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Share your quitting journey


5 10 93

I have procrastinated writing this blog for the past week.

On Easter Saturday 3/31 I had a stroke, surgery 4/3 and am home on 4/4 and am 100%.

I had lost time with my mom, so I had to wait until Saturday 4/6 to see her.  I knew she wasn't going be with us I managed to be with her almost daily...on 4/16 she passed.  Her favorite caretaker was with her.  

There is a void in my life without her.

On Monday, 4/ baby brother who is 52...called me from the hospital.  He had a STROKE!  I thought my world would crumble!  He's the health nut of the family!

So...somewhere in our genetics..we have no control of, have to keep the stress level down somehow, and keep on the healthy track.

Sooo..for those who are in the early quit...DONT STRESS, and keep smoke day at a time.

Through all this I did keep smoke free...never crossed my mind. I am, 733 DOF, one day at a time.


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Have smoked for over 40 years....approaching 60. Wake up call...time marches by, and want to be smoke I have promised myself when I turned 30, 40, 50!!