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Share your quitting journey

In the midst of day 17............Part 2

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I am hopeless I suppose when it comes to quitting.....

I was going to hold off writing til probably tomorrow, because I'm just beat right now....but when I read the words of encouragement, and good job.......I feel terribly guilty if I don't spill my guts tonight.......

How did it happen?  About an hour ago, I was fine, doing good with my quit.....then I'm out running errands and started thinking at first about the good things about this summer, but then I started thinking about last summer....

I lost two incredibly close people (young), then a man huffing and driving a box truck came close to killing me, and then there was someone in the family who did something that absolutely crushed us.....I always carry that sadness......

Next thing I know I am crying.....then I didn't care about me or my quit anymore, all I could feel was the pain.....I know smoking doesn't change's just something that I do when I'm this hurt, not that it helps, it doesn' I feel very hopeless.....I can't see how I can ever stop smoking never's like there's u guys who can do it, and then there's me

I guess I'll just keep trying.....but I've really lost my faith in myself tonight.....because I thought this quit was coming along nicely......and I'm not sure if I can ever believe again.....disappointed


I know just how you feel, but if our EX family can do it, then there must be hope for us, too.  I'm plugging along on Day 4--again. 


Please please do not give up, you just slipped that's all. I have been there, done that so don't be so hard on yourself. Just get back on the band wagon and we are here for you I promise. I will say a special prayer for you tonight and that God will give you the strength and guidance to start over tomorrow. Just don't give up. Last time I quit it was for over a year and then I really got hurt and started again. You see it happens to the best of us and we just start over.

Please let us know tomorrow how you are doing.

Prayers for you



hey if at first you don't succeed try,try,try again!


Please don't give up on yourself, when you're ready try again. If at first you don't succeed try, try again, I've tried at least 5 times in the past and I pray this time I'm done for good . you have  acually helped me and maybe other people on this site to keep our guard up at all times because without even meaning to or thinking about it we can slip. You will quit smoking again when you are ready,  come back to this site do not leave this site I'm sure the friends on here want you to conquer cigarettes. KEEPYOUR CHIN up. 


Please don't give up on yourself, when you're ready try again. If at first you don't succeed try, try again, I've tried at least 5 times in the past and I pray this time I'm done for good . you have  acually helped me and maybe other people on this site to keep our guard up at all times because without even meaning to or thinking about it we can slip. You will quit smoking again when you are ready,  come back to this site do not leave this site I'm sure the friends on here want you to conquer cigarettes. KEEPYOUR CHIN up . if you wake up in the morning and think you're really start day 1 again never give up on yourself. You will quit , keep trying you will succeed . you will beat the crap out of this horrible addiction. 


I agree that you must not give up on yourself!  There is hope while you are still breathing!  YOU CAN DO THIS!  I've been a retread since 2010!  When I came crawling back after a 2 year relapse this time, it was difficult. But I came back!  Don't do another 2 year stint of smoking and ruin your health like I did mine.  Tomorrow is another day... you can start your day over at any time.  With a good night's sleep, not smoking for another day might look pretty good.  Don't be so hard on yourself!  Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on this planet!  It's not impossible, though. It's doable! Many EXes have proved that!   Keep me posted dear one...



Dern.  Rats.  You seemed really motivated.  It happens to the best of us.  We will be here when you try again...and before.


I also agree, please don't give up on yourself, just keep trying. I must have tried 10 times before I finally succeeded. When my granddaughter died I must have thought about buying a pack of cigerettes upteen times. I didn't, but I sure was tempted.

  You can do this, I know you can. Please keep me posted and PM me if you need to talk to someone. I will always be here for you if you need me to be. You helped me, and my mother always told me, turn about is fair play>


please if you are still smoking stop and start over now. You will do this, believe in yourself. I have quit many a time and I had to re-educate myself over to get thru. is a good way to go, you don't have keep on smoking to go thru the program. YOU WILL STOP SMOKING. SAY'I NOW WILL COMMIT MYSELF TO STOP SMOKING. Tomorrow Might Be Yours


Re think it remimber it's poison body does not want it you don't need it it will eventually cause health problems you do not want to die a slow painful death you want to be around for your family try something different patch yoga skydiving ? Throw them away and avoid full withdrawl and remimber no matter what life's good without smoking just takes time to get there you have to go through a little BS to get to enjoy life smoke free small price to pay for years of better living 


I just got done reading the post you commented on my blog, and I want to thank you for being so kind, please don't be so hard on yourself...NEVER Let that Cigarette Win, you got this girl..c'mon Cheyenne...Never give up, just try again tomorrow, This too shall pass...we are all here to help you through it...


I will leave the light on so you can find your way back when you are ready (and I hope it's soon!).

You know the triggers that do you in, so before your next quit, PLAN what you will do ahead of time!  Maybe it's a phone call to a special friend, or a long,hot soak in the tub. or an ice cream from the closest place.

Don't give up on yourself....we haven't given up on you!




Cheyenne.....I have to say this out know it already are making the choice to smoke. Please go to and read some of the articles related to how and why people relapse. Even if you have read again. I have read the articles on whyquit several need to understand why you keep doing this.

Don't pick a future quit date.....put them down right now and start over right now.

Think about what you are going to do next time this trigger happens. You know it's said... this is always what happens.

Decide not to invite or entertain those memories.

Think its hard to remember these sad things?  Think how difficult it will be to hear sad news about your health.

Make a positive plan not to fail cheyenne. You CAN do this. We did it and we are no different from you. We are not stronger or smarter or less stressed. We are exactly like you.

Stay strong


Every day that you have been smoke-free is a win. You slipped....don't turn this into a full blown relapse. You can do this. 

Wishing you well!


From what you wrote, it looks like you are letting your emotions control your quit. seems easier to make excuses when that's the case.

It didn't take away the pain.

It will be back again.

You will be smoking or you won't.

The truth is we can't do this for you and I'm sorry for that.


Yes Cheyenne, please don't give up on yourself , I haven't given up on you. Just sure wish if you are struggling you would come here before the convenience store . That third week was a tuff for me too. Can't tell you what to do ,but I'm here for you ok ?


The advice Sootie and Dale gave you says everything I could say about quitting. Do I know you used an excuse to smoke, yes I do because I did the same thing several times. To smoke or not to smoke the choice is always yours.  You know you can do this, as Sootie said we are not any different than you not stronger by any means.  We quit because we controled the quit instead of letting the quit control us. Please quit now.


We have all made EXcuses to smoke! Those of us who have been able to put together a long term quit, have learned that our lives and our health are more important than the Excuses!

Let's make a deal! Do not give up on yourself until I give up on you! Is that a deal? In the mean time I hope you will begin to care about yourself as much as we care about you!

Now take my hand and lets start down this road again!


Bless you dear one! We are gonna get this done no matter how long it takes. Like Karen said every one NOT smoked is a win. Start fresh in a new day. Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning! I'm with you and I'm not giving up!!! oxoxox

oh girl i am so sorry, i have walked miles in your shoes, i understand the desire too smoke  i will pray for you too make the right choice the ball is in your cort its up too you, wharever you choose may God bless your life........your  friend......sharon


My words of encouragment are those that I put in my head all the times that I tried before this quit!  "  NEVER QUIT QUITTING!  Only quitters quit!  And although times were a little tough today(tonight) for you, tomorrow starts another day!  Don't dwell on yesterday, because you can't change it now.  Move forward and  live for today and only today!  and as  Junior says, "get back on the band wagon! " Don't give up!  We haven't given up on you!

 You can do this! Stay close to this site and educate yourself ask for help if you find yourself in a struggle.  We have all been there at one time or another (I know I have on more than one occassion) We are all here for you today and every day throughout your quit!  Lets do this, lets get back on track!  


Meh, shyte happens. No big deal. Really, don't beat yourself up over it. Yeah, it sucks, but what's done is done. What follows is what's important. Take a deep breath, stretch, dry your tears, shoulders back, head up and take some stock in yourself. You've been doing an excellent job so far and there's no reason not to keep going. If it were easy we'd all be on Craigslist correcting all the degenerates piss poor spelling and grammer and flagging their weiner pics instead of on here trying to cheer up sweet person who's trying to better herself.               


I know you are real busy but I think you better go back to reading about this drug nicotine. You started out with a foundation didn't you--I mean you did prepare, and read didn't you? Go back over it then. Make sure you have the proper mindset to quitting.

Quitting smoking is right now a #1 priority--it could mean all the difference in your future.



Oh hon, this makes me sad. I was so hoping this would be your time. But...I can hope till the cows come home and it's not going to change anything until you are ready for it too.

That being said----DON'T give up. Keep trying until one day, you actually want it as much as I want it for you. Now that brings up a you want to continue smoking for now and try again at a later date?


Your answer to that question will tell you a lot about your mindset. Yes or No..yes means you are not ready to quit. If your answer was NO, I threw them away and I've already started back working my quit..then maybe it still is your time. 

Either way, the door will be open and we will be waiting for your return.


I sooooo miss you already friend....

It goes without saying that I, and from the reads on this blog, many others here are very concerned about you.  We all have been there, and many still are struggling.  The very existence of this site is proof enough that this quitting process is not easy.  It's quite simple enough...DON'T SMOKE...but not easy.  We understand, and empathise with you, but we can't reach out and take them away from you.  That is your "cross to bear" so to speak.  

That being said, as Marilyn already eluded to, the door is always it now, tomorrow, next week, month, or years from now.  There will always be help available.  This is a lifelong journey.  Some get it quicker than others.  There is always hope as long as you don't totally disconnect.  

At times like this, I'm reminded of a Ray Scott song with lyrics that are sort of like how I feel about smoking..."like an ashtray on a motorcycle, a stoplight hanging out in the woods, a steering wheel on an old freight train, a battleship settin on dry ain't doin' anybody no good".  Towards the end of the song, there's a line that is especially true, it goes.."oh baby...please come back".  

Love you lots,



Dear sweet friend. You must adopt the "NO MATTER WHAT" plan deep down where you live...

We don't pick up a cigarette No Matter What....

1.No Matter What Happens

2. No Matter How we FEEL

3. No Matter What Anyone SAYS.

4. No Matter What Anyone DOES.

We don't smoke No Matter What.

Very simple and easier than you think right about now!