with you......?



Gastroc recession and achilles debridement.  I'm in an out the same day.  Non weight bearing for ?  don't know, 6 weeks at least.  Will need to keep leg straight (and elevated in the beginning anyway) as much as possible.  I'll be going OUT OF MY MIND with frustration and will probably be on here MORE!  I'll try to do status updates.


Shawn participated too  ShawnP 


oh, you sure have missed some of our sessions in google. Ask freeneasy‌ how he entertained us? looool and i can hear shashort‌ giggling.


You guys caught me folding my skivvies. That's a lot of work since I only do it about once a month...


well it was on your head. How do you explain that? i even had a pic of it!!!! proof


Better watch out, Jim freeneasy - we may have a blackmailer in our midst!  (I'll pay you $10 for a screenshot of it ShawnP - but then you probably have one of me too!)  If anybody wants a good laugh, just hang out with us Exers.  We know how to have FUN.  And all without cigarettes dangling from our puss'es.  And that's an apostrophie, not an i.  


My sincere sympathy.................................To your husband!!!

kiss kiss!!!  Giulia


ON THE FLOOR Sootie‌  My husband sends sincere appreciation for your sentiments!  (I showed him your response) lol

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Community Manager

Wow....  what did I just walk into?


Mark‌  You walked into humor!  Don't worry, we're not get too risque'.  Not like SOME of those chatzy rooms!


ShawnP  not only giggling rolling with laughter. that was definitely a fun night. freeneasy‌ haha yep we all were witness lol needed good laugh. Mark‌ really clean fun humor lol


I can tell you G,  if I had to sit and do nothing you would have to send the same to Charlie!

I sincerely hope it goes well and you find things to keep you occupied.

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Community Manager


The bugs must be out. Found this beauty on the apron of my garage. Just missed getting flattened by the tire seconds before.  


That's a beauty? Ewww I would of loved to run it over lol

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


There IS one problem (though also, I grant you a blessing) with Jive.  The problem IS, we've totally taken over AbasKid's blog.  And moved on to different conversations not at ALL related to the purpose of the original blog.  Which definitely continues to turn this into a social community as opposed to what it was before which I think was mostly a quit community.  Not that what we've morphed into isn't  fun and wonderful and may have even more of an impact upon the quitter to be, but... I don't know.  Just a passing thought here.  Maybe it ENHANCES the original blog because so many comments have been made upon it that people will note the original  and be more interested and impelled to read it?   Even if the responses move onto their own "life" so to speak and are totally unrelated as this has become.  It's fascinating actually where we find ourselves in communication - what spurs connections, interest and comments and how this all relates ultimately to the learning process.  

Mark‌ You've got to be kidding me.  That's like an offspring of the spider that crawled out of our heating vent in  our house in SC.  Your spiders ain't NOTHIN' in comparison to these guys down here.  I mean it was so large the flash picked up one of it's eyes.  This spider was the size of the inside of my palm (legswise).  And I have a very LARGE hand.



"apron" of your garage?  What is an "apron" of a garage?  Never heard the term. 

Well, you've certainly taken us away from the previous "mindset" into a new one.  Hey - anything that takes your thoughts away from cravings is a GOOD thing in my mind.  

Ultimately you guys need to fix the bugs here. Whatever size and shape they may be.  lol  (the lady below - she's a black and yellow argiope, I believe, much heftier than the denizen that crawled out of our vent.  I've encountered her a couple of times, not only in my NY garden, but SC garden.  She's a big girl.  And you can bet she has her big girl panties on.  And she literally bounces her web like a trampoline to attract visitors as I recall.   

We can learn a lot from spiders (and I have studied them a great deal).  They are able to regenerate limbs, like efts.  They can catch their pray by physically scooping them up with nets.  They can live in a diving bell under water.  They can live for 6 months without food and are found on ALL parts of the earth including the arctic and antarctic.  

We need to be able to regenerate our quits, when we've relapsed, set new traps for our cravings and triggers, and live without the food of our addiction (excuses).  When we've been able to accomplish THAT, maybe we'll be as tough and clever and resilient and PATIENT as spiders, and get ourselves on the Elder's List.




I wouldn't worry about the side comments/hi-jacking the blogs. I think everyone on EX is sensitive enough NOT to get into frivolous side comments if an EXER really needs help. Not that AbasKid's blog wasn't important.....but it was a question about chatting and....................we were chatting! I can't remember seeing any of us move off into kidding each other on a blog where someone is about to smoke or having an emotional melt down. We used to get sidetracked on the other platform also.....although again, not when someone had a real problem.

I think what makes this a "community" is that we are here to help in a moment's notice BUT we also have fun with each other. 

Although a chat room would be nice.....I wouldn't want rules about "no chatting on blogs/go to the chat room"!  

Just my opinion.




I must have missed the laundry basket.... at least they just came out of the wash(:

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if someone reports that someone is thread-jacking or I observe it I will probably do something about it.  Yes we should avoid getting too off topic and should always consider the inbox of the person who started the post.  

You're never going to see me say go chat in a chat room, especially as long as Jive doesn't have one. But picking the appropriate place to chat should be considered.  The Ex Cafe is a good place to chat.  



Giulia Thanks for that G!  Smokemares pale in comparison.

Mark‌ Yes please explain an Apron.   I'm foreign, remember!


I've never been in a chat room.  Probably missing out.  But when we get off-topic here on the site on "non-emergency" posts and we create laughter and communityness (yes my new word) and close bonds and move away from cigarettes to our other vices, I find it just as fun and entertaining and very "bonding".  

Oh and if you start/join/create/invade/hijack a chat room, I need an instruction video with LOTS of clear explanations and examples and input.  I'm VERY slow. 


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Garage Apron

Garage apron is the cement just outside your garage.  In my garage to prevent water into the garage the apron extends in just beyond the garage door. That tiny spider (in comparison to Giulia‌'s) was just inside the garage. 

EX Community Manager


Ah, so THAT's what an apron is!  Learn something new every day!  

Bree19‌  "communityness"  LIKE IT!  And you're right, it is very bonding this chit chatting.


I lost my reply to you!

But I think all I said Mark‌ was thanks for educating me about something other than not smoking.