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Share your quitting journey

I was going to wait.

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Monday was going to be my  newquit day, because I would be working 10 hour shift, with 3 days off. I woke this morning and really sick of the smoking how feels. Cotton mouth,  couching and I did a few dances last night at the fire works, I was a little winded. Plus dancing is my favorite thing to do. i don't club anymore. but I can still shake it home.

I have been reading the heck out of other blogs and some of them, my own. I re-read Erma blog, NIKI. old ones. I read nursemama newest blog last night.  I read every thing thomas shares.  A big thanks Tigeladie for the good paw in the ass. She is right thir is no excuess. My life lines, Stacy and Cat thanks for still being my quit buddies, I have to catch up to you. I never will in days, buts thats okay.  .

I have lot be to thank for not giving up on me.. Shawn, Michweoman, Linda N, Newlife, Raven, Ret, Stac. Dale Jim, Annie , young at heart ,Nyima. Their are so many and I'm sorry If did not list all the names. But every single one you are important.

So My goal for today. Is to to look at tabacco and laugh at it.. So what if  he smokes or I see tabacco. , I did this before. 

Renee take 3, day 1 in progress

16 Comentarios

I believe in you Renee! There's nothing else I could tell you that you don't already know, but I am really proud of you for getting back on and being honest with yourself.

Rock day 1 Renee!


Go for it Renee!! I'm starting my 6th day quit and I take one minute at a time (a day at a time is long for me). Visit here often to let us know your progress.


That's it, keep educating yourself. Knowledge is Power!


you can do this renne you have done it before u can do it again just try and avoid all triggers as much as you can like i have been avoiding any alcohol as its one of mine and boy could i go a drink but not smoking is more important to me take care hun xx


"Just DO IT!"


lock and lol


I hear the third time is the charm.


Dear Renee just wanted to let you know im still here for you.  and you can do this .  the last 3 comments said it all.  do you have enough lifeline phone #?    and just remember I can learn from you too. i might be farther along in my quit  but i always can learn something new.  love you Renee. nope  erme   aka  kathy


once you have learned to take care of yourself you will be able to take care of someone else... that  is an old proverb...


 you give 'em ( cigs ) hell girl!!!!!! go renee! go Renee!! GO RENEE!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥


DO this thing, Renee.  I'm rooting for you.  SO hard!!!


Go, girl!  You know I've got your back!!  You can do it; I have no doubt about it.  (((HUGS)))

Day 6 is easiest one so far for me.  HOO-RAH!  Now if I could just get my sinuses to un-block . . .  🙂


Sweet girl, we there for you.


Thats right Renee, give smoking the ole 1-2!

You are so on it, the fact you got straight back on the horse instead of falling into the addiction pit of oblivion for another year speaks volumes. You can do it and you are armed with all the tools to do it. Did you read the my quit nicotine 101? That is my mantra. Let me know if you need me to dig it out. May the force be with you!!

awesome... awesome... and AWESOME!!!!!  I am in the corner sharpening my claws if ya need me;)   I LOVE to dance but am unable to right now because of my hip... so dance away for me please!!!!  I believe in you... I KNOW you can do this... 
