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Share your quitting journey

If you are thinking about quitting smoking

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Just do it!!  Once you get past the first 10 days, it gets so much easier.  Eventually, it gets harder to smoke.  The illness, the wasted money, the time spent away from family and work.  Freedom from smoking is wonderful!! You have the time and the money to do so many more worthwhile things!!  I just wanted to post this for anyone who might be hitting this website for national smoke out day.  Join us and be a quitter just like me.

It's just worth your life, that's all!!


Quiting does not have to be hard. Quitting can be a fun, interesting, exciting, enlightening, challenging and in the long run very rewarding and very much worthwhile. No matter what it takes to quit, it is worth it.



You and Bobby are so right.


Good blog Kathryn!

Here are links to two very helpful and positive approaches to quitting,in addition this this site of course!

By the way when is National Smokeout day?



and you might get the t shirt!


smoke out day is everyday LMAO No.. I was gona ask that to. hey thats a reli nice blog. glad to see u out here too. good job 🙂


Day 1 on who knows what number of attempt.  I am looking forward to joining the non-smokers and hopefully staying there!!!


Thanks for this post!  I have 4 1/2 days until I quit smoking.  I have tried to quit smoking several times before, however, never had a support circle like I do here, it is so wonderful! 

This is the very first time that I have planned a target date, and the very first time that I am excited to quit smoking!  I am not sure if I understand why I feel this way, for I have never felt this way before about quiting smoking.  So to me, it sounds encouraging that I will succeed.



Day 3, I have quit before and I agree it does get easier after day 10, I have found my biggest challange to quit smoking is staying away from alcohol. It gets me everytime.  I quit for 6 mos at a time.  So this time I have made the decision not to go drinking anymore.  If I go out it will be water for me....  Lets keep our fingers crossed!  My first trial is Friday, I already planned a girls' night out with my closest girl friends to see the "hunks" at the wild wood saloon before I made the decision to quit sooner.  I wasn't feeling well and short of breath and decided it was way to scary to wait to quit even if it did turn out to be just inflamation in my chest.


Thanks for these words of encouragement and inspiritation!

I am so glad to have stumbled on this site ~ gonna need all the help I can get on this journey!


I am hoping this site will be the solution I've been looking for. It's nice to know there are others going through the same thing, or ones that have been there at the very beginning of their quit. Saturday is my quit day, 4/22. I have COPD, I watched my father not be able to breathe for 25 years as he suffered from emphysema. He finally passed about 7 years ago. Now my brother, who took care of my dad for all those years, is going through the exact same thing. I dont want to be next. I want to live, I want to spend many many years with my 5 wonderful sons and my 7 wonderful grandchildren. I am an addict by definition and cigs are just another addiction that I wanna kick out of my life.

I hope I didnt say too much, perhaps I posted on the wrong page...I dont know. It's my first time and this was as far as I got. Thanks so much for you promised support, I wish all of you, and myself, a successful and rewarding journey. God bless


Thank you all for the comments that you have posted. It gives me makes me feel that I will be able to beat this. 


First day here and will check in every day.  I love the post from Bobby that quitting can be challenging and interesting.  I will look at it that way going forward.  I wish ALL of you the best of luck and will be sending good karma your way! 

It's been a good week I have a great support system with my friends and co workers. I hope that I can keep this up. It's mostly a mind thing for me.

my quit date is 5/22/12.  i find everyone is so positive and encouraging here.  Meanwhile I'm still challenged with quitting although I've tracked my cigs and looked at the exercises personally I'm still struggling but, hopeful.  I've attempted quitting 13 times within a year and found myself doubling up on my usual pack a day.  I tried herbal treatment, nasal spray, lozengers, smoke cessation classes twice, the patch which broke my out in a rash, also, tried wellbutrin which seemed to work on my mind unfortunely not on the physical habit where I found the need to take the cig outta the pack and go through the motions. I also, tried the quitline and stumbled upon this site.  I know myself and I've smoked over 47 years now.  This is extremely hard for me.  I am cutting down but, seem to go right back to my regular smoking habits.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and helpful for me.  Thank you exorg for being here when we need you the most.


I so want to quit smoking, I don't like how it makes my house smells and don't want to depend on those nasty things anymore...I am though very worried as I have tried to quit off and on for several years now and have been unsucessful do to a number of road blocks..1. I suffer from a depressive disorder which is a major part of the problem..I am also disabled which creates a lot of time for me to become bored and then I'm off to grab a cigg..

Funny, as I sit here thinking of all the things that make me want to smoke, I can go to out to resturants that have no smoking and I'm fine, when I was in the hospital for triple bypass surgery , I was in for a little over and week and was fine and when I use to work, I was also fine.. I don't understand how I can be fine in those places, but not fine anywhere else...Can someone please explain that to me..Even when I go in my car, I smoke, but am alright in a persone who doesn't  smokes car.

Well, I took another first step, hopefully this time it will work... 


To Babs54. What you are saying provrs it is a MENTAL issue....I have the same. If you have no problem not smoking when you CAN'T what we need to do is put artificial NO SMOKING signs up wherever we are.....


Love the positives here....see I'm not the only one fearing, tried before, almost sucessfully but slipped a number of times and couldn't forgive myself so went back to a pack a day...set my new date for 05/28/12 (Memorial day)...praying this time I'm stronger.  Fearing most my emotional state.  Trying it on a week the kids will be away so I'm not grouchy to them (my usual excuse to go back to the smoking), but pray the bordem doesn't lead me to them...Fingers crossed, thanks for everyones input.


First day here and will check in every day.  I love the post from Bobby that quitting can be challenging and interesting.  I will look at it that way going forward.  I wish ALL of you the best of luck and will be sending good karma your way! 


Quitting for me has always been more of a hellish torture, wherein I treat anyone I encounter with incredible hostility. Then again this is just cold turkey. Wanting to try the gum, tried the patch before and didn't do it for me.