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Share your quitting journey

I was just wondering...

0 5 19

I responded to a post earlier, someone asking for suggestions to get through cravings. I'll paste my answer below, but I'm wondering what you guys do (or have done) to get through those tough moments.

Here's my list:

When I have a craving at home. I've been grabbing my iPod and dancing/jumping around to one song. Then I check to see how I'm feeling. If the craving is over, I put the iPod away. If it's still there, I do another song. Sounds silly, I know. But hey, whatever works, right? I've been playing Wii alot too. I bought Wii Fit yesterday, thought I would give that a try too. I use a stress ball at work, and mints and gum in the car. I've even made myself a fake cig out of a bic pen to hold while driving, just for use when things feel unbearable. I travel alot for work so driving is a MAJOR trigger for me. I take many deep breaths throughout the day, these seem to help alot. Besides, it's really cool to feel myself taking a deeper breath than I've been able to take in who knows how long! I spend alot of time on this website, reading posts, blogging, learning what worked for others, taking comfort from the fact that I'm not alone in this fight.


I like the ipod solution! I'm gonna have to try that one.


  It sounds like you have several good ideas  there. You  can do anything you want. I  don't know  that  there  is any one specific  thing  that works for everyone. Excercise seems to work well for a lot of people. The  car was a major trigger for me until I started drinking diet soda.  Drink  a diet soda in the car. The reason for diet is twofold. First, it  is better for you because it doesn't have all the  sugar. Second, it tastes like CRAP! But that is important. Think about it, so do cigarettes. The soda tasted so bad it was all I could focus on. My withdrawl went away almost immediately. Well, if those reasons don't work for you, there is always the  fact that drinking a soda will also keep your hand(s) busy.


diet soda huh? I'll give it a try. Thanks!


I love the ipod one - I think I'll use that even without a craving.

I once read a list of 100 things skinny people do.  One was tighten there butt cheeks while sitting at a red light.  One quit I decided to do that whenever I had a craving - holy smoly did my butt hurt on day 2!

Drink water, sing a song, play with marbles, breath deep...


Hmm, lets see,,,I hop up and start cleaning. I make lists of things I would like to get done and I use that time to do those little things. This is the time I would have wasted smoking. I made my treadmill part of my living-room decor and I hop on it as much as possible. I make sure I walk at least 10,000 steps daily ( get a cheap pedometer) I play my guitar and sing, I always try to lear at least one new song a week.I play with my two dogs outside . I clean up stuff around the yard, I mow the lawn. I call people up just to hear how their day is going.  and My favorite thing is to hop on this site and read other people's stories see how other people deal and cheer them on.

Terri, Congrats on making it to Day 3,,,You're doing awesome and your attitude is infectious! Love to read your blog posts!


Best Wishes!
