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Share your quitting journey


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Trying again today...I have no excuses. I started this morning off with a prayer and a big breakfast with a large cup of water. I also plan on working out when it gets tough. Theres something in my personality I'm impulsive and inconsistent which is no good combination for my quit saving grace is im also hopeful and believe despite those shortcomings I will quit for good! No looking back. Yes its taking me more tries than I personally desire but im not giving up. I think of my quit as a gift to myself a stronghold that has been broken. I have a winning feeling inside when I get through tough things smoke free. Im starting to see the light concerning my depression. I got dressed yesterday put on a little lipstick and actually felt better than I have in a long time. Today I have alot more energy im feeling better im not on edge and angry at the slightest "hello" anymore.  Im going to clean up play music sing maybe even dance but I wont smoke. I know y'all have heard this out of me too many times before but I want to thank you for believing in me even when I found it hard to believe in myself. 


Dear Kimberly,

We are not going anywhere. We are always here for you. YOU have to start to get HERE FOR YOU.. 

Theres no way around it but through it. We all did. BEFORE you smoke. COME HERE.

BEFORE you think you can't do it another second....COME HERE

BEOFRE you give up and give it all back to Nicodemon...COME HERE.

You have the tools, you always have us. Now you need to start using us. Blog at your very worst moment,. It may save your quit. Hugs~Missy


MePlus3‌ Believing, Kimberly.  I am believing!  Now KEEP THIS quit!


It's really very simple.  You make up your mind that you won't smoke another cigarette NO MATTER WHAT and you stick to it.  You do anything BUT smoke when you get a crave.  We have given you the tools - but we can't make you use them  It's ALL up to you.

Choose wisely - it really IS a matter of life and breath.

You CAN do this; I just know you can!


(P.S.  I hope those cigarettes were not handy---keeping any around is giving yourself permission to smoke them)


Thanks Missy! I'll be sure to do that this time I even have phone numbers from some of my friends here on ex for those time where I need a instant talk down there's absolutely no excuses and im not about to try to make any. All I can is this horse was led to the water....its time to start drinking it!


Thank you Ellen. I have no excuses you are a huge support for me! You listened to my every message even in the times of your own pain you stayed on the computer for me even if it was just to cheer me on for another day WON. It break my heart even more to know that I have wonderful people like you and I blow it with no thoughts. Not anymore actions are about to speak louder! I used to keep an ashtray for "guest" well I finally threw that away and they'll just have to use their car or whatever


I'm trying again today also after about 5 cigarettes last night I realized what I did


We know you can do it because we did it and we know it's doable. But the most important person who needs to believe you can do it is you.  We know it's not easy but it's worth the effort and it's one of the best things you can do for yourself. You do it one day at a time. You only have to not smoke today. Take the daily pledge and tell yourself and everyone else that you won't smoke today. Repeat tomorrow.   Someday you'll forget to take the pledge but also you won't think about smoking. When a smoking thought occurs get on the site and take the pledge. 


How is it going today?


I'm doing ok now it was rough for a little bit. I do have the patch back on. I'm just ticked at myself because I was 10 days in and now I'm at 0


You're actually at 1 if you haven't smoked today we celebrate any amount of freedom here! Stop beating yourself up. Find joy in the fact that you're back in the game again! Ive lost count on how many times I've had to write a blog like this it absolutely suck but ya gotta say it is what it is and at least I'm not giving up! NOPE 


This is good news Kimberly . You're CAN'T give up.

I haven't had much to say as of late but this makes me happy.

Keep on keepin on my friend,

M n @


Quitting is not easy but doable.  You have so much to live and look forward to.  Please do not waste your time and your children's time thinking about smoking and smoking  You are so much better than that.  You have so much going for you.  You are young with beautiful children, a new school which will lead to a wonderful career.  Don't start off school smoking be a nonsmoker.  Conquer this now so you are able to focus on school and making life better for you all.  Don't let this smoking thing keep you bound.  You are better than a cigarette.  They have no control over you unless you allow them.  Be the winner that is truly inside of you.  Not only Talk the talk but Walk the walk. Live an honest life, this addiction truly wants to make a liar out of you.  Don't give it the victory.  You are a conqueror you are victorious.  Don't let the cig keep you from your destiny. You can do this.  Stay close.  Don't be fooled by the addiction.  You are a very smart young lady.  Think about all of the people you are suppose to help get through what you are going through.  Be the light.  Be the example. So do it for you your children and someone that is destined to cross your path. 


NOT ONE PUFF OVER YOU in Jesus name amen IT WAS SUGGESTED TO ME.... eat oranges when you get a craving to use nicotine.... I did and I still eat FRUIT today cuz it MY NEW HABIT..... HEALTHY EATING NOT USING NICOTINE! HOORAY FOR JESUS! 


You are doing fantastic keep on keeping on... I believe you look beautiful with lipstick on NOT USING NICOTINE BEFORE OR AFTER PITTING ON LIPSTICK.... one thing at a time WE ARE STRONG TOGETHERin Jesus name amen keep up the great LOVE WORK... staying quit with you no matter what WE HERE! 


You can choose to hold on tight to your quit Kimberly no matter what is happening in your life, chin up and grab onto the best gift that you'll ever give yourself and your children, believe in yourself and know that you can and will be successful one precious smoke free day at a time......


Okay, I cannot say anything profound that hasn't been said.  But let me suggest this.....

Do something different!


Something isn't working, so change something.

Something BIG!

Or Small.

Just something!

And Maybe be creative with it!

and have fun!

Maybe not!

But MePlus3‌, we all know you want to quit!  


So do something, anything, different this time...and if need be, next time, and keep changing until you find the right way to quit!

Or not!



Thanks Greg change is good in this case! Today was pretty easy I only used 2 gums and it's almost bedtime sometimes I wonder if I really need it and been thinking hard on cold turkey we'll see im happy either way long as I'm not smoking! 


I am sorry you lost your glorious quit, but on the other hand I glad your resolve and conviction have gotten you right back on the wagon. It hasn't been another of smoking. You slipped and you are digging right back in.

We are here. Work it.
