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Share your quitting journey

I wasn't going to ask..but as it approaches, I feel better knowing I did...

2 44 437

I have had a lot of heath struggles recently. I was recently diagnosed with grade C esophigitus  and because I can't take PPI meds, they are considering surgery. I find out what the plan is on August 6th.

 Then problem number 2:

Thyroid. I have had a hard time swallowing and sore throat /ear pain that that won't go away. I also have swollen lymph.  So they did a CT scan and found enlarged thyroid, which lead to thyroid ultrasound. That showed solid nodules. One on the left and one on the right and one smack in the middle. The one on the left is showing vascularity and calcification. That has me being sent for biopsy this Friday. From what I have been reading, its not so much a  big deal.

From what I have been reading ....IF it is thyroid cancer, it extremely treatable wth excellent prognosis.  

I have also read that thyroid nodules are VERY COMMON, so truly , I am not worried no matter what they find.

BUT....I am terrified of needles. Weird, cause I am very familiar with them. I was a surgical asst.. BUT on my end...I am not a good patient.. Probably due  to past negative experiences with them. Man I am SO GOOD at starting IV's myself and such, between it comes to me....sorry...but people just suck at it. Sorry. Truth here.

SOOOOOOO....I need so prayer please. Prayer that I can get through the stupid procedure without panic attack, which I have been having many of recently just thinking about Friday.


Oh honey, prayers will be coming and maybe you will get lucky and get someone as adept as you to start your IV.  I will be glad to know what is going on for sure.  You have the biopsy Friday and then find out how they are going to treat the esophagitis on, nothing like getting everything addressed at once.  I will be saying many prayers for you, Missy.  

Love and hugs,



Oh I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this.  I know exactly how you feel, I am the biggest baby when it comes to needles and I have too had my share.  I do a lot of deep breathing and keep telling myself this is going to be over soon! I can do it!!  I will send you many prayers and please keep in touch.  I know you will get through it....❤️


Philippians 4:6-7 New King James Version (NKJV)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Praying that you do not have fear (panic attack).


You are always in my prayers but will send up an extra one!  Please try to not even think about it - the more you dwell on something, the bigger it becomes in your mind.  Please keep us in the loop about what it going on.  We care - never forget that Missy!


Prayers are definitely going up for you sweet Missy I've had a biopsy on my thyroid four years ago no cancer I have several nodules that are growing on either side but the one in front is the biggest, they're doing a CT scan every three years, my brother in law is married to Mark's sister they lived in Jacksonville Florida for several years he had thyroid cancer and they didn't have to take the whole thyroid he's fine now huge hug coming your way . XO 


Missy - I am sending up prayers for complete healing and your comfort during these procedures.

Thanking God in advance for answering our prayers.



You've got my prayers! I HATE needles also!! Just a phobia I guess. My daughter had thyroid cancer a number of years ago...very treatable, completely recovered. Take care.


Oh, Missy - I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this. Jennifer-Quit gave you EXcellent advice.  Just as in quitting smoking, sitting around thinking about it is NOT what you should be doing.  Get busy!  Arrange your veggies and draw them in different settings, different lighting, different compositions,  look for new recipes to use them in, get your harvest up to date, decide what you will be giving for gifts for the next occasions in your life and start in on them.  Make some mittens for those twins! 

When you start to panic, think (or yell aloud) "NOOOOOOO!' and move on to something to get your mind on something else.

Hey - you quit smoking - you can do ANYTHING!

Thinking of you,



Be sure of my prayers, sweet friend. That’s a lot to deal with!!! You know, nurses, techs etc are always the worst patients!!! Xoxox 


LOTS AND LOTS OF PRAYERS for you Missy...try to put it out of your mind as much as possible and take this one day at a you so much, my friend.



Even if you LOVED needles, you would still be in my prayers   Friends pray for friends regardless of the circumstances.  May you get through this with a minimum of fuss, a lot of love, and a good prognosis!!  Namaste, Missy.


You'll be in my thoughts dear Missy, just think you'll get lucky and meet a very skilled person, you won't feel a thing!  Please just think of it this way, and you'll be fine.  You have all our support and prayers with you, and the love to go with them!


Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!! Hugs!!



Wow,  yet another challenge for our Missy.  Like you haven't had ENOUGH????!!!!  God, you listening??!!!  Sorry.  But sometimes I wonder if the bad guys have this kind of stuff happening too, or is it just the gorgeous spirits?  

When I go in for blood work these days (because I've been told that I have "difficult" veins - they apparently "roll" - a person gets two strikes and they're out.  Used to be three or more.  But I've learned that there are people competent at it (like YOU) and those who aren't.  And two sticks is enough for me, thank you.  Don't forget WE are the patients.  We have a right to say "sorry, let's get someone in here who knows how to do this, SHALL WE????!!!!  If they suck at it, YOU don't need to put up with it.  Really and truly, my friend.  My last surgery I underwent had people who were GREAT at it.  Colonoscopy, the same.  One stick and in. We do not have to be guinea pigs.  And we have every right to say "Your'e DONE!"  Perhaps they didn't practice enough going through nursing school and they need to stick themselves a few more times to figure it out!  I don't put up with that any more.  Don't you!

Prayers heading up.  You might try some self-distraction  technique when they're sticking you.  Like singing "I've been workin' on the rail road, all the live long day..." or some such.  I remember the anesthetist who did my leg block for the achilles operation asking me a question just as he was putting the needle in which made me think about the answer and took my mind totally off the needle moment.  Didn't feel a thing.  The guy was brilliant.  Think positive.  Piece of cake.  



I am thinking about you and sending prayers your way.  xoxoxo



I was terrified of having my breast biopsy last week but it turned out to be a big nothing burger lol. I didn't have to have an IV though. I have monthly infusions of IVIG so I've reached that point where I don't even think about them. Like quitting smoking, we build them up to be so much more in our minds.



Will be in my thoughts Friday especially because I'm have an EMG Friday.  A needle electrode in inserted into the leg muscle.   I'm not looking forward to that either.  Few people are good at IV's and there are a whole lot that even draw blood.  Sorry to hear about both issues.  



      Keep on keepin on,

M n @ Signature 002-1.JPG


Sorry to hear about your health problems.

You know I've been there with the esophagus problem.

I hope the surgery is what I had because it cured me.

I'm concerned because what happens after the surgery if they can't control the acid?

I'm reading completely opposite information saying we don't make too much acid, we make too little.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers


Praying fervently for you Missy! When I get IVs I close my eyes and breathe - it seems to help.


Praying for you Missy.  I hope all goes well.


Praying for you Missy.  Picture yourself being there relaxed.  Do that a few times.  I also agree with Thomas. Close your eyes and breathe.  It will be o.k.


I am praying for you.  I had the same biopsy last week.  I too am scared of needles.  I am praying that God sends a doctor who he has ordained especially for you.  You team will be awesome because they have been touch by Jesus.  God will do exceeding, abundantly more than you can ever ask or think!!!!  By His stripes you are healed.. He has the final say.  In Jesus name I pray your strength!!!


Thanks everyone. I have our grandson all day and night and again tomorrow, so only have a minute here.

I don't think I will have IV friday....just the biopsy needles. I fear all needles. I was just using the iv as an example. Anyway, prayers are appreciated. love you all and when I get more time I will be back on site. Prob friday when i get home....


I'll be thinking of you.


Hey, having your grandson all day and night and again tomorrow - sounds like a great distraction to me!  Keep him around!


Thank you Dale 


Oh he is for sure! I am to whipped to even care right now about tomorrow morning. I dropped him home awhile ago and I need a long nap! lol


mama always told me to turn my head. 

I pray for good results more than anything.  🙂


just don't tell them they have to go in through your foot.


I will surely keep that in mind, hahahahaha


I am going address ALL of that at Mondays appt. I only know PPI'S AND Proton pump...don't work for me...horrid side effects


Will be thinking of you, Missy, and saying prayers and sending love and hugs.



I was snooping for info to see if there were any alternatives for PPIs and came across this.  Just passing it on:  Melatonin for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. - PubMed - NCBI 


what time is the outing?


I'm also thinking of you and sending up good thoughts and prayers for you sweet Missy. XO 


JonesCarpeDiem‌ She left at 7:30, the appointment is at 9:30, she does not expect to know anything today, she was driving herself.  They do not sedate for these biopsies, I asked her because she is so afraid of needles.


         thinking of you and sending prayers. I know it's scary,  but usually nodules are just that, nodules. I have on my lung. Scares me too but thinking positive and sending positive vibes to you too.      


Thinkin' on ya, Missy.  


Sorry I missed this Missy...just read Ellen's update. Please take care - and feel the love and prayers from so many here! 


Actually I have taken that for years. Does not help my reflux, but does hep me sleep at night


I do feel the love and it is absolutely amazing how this group pulls together when one is down. I promise to be here whenever any of you need me too! xoxo


Mandolinrain‌, I hope you rested after the procedure, and are out and about, hoping to hear from you how it was.

Love and hugs, 



They did not end up doing biopsies. They are going to monitor them for now. More bloodwork Monday. I was very happy about that  Thanks so much for your prayers and concern. xoxo

About the Author
Smoking is not an option for me. I no longer have a wishbone to quit smoking...I developed a backbone and I quit. When you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will quit smoking too.