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Share your quitting journey


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No no----GOD FORBID!!! Sootie IS NOT going to post a political blog on this site.

However, since I am sure many people's minds are on Iowa as mine has been.....I got to we have anyone active in the community from Iowa? I don't hear it a lot. But, have you noticed some States are well represented at times and some less so......for example....I feel we never hear much from the New England contingent.....particularly Vermont and Maine. Why is that? These are the things I ponder.

So-----IS anyone from Iowa and also how about a shout out of where you are located. Sure...we've done this before BUT, we have LOTS of new members and I'm just curious......

 So-- I am Sootie and I live in Northeastern Pennsylvania(the Poconos). But as some know....I ALSO consider myself a Jersey girl!

And you are..................................................?

11 Comentarios

Born in California...Raised in Arkansas.  I consider myself an Arkansan because I don't even remember living in California.


I'm Brittney, from Oregon... Love the Pacific Northwest!


Born and raised in Iowa but now a Wisconsinite. Still a Hawkeye fan though.



Rochester, New York. 


Thanks for SHARING YOUR worries and politics - on what concerns YOU and sharing YOUR curiosity of where NEW members live - please I am talking about ME not anyone else - please take what HELPS and let go of the rest to be HELPFUL is MY only aim -  thank you - I was born in Sisseton South Dakota on the rez called lake traverse for the Whapton- Sioux Tribe - members only forced by the government who keeps us numbered by their I.D. cards for this tribe membership and MY mom left the reservation a long time ago it is so sad that the government forced us to dwell on - in the middle of no where offering jobs at gambling casinos to serve and sell nicotine - it is a third world country right here in america land of the free for some  -  the government stated this will HELP improve our lives STAYING on the REZ -  fyi - no Sootie -  MY mind is NOT on Iowa or New Jersey - other states or politics or where newbies live - MY mind is trying to be resting in God's outcome for OUR nation America and to pray in lifting up America and all peopke to repent - for taking God out of EVERYTHING and I am asking God for forgiveness and to come back into America in Jesus name -  to bless us to be ONE nation under God -  again - by MY Faith in MY Lord Jesus name amen  I am in HOPE of a NEW America that wants God to be Sovereign in OUR American nation - once again - it would be so wonderful to hear of - NO shooting babes or children or people in Chicago or NO wars or rumors of wars - EVERYONE would be all YEAR long behaving like they do at Christmas time - more loving to all people  - fyi -  I live 45 minutes from Chicago in Patk City IL -' where people are driving way over the speed limit - pushing ME -  when I ma out driving - already driving 5 miles OVER the speed limit and I am being pushed to GO faster - I refuse and they ZOOM past with ME - I TRY to still keep praying for all people in Jesus name it is MORE and MORE a godless society - we do NOT watch t.v. TODAY - husband would like sports package but we don't have 250 a month to pay for it - crazy prices in our area  - I listen on the radio to godly programs on the a.m. station's or traffic reports or weather reports- trying to STAY living in peace state of mind while TRUSTING MY God for HIS will for America and I will enjoy MY NON SMOKER life style with YOUR HELP and everyone hete to keep it simple - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER OVER ME  - thanks for letting ME SHARE  


Born in Kansas and have lived in Oklahoma. Currently in Iowa.


Born and raised in New Brunswick Canada..... although I have lived in  Edmonton Alberta several years ago.....


Born and raised in Pretoria, South Africa.

Lived for 12 years in Tel Aviv, Cape Town and London.

Back in Pretoria since 1991.


You've lived in interesting places! 


I did right? 

Wonder why I'm now such a shrinking violet and a homebody?


One extreme to the other, maybe? Or you could be just TIRED LOL!

Acerca del autor
I quit smoking in 2009 after years and years of addiction. I just became sick and tired of the whole smoking thing. This site was a lifesaver with the support I as you can see, I hung around to help others. I became friends with many people....some are here now and some are gone. Welcome to anyone who is new....this is EX....we are all here for each other.